The payment was successful. Congratulations on buying ten Xiyuan Temple Gualv lychees. The goods will be delivered within twelve hours. Please wait!"

Recently, the goods that Wu Liang bought were purchased in the last second and appeared directly in the next second.

There has been no need to wait for a few days.

I thought that the Gualv lychees of Xiyuan Temple were also the same. I thought I could taste the feeling of hundreds of thousands before going to bed, but I had to wait by myself.

"This is really unsatisfactory!"

"Well, since the lychees didn't come, I'll go to sleep."

What can Wu Liang do if the Gualv lychees don't appear?

Even if he smashed his phone, he still had to wait.

Besides, he couldn't smash his phone at all.

Are you kidding? There is no software market for you to download "I Can Buy the Whole World". He doesn't even know how it appeared. It disappeared when the phone was smashed.

How can Wu Liang play in the future!


Early the next morning, Wu Liang woke up.

He went downstairs to the restaurant. As before, Lin Qiao had prepared breakfast.

While Wu Liang was having breakfast, the doorbell of the villa rang.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Hello, I am the security guard of Binjiang Zuo'an. There is a courier for Mr. Wu. Please open the door and receive it."

The doorbell rang and Lin Qiao answered.

"My courier? Could it be... Sister Lin, go and get it."

"Okay, sir!"

Although Binjiang Zuo'an has a courier point.

But the courier of Binjiang Zuo'an is not like other communities, where people pick up the courier points by themselves.

Instead, the security guards of Binjiang Zuo'an will collect the courier three times a day in the morning, noon and evening, and then deliver it to each household owner's home.

When Wu Liang heard that his parcel had arrived, the first thing he thought of was the Gualv lychees he had just bought last night.

Because apart from this thing, he hadn't bought anything else recently.

"Sir, your parcel."

"It should be right, it must be this."

Soon, Lin Qiao helped Wu Liang get the parcel back.

It was a foam box with the words "fresh food" written on it.

Seeing this package, Wu Liang was more convinced of his idea, and a smile appeared on his face subconsciously, with a feeling of anticipation and excitement.

Seeing him like this, Lin Qiao was also a little curious.

Most of the residents of Binjiang Zuo'an were powerful and influential, and the items they bought were naturally expensive.

Now Wu Liang's reaction, she thought, the parcel must be very special and expensive.


"Is this... lychee?"

Wu Liang took the package and opened it.

Lin Qiao was stunned when she saw that there were only ten lychees that looked very fresh and each one was carefully packaged.

Because this is not the same thing as the luxury goods and expensive goods she thought.

It's just ten lychees, why should Wu Liang be so excited?

"Yes, it's lychees."

"But don't underestimate these ten lychees, these are lychees from the Xiyuan Temple Gualv mother tree."

"Oh, is it expensive?"

On the surface, there is nothing special about Gualv lychees.

The size is no different from ordinary lychees, and all ten are very symmetrical, with a green mark in the middle of the red and purple appearance.

Although she learned its name from Wu Liang, Lin Qiao's reaction was just "Oh", and she asked about the price by the way.

Whether Gualv or not, they are all lychees in Lin Qiao's eyes.

But Wu Liang's reaction was obviously a bit abnormal, so the price must be high, more expensive than ordinary lychees.

"Expensive, very expensive."

"This one was once sold for 550,000, setting the Guinness World Record for the most expensive fruit."

"Ah... 550,000 per lychee? That's 5.5 million?"

Lin Qiao thought that the price of these ten Gualv lychees was higher than that of ordinary lychees.

But when she heard that one lychee cost 550,000, she was still shocked.

Previously, she thought that Wu Liang was inhumane for asking her to drive a Volkswagen Phaeton to buy vegetables and carry vegetables in an LV woven bag.

But compared with the 550,000 Gualv lychee that can be eaten in one bite, it is simply a drizzle.

Even the Earl of England, whom she used to serve, can only be said to be a poor man compared to Wu Liang in terms of spending money.

After all, this lychee is not like an antique work of art, which has collection value and can be sold to make money later.

No matter how expensive or delicious it is, after eating it, it will eventually turn into a pile of shit!

There is no collection at all

Possibility of appreciation.

"Boss, take your time eating, I'll go do something else."

"Okay, go ahead."

There are some things that Lin Qiao can only think about in her heart, and she won't say them without thinking.

Wu Liang is rich and willful, and she can't control him.

How can a nanny like me understand the world of rich people.

If she wants to go, Wu Liang won't stop her.

Let her eat lychees together?

Don't joke.

This is a Gualv lychee worth 550,000 yuan. Even if he doesn't treat Lin Qiao as an outsider, he is very generous.

But her relationship with him is not to the point where he can share everything.

He will definitely not enjoy Gualv lychees with Lin Qiao.

"Hmm... it tastes really good."

After Lin Qiao left, Wu Liang didn't go to eat breakfast.

Picked up a Gualv, peeled off the skin, and put it in his mouth.

The lychee has a strong fruity aroma, and the flesh is delicate and crisp, with a sweet taste that lingers on the teeth and cheeks.

"Delicious, another one."

After spitting out the small pit of the green lychee, Wu Liang picked up another one.

He stopped after eating five green lychees in a row.

It's just ten lychees. Is it difficult for a grown man to eat all of them?

He didn't eat them, but left the remaining five on purpose.

One lychee costs 550,000 yuan, and Wu Liang ate five, which is 2.75 million yuan.

Isn't 2.75 million enough for one morning?

"Should I keep these five for myself or give them to others?"

Although Wu Liang kept five green lychees, he didn't actually think about how to arrange them.

In the end, he took out one, wrapped it, put it in his bag, and put the other four in the refrigerator.

Why carry one with you? You can give it to anyone you want at any time.

One? Isn't it stingy?

550,000 yuan?

Do you think he is stingy?

"Sister Lin, I'm going to work."

"Okay, sir, be careful on the road."

After leaving home, Wu Liang went directly to the company.

As soon as he parked the car, he saw Han Yun.

"Wu Liang, good morning."

"Good morning, Sister Han."

"Sister Han, I'll give you something good."

"Good thing? What?"

"My lychee."

As he spoke, Wu Liang took out the lychee from his bag and handed it to Han Yun.

Wu Liang didn't think about who to give it to at first, but he had thought of it on the way.

On Yunshang Culture Media, the only one who could let him share the Gualv lychee was Han Yun.

"What kind of lychee is this? It's so sweet."

"Do you have any more? Give me some more."

Who hasn't eaten lychees?

It's a good thing.

When Han Yun took the lychee, she didn't have much expectation.

But after eating it, she was amazed. Compared with the lychees she had eaten before, the taste was too good.

"Just one, no more."

"Uh... one? You're so generous. Then tell me what kind of lychee this is and where you bought it. I'll buy it myself after get off work."

"Xiyuanji Gualui!"

Isn't it generous of me to give you such a good lychee...

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