The live broadcast base meeting room.

Shortly after Wu Liang arrived here, shareholders and executives of Yunshang Culture Media also came here one after another.

After knowing that the company had changed its chairman last night, everyone was on standby at any time, so as soon as they received Zhou Ying's notice, everyone rushed here as soon as possible.

When these people saw Wu Liang, everyone had different thoughts in their hearts, but they were all shocked.

People who knew Wu Liang were shocked to see him because they didn't expect it was really him. At the same time, they wondered whether they had offended him before and whether they would be settled later.

People who didn't know Wu Liang were shocked by his age when they saw him.

Although they had imagined many possibilities, they really didn't expect that the new chairman who acquired 51% of the company's shares was just a young man in his early twenties.

But no matter how shocked these people were and what they thought in their hearts, no one spoke again except for respectfully saying "Hello, Mr. Wu" to Wu Liang when they entered the meeting room.

Silence is often better than speaking.

Too much talk leads to mistakes!

"Mr. Wu, everyone is here."

No one spoke, and Wu Liang didn't speak either.

Although it was his first time to be the chairman, just like a young lady getting married.

But he had never eaten a pig's head, but he had seen a pig run. He still understood some workplace rules and knew some basic operations as a leader.

So he nodded until Zhou Ying reminded him softly.

"Since everyone is here, let's get started. Although some people here know me, I still want to formally introduce myself. My name is Wu Liang, and I am the new chairman of Yunshang Culture Media..."

Wu Liang opened simply and straightforwardly.

As he spoke, everyone looked at him.

"I think you have received the notice from the Human Resources Department. Wang Qiang, Wang He and Liu Tian were fired by the company. I asked Secretary Zhou to do this."

"Everyone must be very surprised about this matter. After all, one of them is a senior executive of the company, one is one of the company's biggest anchors, and the other is a potential newcomer. Why were they fired?"

"Then I will tell you now, because they did something wrong..."

Today's meeting itself is temporary.

Wu Liang didn't have any preparations and didn't plan to say too much. After a simple introduction and courtesy, he mentioned the matter of Wang Qiang and the other two.

Everyone was indeed curious about this matter, so when he mentioned it, everyone listened seriously.

When he finished explaining the whole story, many people's faces changed.

Because these people have done similar things on weekdays.

But fortunately, it was Wang Qiang and the other two who were unlucky today, not me, otherwise they would have to be replaced by them.

"This is how the whole thing happened. If I were not the new chairman, I would definitely be the one fired today. There is no doubt about this."

"Now I want to say that no matter who you are, you should know how to respect others and treat them fairly, no matter who they are."

"I don't care what you did before, but now I am the chairman of the company. I was able to fire Wang Qiang and others today, which has reminded everyone. If someone makes a similar mistake in the future, I will definitely not be polite to him. I hope everyone can remember this."

At this time, Wu Liang felt that he really had to thank Wang Qiang and the other two.

If they hadn't given him the opportunity to kill a chicken to scare the monkey, he really couldn't calm these people in front of him directly.

At this time, hearing Wu Liang's words and seeing his style of doing things, everyone was nervous and nodded one after another, indicating that they remembered it.

Seeing everyone nod, Wu Liang was very satisfied. Then he said something about the company's situation, and today's meeting ended.

At the same time, Han Yun, the director of the HR department, personally notified all the people in Yunshang Culture Media about Wu Liang's appointment as the new chairman of the company.

When the notice was released, the entire Yunshang Culture Media was in an uproar.

The company changed its new chairman, which was nothing, but the problem was that the new chairman turned out to be his former colleague, a not surprising operator: Wu Liang!

But everyone just discussed it privately, and no one dared to say anything in public.

"Mr. Wu, do you need me to arrange for someone to send your motorcycle for repair?"

After the meeting, Wu Liang was the first to leave.

He is the chairman, and if he doesn't leave, who dares to leave?


Zhou Ying also left with him. She was not replaced and was still the secretary of the chairman. Naturally, she had to follow Wu Liang.

After leaving the meeting room, Wu Liang came to the parking lot. Now his identity has changed. He is no longer the company's operator. He doesn't need to do the communication and understanding of new products.

"No, I can fix it myself."

Wu Liang now has only one car, which is the Honda Gold Wing.

The Honda Gold Wing is just dented and peeling on the side. The problem is not big. It shouldn't take long to repair it, but if others send it for repair, it will affect travel, so he decided to repair it himself.

"Okay, Mr. Wu."

"Then is there anything else you need me to do?"

Sharing the worries of things that should be shared is called knowing how to do things. Doing things that are clearly unnecessary is just being nosy.

Zhou Ying understood this, so she didn't continue to discuss the car repair.

"I don't have anything else for you to do. Just go about your own business and don't follow me."

"Okay, then I'll go back to the company to handle things. If Mr. Wu needs anything, you can contact me at any time."

"I'll be on call 24 hours a day."

Hearing Wu Liang's response, Zhou Ying said goodbye and drove away.

Looking at Zhou Ying waving at him as she drove past him, and looking at the smile on her face, Wu Liang chuckled and shook his head:

"What does she mean? She can contact me for anything and she's on call 24 hours a day? Does she want to... Ha, I'm a serious person!"

Wu Liang didn't know what the service level was between the former chairman and Zhou Ying.

Anyway, he didn't have any feelings for Zhou Ying.

Looking down at the body of his Honda Gold Wing that was hit, Wu Liang was about to drive directly to the 4S shop for repairs.

But the phone in his pocket vibrated.

He took out his phone and opened it. It was a short message:

[Express delivery] Your express delivery was signed for (Yun Shang Culture Media Front Desk). Please remember to pick it up. If you have any questions, please call the courier...

"If my guess is correct, it should be the share transfer contract that has arrived."

"The meeting is over. There is no rush to take it. Just leave it at the front desk."

Putting away his phone, Wu Liang decided to go get his car repaired first.

Although he only read the car purchase contract once yesterday, he still remembered the after-sales address.

After driving the car to the 4S store of Honda Motorcycle, he could only wait in line because someone was repairing the car in the store.

"Buzz buzz buzz."

While waiting for the car to be repaired, Wu Liang's phone vibrated again.

Unfamiliar number?

He felt that he had to get used to this kind of call.

The call was connected, and a woman's voice rang out:

"Hello, this is the Binjiang Zuo'an Sales Department. Are you Mr. Wu Liang..."

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