The old man was very angry.

"What did you say? You want to sign Dafei?"

"What's the situation with Dafei? Didn't we just talk about it before? He is ready to quit the Internet. How can I help you?"

Wu Liang's words were like a thunderbolt, which really stunned Zhang Li.

Although his intention was different from what she thought, she was inexplicably disappointed.

But knowing that Dafei was threatened and even nearly had to quit the Internet due to a car accident, Wu Liang actually proposed to sign Dafei. What a weird operation and idea.

"Don't get excited. I'm here to discuss something with you."

"We just talked about Dafei, but it wasn't very specific. Can you tell me more about what he's worried about? Apart from the car accident."

Everyone knew the reason, so Wu Liang didn't need Zhang Li to say more.

He went to Zhang Li just to learn more about things that outsiders didn't know.

If he knew more and found a way to solve it, wouldn't he be able to sign Dafei?

"This... OK, then I'll tell you."

"I really don't know what you're thinking. Even if you really want to sign Dafei, you can come to me tomorrow. I'm really impressed by you in the middle of the night."

Listening to Zhang Li's complaints, Wu Liang didn't explain, but just continued to look at her with a smile.

Some things were hard for Wu Liang to say. He couldn't tell her about the mission, so he simply said nothing.

Seeing this, Zhang Li also shook her head and continued to talk.

"I don't know what you want to know about Dafei, so I'll just tell you casually."

"It's not easy for Dafei to come this far. He used to be in the catering business, and he usually posted some catering-related videos. At that time, there was no attention. Later, the business was not good, so he closed the store. He stopped posting food, but taught people how to make some food seasonings, but there were not many views and attention."

"In his own words, he was quite surprised that he would become popular. It was when he taught people how to make sauces. Because there were many materials and the process was quite complicated, people jokingly called it black technology, and the reaction was very big."

"Seeing that this video had a good response, he started to do the "hard work" of synthetic food, using various ingredients and additives to make various delicacies, such as homemade beef cubes, homemade peanut butter, synthetic fruit tea, Sanhua evaporated milk... Because he always said "This is technology and life", he also made this sentence popular. More and more people paid attention to him, and his influence became greater and greater..."

What Zhang Li talked about was actually well known to everyone at the beginning.

Because as she said, she didn't know what Wu Liang wanted to know, what he wanted to know, so he knew what he knew and said what he thought.

But as some of the things that happened later were told, gradually, there were things that outsiders didn't know.

Da Fei was followed by more and more people, and the videos he posted were shared by more and more people, which affected the interests of many people and received a lot of criticism. Gradually, there were voices of opposition, saying that he was selling anxiety, spreading criminal methods, and sensationalizing, etc.

Although Da Fei was affected to some extent, it was not a big deal in general, and he still insisted on doing his own thing.

Because he said that he did these things not really targeting anyone, but just telling some facts to let people who didn't understand understand more.

"In the end, what made Dafei unable to hold on, in addition to some private threats and solicitations, was the car accident that seemed not simple and almost happened, and the phone call from the platform officials."

"The official said that he was reported by a large number of users, saying that his works were generalized, and asked him to adjust the words and words in his later works. But if his works really had problems, the platform could have deleted them directly, so why didn't it delete them?"

"The official pressure plus the real feeling of life danger, Dafei was afraid that not only himself, but also his family might be implicated, so he had to choose to give up."

"If you wanted to sign him at the beginning, I would help you talk to him again, and he would definitely agree, but now... Wu Liang, I'm not trying to discourage you, it's really difficult."

Zhang Li said everything she should say.

She didn't know whether it would help Wu Liang.

Anyway, based on her understanding of Dafei, it would be too difficult for Wu Liang to sign Dafei, who had decided to quit the Internet.

Because Dafei is not alone, he still has his family to consider.

He didn't want to be alone because of himself

People, let the family live in fear every day.

"Thank you Zhang Li, I understand."

"Whether Dafei agrees or not, you can help me to ask him out to meet, it should be okay?"

Wu Liang really understood Dafei's situation.

He also understood the other party's concerns.

Although he couldn't think of how to do it specifically for the time being, he still had to meet the other party.

"That's no problem, whenever you want to see Dafei, I will help you to ask him out."

Business may not work out, but friendship still exists, and it's no problem to meet once, so Zhang Li agreed very straightforwardly, without any hesitation.

"Okay, then I'll think about it, and then you can help me to ask him out."

"I'm leaving, you go to sleep."

After talking about it, Wu Liang should leave.

Seeing him get up to leave, Zhang Li didn't know what she was thinking, and blurted out: "Are you leaving just like that?"

As soon as the words came out, Zhang Li's face flushed.

She secretly wondered what she was talking about.

"If I don't leave, do I have to stay with you overnight?"

"Go to sleep, remember to lock the door. If someone knocks on the door again, it must not be me!"

Wu, on the other hand, seemed very casual. He smiled and waved to her, then walked out of the room.

After he left, Zhang Li came to the door and looked through the peephole. After seeing that Wu Liang had indeed returned to his room, she locked the door.

"I'm really crazy. Didn't I think before I spoke."

"If he had just said to stay, what should I do? Should I... Hey, crazy, crazy, sleep, sleep..."

Muttering to herself, Zhang Li couldn't say the rest of the words.

She shook her head shyly and returned to bed.

But although she said she was going to sleep, she couldn't fall asleep for a long time. Her mind was always in a mess.


As for Wu Liang, he didn't fall asleep immediately after returning to the room.

Instead, he went to the bathroom to take a shower first, thinking about what Zhang Li had just said, and thinking about what to do to make Dafei change his decision to quit the Internet and successfully sign him to Yunshang Culture Media.

But he finished taking a shower, and he still couldn't think of a good solution.

"Forget it, it's past twelve o'clock now, let's see what good things the mall has today."

Wu Liang really couldn't think of anything, so he decided to put it aside for now.

As a result, when he clicked on "I Can Buy the World" and saw the new products, his eyes lit up.

"This... It's really a case of being too smart, such a simple method, why didn't I think of it..."

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