After a few days, not only has the popularity of the live broadcast room increased, but Zhang Li also seems to be more relaxed than at the beginning." "Should I just give her a Huazi? Forget it, let's keep a low profile for now." It doesn't matter, that's Wu Liang himself. He is the fan who remembers Zhang Li most after the live broadcast, and she has heard this before. Seeing that he entered, it is normal for Zhang Li to say hello. Looking at Zhang Li who continued to sing, Wu Liang was also relieved to see that she was no longer nervous as before, but looked very relaxed. After thinking for a while, Wu Liang clicked on the wallet recharge interface and recharged 1,000 yuan of Huaxia currency. I don't plan to be high-profile tonight, so I'll just recharge a little. "10,000 gold coins recharged successfully."

The recharge ratio is 1:10, 1 Huaxia coin can be exchanged for 10 gold coins, and 1,000 Huaxia coins are 10,000 gold coins.

After the recharge was successful, Wu Liang casually gave a group of roses.

"Thank you, Brother Wusuwei, for the 999 roses."

Just as Wu Liang thought.

Zhang Li was very happy to see "Wusuiwei" enter the live broadcast room, and she greeted him naturally, and then continued to sing.

It's not that she didn't want to chat with Wusuwei more like last time.

But the live broadcast room now is different from before. It's not like when there were only the two of them. There are still many people watching, and she must take everyone's feelings into consideration.

Zhang Li was a little surprised when she saw the 999 roses sent by Wusuwei.

999 roses are worth 999 gold coins, which is worth 99.9 Huaxia coins. It's not a big gift.

But her greetings were not mixed with interest factors.

Because in her heart, Wusuowei is a special fan who has nothing to do with money.

In her opinion, Wusuowei should be an ordinary user, not a rich person.

Otherwise, when she first broadcast live, she chatted with her for so long and stayed with her until the end, but only rewarded her 10 gold coins.

The level is only level 2, which is also linked to financial resources.

Because the more you consume, the more gold coins you spend, and the higher the level will be.

"Everyone can come to the live broadcast room to watch me sing, which is the greatest support for me. Thank you everyone, your support is more important than gifts."

After expressing gratitude to Wusuowei, Zhang Li thought a little too much.

If it is a real rich brother, let alone 999 roses, even if it comes to a few Huazi and a few rockets, it is really Wusuowei.

But for an ordinary user, who earns only a few thousand yuan a month in reality, that is another matter.

Zhang Li broadcasts live to make money, there is nothing wrong with it, and there is no need to pretend to be noble.

But she didn't want her fans to give her all the money they earned to support her, and then the fans would have to eat instant noodles or even go hungry.

So after she thanked Wusui, she said that watching support is more important than gifts, and advised everyone to do what they can and not to give excessive gifts.

This is for Wusui and other fans.

"Lili is so kind, I must support her."

"Well said, although I am just an ordinary worker and don't have much money, I can still afford a few beers, so I will support her too."

"No matter whether the anchor's words are sincere or not, it makes me feel comfortable to listen to them. It is much better than those anchors who sell misery every day, act out scripts, pretend to be kind, rely on slandering others, and shamelessly shout positive energy in order to get rewards, and say that they are very righteous. I will also support them..."

I am from 2060: reward 10 beers.

Black fans who screw screws: reward 99 little hearts.

It is not possible to mend the fence after the sheep have been lost: Give 2 "Come on" ducks


With Zhang Li's sincere words, she not only received a series of support from netizens, but also received a lot of attention and a series of gifts.

Although they were all small gifts, they accumulated to be quite a lot.

Zhang Li knew whether to cry or laugh when she saw it.

This was not the result she wanted, but it was not a bad result. She received so many attention and gifts at once, which was the most she had received in a few days of live broadcast.

"Hehe, what is meant by planting flowers with care but they do not bloom, and planting willows without care but they grow into shades? Zhang Li, this is what you have done."

"Then I will give one too."

Wu Liang naturally understood Zhang

Li's words are implicit.

She thinks that she doesn't care, she is not a rich person, so don't give her gifts, just come to the live broadcast room to watch and support her.

Unexpectedly, many people were touched by her words and started to give her gifts.

Because these days, there are too many anchors who eat, take, and drink from Big Brother, and then scold Big Brother.

There are too many anchors who ask for gifts in various ways, but there are few who can directly say not to give gifts.

And there are many anchors who say they don't want gifts, but in fact they want everyone to give more gifts.

No matter whether you eat instant noodles after giving gifts like crazy.

If you really don't want it, you can turn off the gift function, just like Dafei.

But although Zhang Li said it sincerely, it was also targeted, not referring to everyone, because she still has to make money, so she didn't turn off the gift function.

"Wusui sent a private plane!"

It was no longer a set of flowers. This time, Wu Liang chose a private plane worth 3,000 gold coins.

The private plane was sent out, and a plane flew over on the screen, which looked pretty good.

"Thank you, everyone, thank you."

"Thank you so much, I will sing another song for you, sing "Thanks" for you."

"Thank you, brother Wusui, for sending a private plane..."

Some things, I can't stop.

Judging from everyone's reaction now, Zhang Li feels that the more she says, the more people may brush.

In this case, I'd better not say anything, let everyone do whatever they want.

But what she didn't expect was a private plane from "Wusui".

Did she think wrong before? He is actually an invisible real brother, and this is his trumpet?

No more words, only a song "Thanks" for everyone, is her best expression at this time:

Behind the shining lights, in front of this gorgeous stage

It's been a long, long journey, with you by my side and waiting for me.


Thank you to all my friends who love me deeply, oh thank you for silently staying with me...

Zhang Li sang very emotionally and sincerely.

Because she really appreciates everyone who supports her today, whether they give gifts or not, as long as they are in her live broadcast room, it is a kind of support.

"I came to the right place tonight, whether it is popularity or attention, it has increased a lot in this short time."

"Give you another big gift, and I can quit the live broadcast room."

Wu Liang came to see Zhang Li, intending to give her some support.

Unexpectedly, the current situation appeared.

Is this considered good deeds are rewarded?

If Zhang Li hadn't misunderstood that she was an ordinary user, not a rich man, and hadn't said such a sincere consolation, it would definitely not have had this effect.

Wu Liang clicked on the gift, and a Lamborghini worth 5,200 gold coins was directly given...

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