The next day, Wu Liang got up very early and didn't stay in bed. When he walked out of the room, Han Yun also walked out of the room. "Morning, Sister Han." "Morning, Hercules Wu, you are now an Internet celebrity. Do you want to find something to cover your face so that you won't be watched by others later?" Wu Liang smiled and took the initiative to greet Han Yun, who also smiled in response. However, her response was not just a greeting, but also said something else. "Internet celebrity?" "Sister Han, you are talking about those short videos on Doule. They are only played by millions of people, but they are not Internet celebrities!" Wu Hercules? Internet celebrity? Han Yun's name was somewhat teasing, but Wu Liang knew what was going on.

He had also seen it on short videos last night.

However, he personally disagreed with such a name, thinking that he was not an Internet celebrity, and at most more people knew about him.

"Millions? The total number of hits on your videos has exceeded 10 million."

"Not only that, you are also on the top ten of Doule's hot search list, and the number of hits and searches will be even greater in the future."

"Tens of millions of hits, top ten of the hot search list? Is that true?"

Last night, when Wu Liang looked at it, there were only more than 2 million hits, but now it has exceeded 10 million.

And it has also been on Doule's hot search list.

If this is true, then it is not an exaggeration to call him an "Internet celebrity".

"Do I have to lie to you? If you don't believe me, click on Doule and take a look."

Hearing this, Wu Liang took out his mobile phone and clicked on Doule.

The fact is just as Han Yun said, the total number of clicks on the video about Wu Liang breaking the world record of barbell squats has really exceeded 10 million, and it is still ranked 8th on the hot search list.

"I'm really popular!"

Wu Liang felt a little surprised about this result, but he was not surprised.

Many people have patriotic feelings.

As a Chinese, breaking the world record of barbell squats is a happy event for the country and the Chinese.

So it is normal to attract a lot of attention.

But Wu Liang thinks that the reason why so many people pay attention to him is inseparable from Geerdan's proof of himself.

Because it is his proof that makes the voices questioning him smaller and smaller, and makes his influence greater.

"Well, you are popular."

"Why don't you take the opportunity to create your own account? You will definitely accumulate a lot of fans soon."

"Forget it, I'm not interested in being an Internet celebrity."

Wu Liang shook his head decisively and rejected Han Yun's proposal.

Isn't it nice to be a boss? Why do you want to be an Internet celebrity yourself?

"I knew you would say that."

"Let's go, have breakfast together, and then go to the company."

Han Yun just said it casually, she guessed that Wu Liang would not take advantage of the popularity to become an Internet celebrity.

"Okay, let's have breakfast together, but I won't go to the company."

"You're not going to the company today? That's right, you are the chairman of the company, whether you go to the company or not, no one dares to say anything to you, unlike me, a worker, who has to go to get off work on time every day."

Who is not a worker?

Even if he is the chairman of the board and is now worth hundreds of millions, Wu Liang still feels that he is a worker, but he is freer than ordinary workers and is considered a senior worker.

"If Sister Han is willing, you can not go to work."

"Not going to work? Will you support me?"

"Okay, I will support you."

"I won't make trouble with you, let's go, otherwise I won't have time to have breakfast and I will be late for work."

Wu Liang actually said that he would support himself.

Whether it was a joke or not, Han Yun blushed slightly after hearing this.

Seeing Han Yun walking forward shyly, Wu Liang followed her with a smile.

He was not joking. If Han Yun really wanted him to support her, it would be no problem at all.

They came to the outside of the community and found a breakfast shop.

Wu Liang and Han Yun had a bite of breakfast and then separated.

Han Yun went to Yunshang Culture Media, while Wu Liang went to Lincheng Black Tiger Security Company according to the car navigation.

"Is this Lincheng Black Tiger Security Company?"

"Security companies look really different from ordinary companies."

According to the navigation instructions, Wu Liang's car drove all the way to the suburbs.

Finally, the place where the car stopped was not an office building, but a place surrounded by high walls on all sides, covering an area of ​​​​an ordinary school.

Outside the school-sized courtyard.

The courtyard gate is a stainless steel electronic sliding door, and the sign on the door reads "Lincheng Black Tiger Security Company".

"Hello, sir."

"Excuse me, are you looking to hire security from our company? If not, please leave. Parking is prohibited at the company gate."

When Wu Liang was sitting in the car, watching the situation outside Black Tiger Security.

In the security hall at the gate, a young man in security uniform walked over quickly.

The security guard saw that Wu Liang's car had been parked at the gate for a while, and no one came down, so he came to ask according to regulations.

He saluted while speaking, and his tone was not too stiff.

It seems that he is well trained, at least people will not be disgusted when seeing him.

"Yes, I want to hire a few bodyguards. Is your boss here?"

"Yes, I will help you contact Mr. Zheng now."

Wu Liang did not directly reveal his identity, but just said his purpose.

When the young security guard heard that Wu Liang wanted to hire a bodyguard, he stood up straight and seemed to be a little respectful to him.

Bodyguards are different from security guards, not only the price of hiring is much lower.

The key point is that people who hire bodyguards are generally not simple.

Does an ordinary person need bodyguard protection?

"Okay, then I'll trouble you."

"It should be, please wait."

Looking at the security guard who returned to the security booth and started to make a phone call, Wu Liang smiled with satisfaction.

Black Tiger Security itself is to train security guards. Those who can stand at the door of Black Tiger Security Company as security guards must be relatively excellent, even if they are not the best in the company.

Because security guards themselves are the facade and the first impression of the company. If even the security guards in charge of their own company are not good, will others hire other security guards in it?

"Sir, I have already contacted Mr. Zheng for you. He is waiting for you in his office."

"Mr. Zheng's office is in that three-story white office building. Someone will take you to his office later. You can go in now."

"Okay, thank you."

After the call, the security guard opened the iron sliding door for Wu Liang.

While saluting, he watched Wu Liang drive the car to the white office building he pointed to.

Wu Liang parked the car in the parking area in front of the building. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw a woman wearing a black special training suit, who looked a bit heroic, walking towards him.

"Hello, sir, welcome to Lincheng Black Tiger Security Company. I am Mr. Zheng's secretary. Please follow me."

This woman turned out to be a secretary?

The nature of the company is different, and the dressing and temperament are different, right?

This is the first time Wu Liang has seen a secretary wearing a special training suit.

But it feels good about this.

Black Tiger Security is responsible for training security guards, so there is nothing wrong with having the secretary dress like this when entertaining guests.

Not only is there nothing wrong with it, it will make the company feel more professional...

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