The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Hello, Mr. Song."

"I live on the left bank of Binjiang River. If you have time now, you can send the contract to me. I'm at home."

It turned out to be a call from Huayue Building Materials Company.

Wu Liang had to wait for a long time for the items he had previously asked him to contact by phone.

I thought it would take a long time again this time, but someone contacted me before ten o'clock in the morning.

"I have time, I have time, then I'll send it to you now."

Since Song Siming took the initiative to contact Wu Liang, he had already given all his time to Wu Liang.

As long as he has time, he has time.

All other things have to be put aside.

"Okay, I'll wait for you. Call me when you get there."

"Okay, Mr. Wu!"

After hanging up the phone, Wu Liang no longer had to think about work.

Sitting in the living room, waiting for Song Siming to arrive.

"Although the big items in the house are quite complete, there are still some things missing, not even tea and beverages."

"Just in time, go buy some!"

When he lived alone, Wu Liang didn't feel anything.

Now that he has to wait for someone to come, he realizes that there are still many things missing at home.

When guests come, there must be something to entertain them, not just plain water.

I can't always order takeout, so I'll go out to eat.

Thinking of this, Wu Liang got dressed and left the villa, planning to go to a nearby store to buy some daily necessities, drinks, and food.

Anyway, people are nearby, even if Song Siming comes, he hasn't returned to the villa yet, it won't affect the meeting.


"It seems that we really have to meet outside."

Arriving at a nearby store, Wu Liang had just finished shopping and checked out.

The phone in his pocket rang. He took it out and saw that it was Song Siming who had called him before.

As soon as he saw that it was his call, Wu Liang knew that the other party must have arrived.

This was indeed the case.

"Mr. Wu, I'm already at the gate of Binjiang Zuo'an. Which villa do you live in?"

The call was connected, and Song Siming's voice came over.

"Mr. Song, I'm really sorry. I just moved to Binjiang Zuo'an and haven't prepared many things, so I came out to buy things, but it's nearby."

"Well, there is a teahouse next to the gate of Binjiang Zuo'an. You wait for me there."

When leaving Binjiang Zuo'an, Wu Liang made two preparations.

If he was at Binjiang Zuo'an, he would meet at home. If not, he would meet outside.

So before he came to the store, he had already observed the situation nearby and thought about where to meet.

"I saw the teahouse, so I'll wait for you there."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Liang left the mall with two large bags of things.

Then he drove to the teahouse.

After parking the car in front of the teahouse, Wu Liang called Song Siming and asked him the exact location, then went directly to the room where the other party was.

"Mr. Song, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

"Mr. Wu is too polite. This is your contract. Please take a look."

Entering the room, a simple opening.

Wu Liang took the contract, glanced at it casually, and put it aside.

It looked like he didn't care at all.

Seeing him like this, although Song Siming's face didn't change, his heart trembled slightly.

The market value of Huayue Building Materials is more than 1 billion, and 30% of the shares is more than 300 million.

Wu Liang didn't pay any attention to it at all. Did he think that 300 million was nothing?

And he is so young, it seems that his background is very strong.

"Although Huayue Building Materials ranks among the top five in Lincheng's construction industry, the current construction industry is not prosperous due to multiple factors, and it is not easy to develop further."

"Mr. Wu has a strong background and his connections must be very good. Huayue Building Materials' opportunity has come."

Although Song Siming has become the second largest shareholder, he already holds a lot of shares.

Of course, he hopes that Huayue Building Materials will get better and better, because only in this way can he get more dividends.

But it is not easy to maintain the current status of Huayue Building Materials with his own connections.

But now, he feels hope from Wu Liang.

"Mr. Wu, have some tea. This is the special Biluochun. If you don't like it, we can change to something else."

"No, this is fine."

Wu Liang, who didn't know what Song Siming was thinking, picked up the teacup in front of him and said with a smile.

Wu Liang is very fond of tea.

Liang can't say he doesn't feel anything, but he can't say he likes it either.

In the past, when he drank tea, he just drank some ordinary tea leaves.

So he really didn't care what kind of tea he drank, and this special Biluochun was really good.

But if Wu Liang knew what Song Siming was thinking, he would probably find it funny again.

He didn't look at the contract more, not because he didn't care about the equity of Huayue Building Materials, or the more than 300 million, but because he felt that the contract couldn't be fake.

As for Song Siming's background and connections, relying on Wu Liang's relationship to make Huayue Building Materials bigger.

For the time being, Wu Liang couldn't do it, because he had no background and connections at all.

But in the future, there's no need to guess... that's for sure.

In the following time, Wu Liang and Song Siming drank tea and chatted.

He also learned more about the situation of Huayue Building Materials.

"Mr. Song, I rarely go to the company, so you have to worry about the company's affairs."

"Mr. Wu, this is what I should do."

"It's noon now, and drinking tea won't fill you up. Let's go have a meal together."

"Okay, then I'll treat Mr. Wu."

"You come to deliver the contract to me, and you want to treat me to a meal. How can I treat you?"

"Then I'll obey your orders. Waiter, pay the bill!"

Unconsciously, it was already past twelve o'clock.

Just like Wu Liang said, drinking tea and chatting is fine, but drinking tea alone can't fill your stomach.

After Song Siming settled the tea bill, he walked out of the teahouse with Wu Liang.

Then he found a restaurant nearby that looked pretty good and walked in.

"Mr. Song, I'm going to the bathroom."

"I just want to go, so let's go together."

Arrived at the restaurant and ordered good food.

Because he had drunk too much tea just now, Wu Liang felt something and got up to go to the bathroom.

Song Siming didn't know whether he really felt something or just wanted to accompany Wu Liang, so he actually wanted to go with him.

Of course, Wu Liang couldn't refuse this.

You can control everything, but can you also control other people's toilets?

"Mr. Wu, I'm sorry, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, please go back to the box first."

Came to the bathroom and listened to Song Siming's words.

Obviously, Song Siming really wanted to go to the toilet, not just to accompany him.

Leaving the bathroom, Wu Liang walked towards the box.

But when he walked past the nearby box, because the door of the box was not closed tightly, he actually saw an acquaintance sitting inside.


Yes, Wu Liang actually saw Jiang Haichao sitting inside.

But Wu Liang didn't push the door in, because Jiang Haichao was not the only one in the box, there was also a middle-aged man in his forties.

Judging from the two of them, they seemed to be talking about something.

Wu Liang didn't know what they were talking about, but judging from Jiang Haichao's appearance, he seemed to be asking for help.

But the middle-aged man didn't seem to buy it, with an arrogant expression and disdain in his eyes...

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