Half an hour later, the two returned to the mining truck with the lemon tree on their shoulders.

"Whew~ I didn't think that it was quite tiring to carry this little lemon tree all the way!" Zhihao put down the lemon tree and said breathlessly.

"Haha! It's not for the sake of having lemonade to drink later! Weekend quipped with a smile.

Zhihao looked at the time, it was already 4:20 p.m.

So he said to the weekend: "It's not early, you can call the two brothers and sisters of the Yu family back!" Then get ready to return to the island! After

hearing this, he looked at the time, and then nodded: "It's really not early, I'll send a message to both of them." After

the weekend quick edit good news was sent to Yu Kun, he climbed into the cockpit of the mining truck and began to sort out the harvest of the mining truck.

The afternoon mining time is a little longer, almost 5 hours, the proportion of minerals is similar, the smelted minerals are collected into the backpack on the weekend, iron alone has 133 tons, and the most important sulfur mine has reached 1.5 tons!

Weekend poked his head out and said to Zhihao outside: "The harvest is not bad!"

Zhihao smiled, moved the lemon tree to the back compartment of the mining truck, and then climbed into the co-pilot and said: "Oops! I also came up and sat and rested! The

two sat in the car and rested, waiting for Yu Kun's two brothers and sisters to return.

After about 15 minutes, I saw Yu Kun and Yu Yingying trotting back here over the weekend.

"Wow! How is there a tree behind this mining truck! It seems to have turned out above! Yu Yingying said in surprise after seeing the lemon tree on the car.

Weekend poked his head out and smiled at her and explained: "It was a lemon tree we came across, and we decided to dig it back and plant it on our own island!"

"It's not early, you guys get in the car!" Let's go back quickly! Zhihao opened the door of the back seat and said to the two.

After the two got into the car, they drove the mining truck slowly towards the beach on the weekend.

The weekend has already stepped on the accelerator to the end, looking at the mining truck with a speed of more than 30 yards, I can't help but complain: "This mining truck is good, but the speed is too slow!" The highest is only 35 yards!

"You are content, such a heavy car, if you drive fast, the brakes can't be braked!" Zhihao said with a smile.

"And most of the survivors are still primitive and have not yet used power equipment!"

"Haha! That's what I said! Weekend replied with a smile.

It took fifteen minutes for the mining truck to drive slowly to the beach.

After the four got out of the car, they put away the mining truck over the weekend, put the helicopter on the beach, and then hung the lemon tree under the helicopter with a rope.

The four of them then climbed into the helicopter, and Zhihao skillfully piloted the helicopter into the air and flew to the Qinglongbang Island.

"Today's harvest is quite good, not long after coming to this resource island in the morning, I found an iron ore vein, and then I picked up a purple material box to drive a medical agent synthesizer, and in the afternoon I got a lemon tree!" Over the weekend, he sorted out the day's gains on the co-pilot, and then said with a smile.

"Come and dig up the remaining ore tomorrow, you can continue to explore other veins, and strive to find saltpeter ore as soon as possible!" Zhihao added.

"By the way, did you two gain anything this afternoon?" Weekend turned his head and asked Yu Kun and Yu Yingying in the rear.

"We found a blue supply box with a B-class automatic loom, but it didn't feel like it would be used in the short term!" Yu Kun heard Weekend ask him and replied.

"It's okay! When you get mulberry trees and silkworms later, you can take silk weaving cloth to make clothes! Weekend replied with a smile.

"By the way, I also picked up three eggs in a grass nest under a tree! I don't know if the pheasants are down there! Yu Yingying suddenly said.

After Yu Yingying finished speaking, he took out three eggs from his backpack, which looked about the same size as eggs.

Seeing the three eggs taken out by Yu Yingying over the weekend, he said excitedly: "Ouch~ This is good, in case we can hatch it, there will be eggs and chicken to eat in the future!"

"What? There is only because ~ the egg is eaten! Zhihao said in surprise.

Then Zhihao sang excitedly in the cockpit: "Just because you are too beautiful~ Oh, Beibei~

" Weekend quickly covered his ears: "Even buy Ka!" I'm a true love fan, don't sing Qiu Qiu! "


In the midst of laughter, half an hour passed quickly, and the helicopter arrived at its destination, over the Blue Dragon Gang Alliance Island!

Zejun and Yijie have returned to the island on a yacht and are helping Chen Yi cultivate new fields to grow other crops.

The three suddenly heard the roar of the helicopter engine, looked up at the sky, and just saw a strange scene - a tree hanging under the helicopter was slowly landing.

Zejun couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow! How can they bring a tree back when they go out!

After the helicopter landed, he was the first to jump to the ground and shouted at Zejun and Yijie: "You two come and help, and transplant this tree to the orchard behind the villa!"

Zejun and Yijie heard the call and trotted over.

Yijie couldn't help but ask curiously: "What kind of tree did you get, it's worth the effort to transport it back by helicopter!" "

Naw! There is no fruit hanging from the tree, this is a lemon tree! Zhihao replied.

"Okay, then let's move the tree first!" Zejun said.

After that, Yijie and Zejun carried the lemon tree and walked to the back of the villa.

"Anyway, I don't have anything to do, and I went over to help dig the pit!" Yu Kun picked up a shovel and ran over.

On weekends, he left the helicopter in the open space to charge with the help of solar energy, and took Yu Yingying to Chen Yi.

"Yu Yingying, you can work with Chen Yi for the time being, just help plant crops and things in the kitchen!" Weekend said to the afterwarbler.

"Okay!" Yu Yingying nodded and agreed.

Weekend then said to Chen Yi: "Chen Yi, this little girl will be handed over to you, you can usually beat it."

After Chen Yi heard that there was a helper, he said excitedly: "Wow! It just so happens that there are more crops to be planted recently, and one person is still a little busy!

"Okay, you take her with you first!" Weekend said to Yu Yingying.

After the weekend was arranged, he turned to Zhihao and said, "Let's go, let's go over and see the three of them planting trees!" See if you don't need any help! The

two came to the orchard behind the villa and saw that the three had dug a pit and were preparing to transplant the lemon tree.

"Yo! You guys are moving so fast that you've started porting! Zhihao was surprised when he saw this.

"Which of you two comes over to help the tree, we're going to start filling the soil!" Zejun saw the two coming over and hurriedly greeted.

Zhihao stepped forward to help support the tree trunk, and the three of them began to fill the pit with shovels.

I don't need to help myself on the weekend, so I went back to the villa and brought a bucket of water, ready to water it directly when the soil was filled.

The three filled the pit in less than five minutes, and immediately poured water on the root-covered soil over the weekend.

After transplanting the lemon tree, the five were about to walk back.

Seeing Chen Yi suddenly running over, he shouted to the weekend: "Uncle Yun saw the aborigines in the sea near him!" "

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