The two walnuts were not eaten, but the walnuts were played with.


I thought what kind of treasures Uncle Zhao would bring out.

In the end, it was two walnuts.

Wu Liang was slightly stunned.

But compared with the past, Wu Liang now has some new understanding of walnuts.

Walnuts are not only edible, but also playable.

Uncle Zhao's two walnuts are obviously not for eating, but for playing.

But in general, Wu Liang is still a little disappointed.

Because for some people, such as those who like to play with walnuts and collectibles, this kind of play walnut may be valuable.

But Wu Liang is not interested, so... I really don't feel it.

"Is this a Panshan Gongzi hat?"

"Let me see it, let me see it."

Wu Liang was not interested, but Wu Sanshi reacted strongly when he saw it.

Panshan Gongzi hat?

Isn't it just a walnut? A Gongzi hat?

When did Wu Sanshi know so much about walnuts?

Wu Liang had never seen Wu Sanshi study walnuts before.

"Don't grab it, I'll show you, I'll show you."

"But you have to be careful, don't drop it."

"I got it from someone else with great difficulty."

Looking at Wu Sanshi, who was excited and stretched his hands towards him while talking, and was very anxious, Uncle Zhao looked very proud.

When he handed the two Panshan Gongzi hats in his hand to Wu Sanshi, he was also very careful.

He looked as if he was afraid of dropping them.

Those who knew him thought he was handing a walnut.

Those who didn't know him thought he was handing a child.

"The pattern is beautiful, the density is also very high, the weight is suitable, the color is also good, the patina is even, and it is quite old... Where did you find this? How much did you buy it for?"

"Does he have any more? Introduce some to me, I will also go to find a pair!"

Looking at the Panshan Gongzi Hat Walnuts handed to him by Uncle Zhao.

Wu Sanshi looked at it carefully and praised it repeatedly.

In his eyes, there was undisguised love and envy.

"You are doing this again."

"You are reluctant to buy clothes when I ask you to."

"You spent a lot of money on this broken walnut. I tell you, no matter how much money it costs, no matter how good it is, you are not allowed to buy it."

Wu Sanshi asked, Uncle Zhao hadn't spoken yet.

Jiang Qin, who was cleaning the table, heard Wu Sanshi's words and spoke first.

But from her appearance, it was obvious that she didn't like Wu Sanshi doing these things.

At the same time, from her words, Wu Liang also heard that his father Wu Sanshi was now obsessed with playing with walnuts.

"What do you know?"

"This is called investment. This thing can appreciate in value. It's a collectible."

"Old Zhao, tell me if that person still has such a good Gongzi hat. I'll go talk to him."

It goes without saying that his parents are very frugal.

When Wu Sanshi learned that Wu Liang bought Maozi and Huazi and was going to the town to exchange them, it was very clear.

But no matter how frugal a person is, when he encounters something he really likes, he is willing to spend money.

It seems that Wu Sanshi has invested a lot in the walnut matter.

Otherwise, Jiang Qin would definitely not say anything about him.

But now hearing Jiang Qin's words, Wu Sanshi didn't care and continued to ask about the Panshan Gongzi hat walnut.

"My pair of Panshan Gongzi hats are more than 50 years old, older than my age."

"But the ones I have in that man's hands are just ordinary goods. It's not that I don't want to buy better ones, but they are too expensive. This one cost me tens of thousands."

"I saw a pair of century-old three-edged lion heads at his place. He told me that someone offered him one million, but he didn't sell them!"

Some things, although not your own.

But it's worth bragging about to see them.

Uncle Zhao looked like this at this time.

"A century-old three-edged lion head worth a million? Then you have to take me to see it."

"It's too good, I can't buy it. You just heard that my wife... you know."

"But if it's tens of thousands of yuan, I can still consider it."


I can't bear to spend dozens of boxes of Huazi.

I feel that Maozi is a luxury when it costs thousands of yuan a bottle.

Now I am willing to spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy walnuts.

Wu Liang, who was listening, also had a subversive understanding of his father Wu Sanshi.

He really didn't expect that his father could do such a thing.

Indirectly, Wu Liang also understood that some things, once you become obsessed with them, will change you drastically.

Wenwan is really a waste of money.

"Do you want to see

If we know each other, there must be no problem. We are all walnut players, let's exchange ideas. "

"But I have to ask the other party if he has time."

"Anytime, as long as he has time, I can go with you anytime..."

Uncle Zhao and Wu Sanshi were chatting.

Wu Liang couldn't interrupt, and didn't want to interrupt.

So he walked to Jiang Qin and asked softly:

"Mom, when did my dad like to play with this thing?"

"I remember he didn't do this during the Chinese New Year?"

Hearing Wu Liang asking about this, Jiang Qin frowned.

Glazed at Wu Sanshi who was still chatting, and said:

"Not long, only about two or three months."

"But don't look at the short time, he spent a lot on this thing."

"Tens of thousands of yuan have been spent."

"As for how he liked it, it was because of watching those short videos. I advised him several times, but he didn't listen. "

"But this time, don't even think about buying it. I'll hide all my passbooks and bank cards!"

"Two walnuts cost tens of thousands of yuan, but I can buy a bunch of them at the market for a hundred yuan. Do you think he's a spendthrift?"


This, Wu Liang really didn't know what to say.

Is it appropriate for my son to say that I'm a spendthrift?

And is it wrong to spend some money for a hobby?

Wu Liang really didn't know what to say, whether he should agree with Jiang Qin.

Uncle Zhao made a phone call.

"It's agreed that he's free tomorrow, and I'll take you there tomorrow."

"And he told me that there will be a few friends coming from other places tomorrow, and they all have good stuff, so we can chat about it then."

"Really, that's great, then we must go and take a look tomorrow. "

Uncle Zhao called the person who sold him walnuts.

Knowing that the other party would be available tomorrow, Wu Sanshi was very excited.

Seeing him as happy as a child, Wu Liang couldn't help but smile.

It's good that he can be so happy.


At night, Wu Liang lay in bed, but he didn't sleep for a long time.

It's not that he didn't want to sleep, but his parents didn't let him sleep because he made too much noise.

Don't get me wrong, it's not what you think.

He is more pure in thought, it's his father The quarrel between Jiang Qin and Wu Sanshi was too loud.

To be more precise, it should be Jiang Qin's rebuke and Wu Sanshi's pleading.

As for why?

It was because of the walnuts.

Wu Sanshi will go to see walnuts with Uncle Zhao tomorrow.

Just looking at them is eye-opening, but the things are not his.

So Wu Sanshi still wanted to buy them, of course, within his own means.

But Jiang Qin didn't give her the money. Just like she said during the day, she hid the card and passbook.

If Wu Sanshi didn't ask her, where would the money come from...

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