The food was served in a big pot, but the dishes were not served.

"MD, why haven't the dishes we ordered come up yet? Do you want to starve us to death?"

"What a shitty Zuijianghu Restaurant, it's so slow to serve food. We want these dishes, bring them to me, and we want these wines too."

"Send them to our box immediately, hurry up..."

There is no need to say how good the sound insulation of the Emperor's box is.

Normal shouting can't be heard outside, otherwise there would be no need to press a button specifically for calling people.

At this time, Wu Liang and the other two were sitting in the Emperor's box, but they could hear the shouting and quarreling from outside, so you can imagine how loud the noise was.

"Boss Zheng, my friend, please sit down for a while. I'll go out and take a look."

After hearing the voice from outside, Wu Liang also understood what was going on from the words.

This is because a customer was unhappy that the dishes of Zuijianghu Restaurant were served too slowly.

After seeing the waiter delivering the dishes, he asked him to deliver the dishes.

This kind of thing is not common, but it is not rare.

It happens from time to time in many hotels and restaurants.

As the boss here, Wu Liang should deal with this kind of thing when he encounters it.

If it is really a problem of Zuijianghu Restaurant, it is his fault, so he should solve it according to the fault.

If it is not a problem of the restaurant, then it is looking for trouble, and it should be dealt with in a way that looks for trouble.

"Why are you sitting here? Let's go and take a look together."

"Yes, let's go and take a look together."

Let Zheng Zhiqiang and Tieyang stay in the box and wait, isn't this a joke?

The two stood up with Wu Liang and walked out of the box together.

At this time, at the door of a box not far from the Emperor's box.

Several men were blocking a waitress with unfriendly and angry faces.

Looking at the people in front of her, the waitress was obviously a little scared, but she still protected the dishes on the dining cart.

"Sir, these are not yours, they are for other guests, they came before you, we serve the dishes according to the order of order, the food you ordered is still being cooked in the kitchen, it will be ready soon, please wait a moment, you can't grab these."

The business of Zuijianghu Restaurant is booming, and the speed of serving dishes will definitely be a little slow.

But this slowness is also relative.

In fact, to be honest, among restaurants with the same level of business, the speed of serving dishes at Zuijianghu Restaurant is already very fast.

They will consider the order of ordering and the time it takes to make the dishes, and will serve dishes to each table of guests in an interspersed manner, trying their best not to let any table of guests wait.

Therefore, few people would condemn the speed of serving dishes.

Like today, because the dishes were not served, they intercepted the waiter and even tried to snatch the dishes.

I have been working here for more than a year, and this is the first time I have encountered such a thing.

"Fuck, don't tell us those useless things. I asked you to send it to our box immediately. If you keep talking nonsense, I will beat you up."

"We don't care who came first. I know that we are all hungry. This dish must be served to us. Hurry up, otherwise, let alone beating you, I will even smash your store."

"Don't let go, you ignorant little waitress, you really deserve to be beaten..."

Seeing that the waitress didn't want to do it, several men shouted and cursed loudly, winked at each other, and wanted to grab the dining cart.

While grabbing the dining cart, someone raised his hand and slapped the waitress in the face.


I am just a waitress. I have done what I should do and tried my best to stop it.

Seeing that the other party was really going to attack, the waitress let go of her hand holding the dining cart and covered her face in fear.

She didn't want to be beaten because of a few dishes. Even if she was really beaten, it would be better to be beaten on the hand than on the face.

"Stop it!"

"Just a few dishes, you guys are going too far to hit a waitress!"

The slap of the young man who attacked did not fall on the waitress's face or her hand.

When Wu Liang pushed open the door of the emperor's box and walked out, he happened to see this scene and immediately shouted to stop it.

"Who are you? It's none of your business whether I'm going too far or not!"

But his shouting only made the young man's hand pause.

After the young man glared at him with disdain, his hand slapped the waitress again.

Seeing this, Wu Liang's eyes changed, but he wanted to stop it, but he couldn't.


Because the distance between the two sides was still a little far.

But he couldn't stop it, but someone could.

Tie Yang rushed out from his side, like a hungry tiger pouncing on a wolf, and grabbed the young man's wrist when his hand was about to hit the waitress's arm.

Then he twisted it slightly, and the young man howled in pain.

"Ahhh... let go, let go, it's broken, it's going to break..."

"You deserve it if it breaks, and you dare to come here to make trouble without even opening your eyes to see where this is."

Listening to the young man's screams, Tie Yang didn't mean to let go.

He just looked at the other person coldly and scolded in a low voice.

"People who have practiced are different."

"In terms of pure strength, Lao Tie is definitely not as good as me, but in terms of overall strength, even if there are several of me, they are not enough to beat Lao Tie."

"It seems that when I have time, I have to run more Black Tiger Security and ask Lao Tie to help me practice."

Although it is said that strength can defeat skills, in many cases, strength alone is really useless.

Just like Wu Liang at this moment, although he can squat with a 600-jin barbell, if he really punches someone, he will definitely break a few bones.

But when he saw the young man hitting the waitress, he could only worry and could not save the situation at all.

If Tie Yang hadn't taken action, the waitress would have been slapped by the other party.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? What's going on?"

"Mr. Wu? Mr. Tie, this..."

"Manager Chen, you're finally here, woo woo woo... They think our dishes are too slow, so they want to snatch other guests' dishes..."

The commotion here was quite loud, and many guests came to watch the fun after hearing it.

Manager Chen, who was originally in the kitchen urging the chef to cook for Wu Liang first, learned about what happened here and came late.

When she saw him coming, the waitress cried with a wronged face and told the whole story.

"Did you hear it? It's because they are too slow to serve the dishes, not us who are making trouble. Why don't you let go?"

"The dishes we ordered were not served for a long time, and we are hungry. Is there anything wrong with letting her serve us? It's obviously the service of Zuijianghu Restaurant that is not good!"

"Yes, it's Zuijianghu Restaurant's fault. How can you say we are making trouble? Everyone, come and judge!"

While the waitress was telling the story, Tieyang still didn't let go of the young man who was caught.

At this time, more and more people were watching.

The few people who were trying to grab the food just now didn't seem to be stupid.

They saw that Tieyang was good at fighting, and they knew they couldn't win in a head-on confrontation, so they didn't do anything.

Seeing that more and more people were coming, they simply pretended to be right and started to incite everyone...

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