Island Era: I Can See The Information Of All Things

Chapter 98 Corrupted Iceberg, Black Crystal Heart!

"found it!"

Through the extended middle-level knowledge and domineering, Bai Cheng discovered that the human beings were fleeing towards the coast, and there were actually a few powerful presence guards beside them.

Of course, this toughness is for others. For Bai Cheng, it can be described in four words, that is...

Not worth mentioning!

Saibo, that is, the island owner who was corrupted by the energy of the abyss, was accompanied by five four-armed naga guards.

In the process of running away, subconsciously looked back, Yi Shi was so frightened that his soul trembled!

Above the castle, the gigantic silver dragon's body turned over the silver light and gradually rose up, revealing its entire figure, which was Bai Cheng standing on his back.

At this moment, Cyber ​​saw Bai Cheng facing the direction he was fleeing at the moment.

In the next second, the huge silver creature flapped its wings and flew towards itself at an extremely fast speed.

In just a few breaths, that handsome man appeared in front of him riding a silver flying behemoth.


Bai Cheng's tone was indifferent, and he let out a low drink.

In an instant, the icy dragon's breath fell from the sky, freezing all five 15 corrupted Naga.


Under Bai Cheng's astonished eyes, the corrupted human simply knelt down on the ground and kowtowed continuously.

"Heroes spare lives! Heroes spare lives!"

"Didn't it mean that these abyss walkers are determined to kill human beings, and they don't know what it feels like to be afraid? What's going on here?"

The corner of Bai Cheng's mouth twitched, feeling weird in his heart, and then his pupils shrank, releasing his domineering look, directly stunning the opponent.

"Yuena, let's take him back."

Charles the Purifier knows a little more about the various situations of the abyss walkers.

Bai Cheng intends to take this weird guy back and ask Charles what's going on? How could there be such a cowardly abyss walker.

"Huh? Are all the corrupted creatures coming towards me? Dare this person have a monster-gathering halo..."

"Alright, we've cleaned up everything together!"

Bai Cheng asked Yuena to elevate her slightly, and just stayed there, waiting for the corrupted creatures to come and surround her.

Kuru and the others on the other side are killing corrupted creatures with all their might.

Suddenly, like crazy, all the corrupted creatures in front of them turned around and ran in one direction.

Maybe it's time for someone to slash a sword, they also run wildly without looking back, as if something is calling them.

"How is this going?"

The members of Dragon Tooth Squad looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what happened at all.

"Charles, have you ever seen this happen before?"

Kuru turned around and asked next to the Transformer.

Charles also looked surprised, and after thinking for a while, his face was full of horror.

"Abyss Walkers! This is the Abyss Walkers calling them!"

"Then the young master probably found the corrupted island owner."

After listening to Charles' explanation, Kuru immediately thought of the reason.

"Not good! Hurry up! Let's go help Bai Island Master!"

Kuru's guess immediately made Charles run forward, shouting as he ran.

After running out for a few steps, there was no sound of anyone following behind.

Charles looked back, and everyone was smiling and looking at him.

"You...! Oh yes! Island Master Bai doesn't need help."

Suddenly remembering the silver monster called a dragon, Charles walked back in a disciplined manner.

"Let's not make trouble for the young master, just wait here for the young master to come back.

In Kuru's view, these corrupted creatures went to the young master, just like going to the cemetery.

It's completely an act of death, not to mention that they can't attack the giant silver dragon in the air.

Even if the young master is alone, these corrupted creatures cannot resist his peculiar spiritual coercion.

Kuru didn't know what the domineering look was, and he always thought it was a strange kind of spiritual coercion.

He who has personally experienced it, occasionally recalls that feeling, and feels an inexplicable throbbing in the depths of his soul.

In less than an hour, Bai Cheng appeared in front of everyone again.

As for where he was originally, there stood an iceberg, an iceberg formed by freezing corrupted creatures.

This is the strange scene formed by Yuena raising the height while breathing out the dragon's breath, and those corrupt creatures climbed up and tried to attack it.

"It's over? It's all resolved so quickly?"

Seeing Bai Cheng come back, Charles was shocked again.

They have worked so hard to kill here for so long, and finally they were trapped in this small village.

As a result, Island Master Bai came here for a while, and it took an hour to solve everything.

Not to mention that Charles was surprised, the Dragon Tooth team was also a little ashamed and couldn't lift their heads.

"Charles, can you say more about the abyss walker? Why do I feel that there is something wrong with this abyss walker?"

While speaking, Bai Cheng threw a black object to the ground.

It was Saibo, the corrupted island owner, the abyss walker that Charles said.

Seeing this, Charles jumped up violently, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Impossible! How could the abyss walker be captured alive?!"

"What do you mean? Charles, can't the abyss walkers catch any alive?"

When Bai Cheng heard what he said, he showed great interest.

If it is said that the abyss walker can't catch a job, then what's the matter with catching this by himself?

"Island Master Bai, hurry up and dig out his heart. I'll tell you the specific reason later!"

Charles suddenly remembered something important, and hurriedly shouted.

Although Bai Cheng didn't know why he wanted to do this by himself, he pulled out the Tang Miao knife immediately, cut open the heart gently, and took out the heart.

Miraculously, this heart has become like a black gem, with sharp edges and corners, not like it is formed of flesh and blood.

Moreover, the heart was taken out, and the abyss walker was still alive.

"Delia, treat him."

This made Bai Cheng even more curious, so he hurriedly asked Delia to give him a burst of life energy to prevent him from being seriously injured and dying.

"Well, Charles, now can you tell me exactly what's going on?"

Bai Cheng weighed the black crystal heart in his hand, the word "curiosity" was almost written on his face. .

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