The two of them were very close, but the two of them were very close.

"You took the initiative to contact Qianqian for a blind date, it must not be for fun, but for the purpose of marriage, am I right?"

Wu Liang did not show any discomfort because of his words.

Instead, he asked directly what it meant to be "excellent".

Pu Chang felt very satisfied, but he was talking about the topic a little too fast.

How did he get to the topic of marriage all of a sudden?

"That's right."

"A relationship that is not for the purpose of marriage is just hooliganism."

It doesn't matter if it's fast.

Anyway, he will not fall in love with her, let alone marry her, and he is not a hooligan.

So Wu Liang nodded and agreed.

"I feel much more relieved after hearing your words."

"If you can't even answer such a simple question, I will take Qianqian away immediately."

"Then just tell me the requirements for marriage now. As long as you can do it, it proves that you are good enough. I won't ask about the requirements. You are not marrying me. Qianqian, you tell me!"

Achang looked at Zhao Qianqian and nodded.

Zhao Qianqian also nodded in response and looked at Wu Liang.

But before Zhao Qianqian could speak, Wu Liang spoke first.

"Requirements for marriage? That's the gift."

"How much money do you plan to ask for?"

After talking about it, the question is still about money.

Then Wu Liang will listen to how much she can say.

"You are really direct, so I will tell you."

"According to the current marriage requirements of my family, one marriage is 188,000!"

A gift of 188,000.

This amount is not small.

Ordinary families really can't afford it.

But for Wu Liang now, it is not as expensive as a set of Armani custom clothes, so it is nothing.

But if it is given to Zhao Qianqian? Every cent is too much.

Because he doesn't like her!

"188,000, not much, keep going!"

For people you don't like, every cent is too much.

For people you like, it doesn't matter how much.

So Wu Liang's answer at this time is not directed at Zhao Qianqian.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"I said, the first marriage is 188,000, and I want 288,000, because I'm a second marriage."

"What? You are a second marriage? You have been divorced?"

I'm a big grass.

Although Wu Liang is now a bit bored and wants to hear what the "excellent" conditions are in the mouths of Zhao Qianqian and Park Chang, he doesn't really want to have a further development with the other party.

But when he heard Zhao Qianqian say that she was a second marriage, he still couldn't keep calm.

"What's wrong with a second marriage? Didn't my uncle tell you about it in advance?"

"I really didn't tell you about this."

"Then I'll tell you now. If you have any objections to my divorce, I'll leave now."

"No objection, no objection. Do you have children?"

In the face of true love, age is not a problem, and height is not a distance.

Whether you are married or not, whether you have children or not, it's the same.

The premise is true love!

So in Wu Liang's eyes, whether a woman is married or not, it doesn't matter at all, as long as he likes her.

If it's a woman he doesn't like, it's the same.

What does being married or not have to do with me?

"No children. If I have children, it will be more than 288,000."

Zhao Qianqian answered very straightforwardly.

Wu Liang wanted to laugh when he heard it.

Just now, whether a woman is married or not, whether she has children or not, there is no essential difference in Wu Liang's eyes.

But it was the first time he heard that a second-married woman would get more betrothal gifts, and if she had children, the betrothal gifts would be even more.

"You are a wise person, much wiser than those blind dates Qianqian had met before."

"Let me tell you, second-married women are real women, they have more experience and are better at taking care of people, especially when..."

"Ahem, Achang, don't you feel thirsty after eating so much just now? Don't you want to drink some water now?"

"Thirsty, so thirsty, I'll drink some water, you guys chat."

This is not the first time Zhao Qianqian has been on a blind date, and this is not the first time Pu Chang has accompanied her.

Every time, let alone mentioning the conditions for marriage, people don't want to talk about it when they hear that she is a second-married woman.

Now that he meets Wu Liang, who doesn't care, he can't help but speak.

But Zhao Qianqian, who was standing by, heard that he was talking more and more irrelevantly, and felt that some things that shouldn't be said were about to be said, so she quickly reminded him.

"Second-marriage doesn't mind, betrothal gifts

I don't think it's much, so I'll continue. "

"I don't know if you know about some things besides the betrothal gift, such as gold and objects."

"I know, it's usually three golds, and there are also five golds."

Although Wu Liang has never been married.

But he still knows something about this.

"It's good to know. My family gives five golds. I'm a second marriage, so it's ten golds. What exactly is it? I'll talk about it in detail when I'm ready to get married. Anyway, it's some bracelets, necklaces and so on."

"But in addition to the ten golds, you have to buy another gold belt, no, it should be two, because I'm a second marriage. "

When Zhao Qianqian was talking, Wu Liang did not speak, he just listened quietly.

When she said three golds, five golds, and ten golds, he did not feel anything.

Anyway, he had understood one thing, that is, Zhao Qianqian was getting married for the second time, and everything had to be doubled.

But when he heard about the gold belt, Wu Liang had some ideas in his mind.

What do you want the gold belt for?

Is it getting married, or is it preparing to fight boxing!

"By the way, in addition to the gold belt, you have to buy two gold bricks."

"When you get married, put one in each person's pillow."

"There are also two golden scissors, one for each person, and we will have some customs at that time, which will be useful."

"Aren't these doubled?"

When talking about what to do before, Zhao Qianqian would mention the second marriage, and then the things would be doubled.

Now that she didn't say it, Wu Liang was still a little uncomfortable.

"No, it's the same for the first and second marriages."

"Oh, there are a lot of things, it sounds a bit confusing to me, let me ask, how much do these things cost in total? ”

“Eight or nine hundred thousand is about right. It’s not a lot, right?”

“Not much, not much… Is there anything else?”

Eight or nine hundred thousand is not a lot. Zhao Qianqian’s family is quite rich.

But looking at her clothes, it doesn’t seem like it.

Never mind whether she is rich or not. Wu Liang wants to know if Zhao Qianqian has any other requirements.

Now, with the preliminary calculation, plus the 288,000 yuan gift, it has exceeded one million.

“These are all external conditions, and there are also material conditions.”

“First of all, we have to have a house. We are all in Lincheng. We can buy it here. It doesn’t have to be too big. One hundred and fifty or sixty square meters, about two million will do.”

“This house must have my name on it.”

“Then you have to give me a car. For safety reasons and for future convenience, it is best to have a business-type car that is spacious enough and convenient for everything. Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi are all fine. I have learned about the price. Two million should be about right. "

The betrothal gift has been discussed, and the gold has been requested.

Now the material aspects of the car and house have also been discussed.

If you calculate again, it is already around five million.

Wu Liang thought, this should be the end, right?

In the end...

He was naive again, it was not over yet...

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