The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

"I am really impressed!"

"Sister Han, are you okay?"

He was helpless and muttered.

Wu Liang looked at Han Yun and asked softly.

"I am fine. What's wrong with this guy? Our cars are about to enter the parking space. Why is he trying to grab it?"

Han Yun shook her head and replied with a dissatisfied frown.

The restaurant parking space can be used by any guest who comes to Zuijianghu Restaurant.

But Wu Liang's car was almost parked in, and he still wanted to grab it. This is too much.

"Sister Han, you sit in the car, I'll go down and take a look."

It's useless to feel unhappy and complain to yourself.

Seeing that Han Yun was fine, Wu Liang asked her to stay in the car and got out directly.

At the same time, a young man and woman in their thirties also walked out of the black Mercedes-Benz.

"What's wrong with you, kid? Didn't you see me parking the car and backed it in?"

The man who got out of the Mercedes-Benz saw Wu Liang getting out of the car.

He didn't even look at the situation of the car being hit, and he shouted at Wu Liang first.

The woman leaned on the man's shoulder, took a look at Wu Liang's car, and saw that it was a Volkswagen. She looked disdainful and said in a strange voice: "Zi Qiang, why are you talking so much to him who drives a broken Volkswagen."

"Just let him pay the money, and then we'll go to eat quickly, I'm hungry."

Listening to the two people's words, Wu Liang frowned, but did not rush to retort, but looked at the condition of the car first.

I saw that the rear of the Volkswagen Phaeton was hit by the Mercedes-Benz and had a dent, the paint was seriously peeling, and the rear lights were cracked.

As for the Mercedes-Benz, the situation was even worse than that of the Volkswagen Phaeton. Not only was one side of the headlight broken, but even the bumper fell off.

"Hey, are you deaf? Didn't you hear what my girlfriend said? What are you still looking at?"

"Let me tell you, I just picked up this Mercedes-Benz AMG less than a month ago. Now the headlight is broken and the bumper is also falling because of you. We are in a hurry to eat. Let's not waste time. Just give me 10,000 yuan."

Listening to the words of the woman next to him, the man called Ziqiang patted her hand, as if to tell her not to worry and solve it himself.

And then he looked at Wu Liang with a sneer and spoke again.

Ziqiang himself didn't know whether 10,000 yuan was enough to repair his Mercedes-Benz AMG.

But he only asked Wu Liang for 10,000 yuan in compensation, not because he was so generous and kind, but because he felt that Wu Liang couldn't afford more money.

But this 10,000 yuan was simply "free".

Because his car was insured, the insurance company would pay for the repair.

"Ten thousand? You're dreaming."

"If you're in a hurry to eat, go ahead. Leave me your phone number. I'll contact you after I send the car to the 4S shop for repairs. I'll tell you how much it will cost."

Wu Liang is not someone who will take the initiative to cause trouble, but he won't tolerate anyone who wants to bully him.

When he got the contract to buy the Volkswagen Phaeton, it came with an insurance policy for two million.

If the other party apologized to him after getting off the car, he wouldn't make things difficult for him.

Because two million is enough to repair his own car.

But this couple is so good. It was obviously because they were fighting for a parking space that the car crashed, but now they are blaming themselves for the mistake. Then they have to pay for the repair money.

"What did you say?"

"Ten thousand is still a dream. You are crazy because of poverty. Your broken car is worth nothing!"

Wu Liang would refute, but Ziqiang had thought about it.

It is very common to fight for parking spaces. As long as the other party's car is not parked in the parking space, others still have a chance.

Car crashes caused by this are also very common.

But it is a troublesome process to determine who is right and who is wrong.

So many times, it often depends on whose attitude is stronger and whose car is more valuable.

But Wu Liang's words "10,000 compensation is wishful thinking" made him feel ridiculous.

"My car is really not worth much, only two..."

"Zhao Ziqiang? Wang Lili?"

A broken car.

It is indeed broken now, but it was also hit by the other party.

The man and woman in front of him did not want to waste time and were in a hurry to eat. Wu Liang was also hungry.

So he planned to directly say that his car was a Volkswagen Phaeton worth more than two million.

But before he finished speaking, Han Yun, who was originally sitting in the car, got out of the car and called out the names of the other man and woman.

"Sister Han, do you know each other?"

"Well, they are my

College classmates... Long time no see, Zhao Ziqiang, Wang Lili. "

Han Yun nodded to Wu Liang, then looked at Zhao Ziqiang and Wang Lili, and simply greeted them.

"Han Yun? Indeed, it's been a long time since we last met. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Hey, Lili, why are you pinching me?"

Zhao Ziqiang was also surprised to see Han Yun.

But he quickly came back to his senses and responded warmly.

But Wang Lili, who was standing next to him, was very unhappy with his attitude.

She pinched his arm secretly and said in a bad tone:

"Han Yun, what a coincidence, we met here, this guy can't be your boyfriend, right?"

"You are our class flower. I heard that you are now the human resources director of a company. How come you found such a boyfriend? ”

“Even if you can’t drive a Mercedes-AMG like my son Ziqiang, you should at least find someone who can afford a BMW 5 Series or Audi A6. Why is he driving a Volkswagen?”

Jealous, naked jealousy.

Wang Lili’s appearance is not bad, but she is far behind Han Yun.

When she was in school, Han Yun’s grades were better than hers, so she fell behind Han Yun in every aspect.

Now, she feels that she is finally better than the other party, so how can she not seize the opportunity to ridicule him.

“Wang Lili, you… uh… Wu Liang? "

Wang Lili liked to compare herself with herself when she was in school. Han Yun also understood her current attitude.

But she said that it was fine, but she had to involve Wu Liang, which was a different matter.

Han Yun stared at Wang Lili with dissatisfaction. Just as she was about to refute, her waist was hugged by a hand.

Looking at Wu Liang in surprise, this action could easily be misunderstood.

In response, Wu Liang smiled slightly and did not let go.

"Sister Han, this is the first time we meet, and we don't know each other. Some misunderstandings are normal, and there is nothing to be angry about."

"Let me formally introduce myself now. I am Wu Liang, the chairman of Yunshang Culture Media."

"Since you are Sister Han's classmates, let's forget about your collision with my Phaeton today. You don't have to pay for it. "

Everyone has a desire to compare, there is nothing to say.

But since the matter involves himself, Wu Liang has to do something, not to mention that he has been dissatisfied with the attitudes of Zhao Ziqiang and Wang Lili from the beginning.

As for the misunderstanding, it was intentional.

If he didn't do this, how could Wang Lili and the others see the reality and understand the current situation?

When saying this, Wu Liang's tone was also very calm.

But the more he said this, the more frightened others were...

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