The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Secretary Zhou, what's the matter with you calling me?"

"Mr. Wu, where are you? Do you have time to come to the company?"

When the phone was picked up, Wu Liang wanted to ask first.

Because he felt that Zhou Ying would not call him for no reason, there must be something.

But when Wu Liang asked, Zhou Ying also asked.

From her voice, she seemed to be quite anxious.

"I'm at home, and I'm about to go to the company."

"That's great, it's a little trouble, then wait until you get to the company to talk to me in person."

"Okay, I'll go to the company now."

Knowing that Wu Liang was about to come to the company, Zhou Ying's tone was much more relaxed.

But Wu Liang didn't think so of her so-called little trouble.

If it was really a minor problem, Zhou Ying could solve it herself. Why did she need to call me and ask me to come to the company?

But she wanted to meet and talk, so she could meet and talk. It was probably not clear or unclear on the phone.

He hung up the phone and stopped wasting time.

After Wu Liang found a clean set of clothes to change into, he drove his new car, the Porsche 918spyde, to Yunshang Culture Media.

"Morning, Mr. Wu... Hello, Mr. Wu..."

"Hello... Good morning..."

When he arrived at the company, Wu Liang simply responded to the greetings of the employees one by one, and walked quickly towards his chairman's office.

Zhou Ying, who was sitting in the secretary position outside the office, stood up when she saw Wu Liang coming.

While helping Wu Liang open the door of the office, she greeted him.

"Hello, Mr. Wu, you are here."

"Well, what happened, you can tell me now."

After entering the office, Wu Liang sat down at the desk and asked Zhou Ying who was standing in front of the desk.

"Mr. Wu, please take a look at this first."

"Is this Wang He and Wang Qiang (not Wang Qiang from Red Lips Bar)? Aren't they fired? What trouble can they cause to the company?"

Faced with Wu Liang's inquiry, Zhou Ying, who had been prepared for a long time, handed over her mobile phone.

After taking the phone and looking at it, the people in the video were Wang Qiang and Wang He's uncle and niece, whom Wu Liang had met at the live broadcast base when he just became the chairman of Yunshang Culture Media.

"Mr. Wu, please take a look yourself first."

Normally, as Wu Liang's secretary, Zhou Ying can just say it directly if she encounters any problems.

But this time, she didn't do so.

Instead, she asked Wu Liang to watch it himself, as if everything would be clear as long as he watched it.

Hearing this, Wu Liang clicked on the video start, and the video began to play.

Wang He: "Wuwuwu..."

Wang Qiang: "Wang He, don't cry, everything is over. Now that we have left Yunshang Culture Media, we are free and have escaped from the devil's den."

Wang He: "Although I am free, every time I think of the things that happened when I was a host at Yunshang Culture Media, I feel scared and wronged, wuwuwu..."

Wang Qiang: "Hey, I know you are wronged, but we all had contracts before. What can we do in the face of huge liquidated damages?"

"Although I am the person in charge of the live broadcast base, I can't help myself. It's my incompetence as an uncle. But now we have been fired by Yunshang Culture Media for no reason. Those dirty things can just be made public, so that the public can truly understand the ugly face of Yunshang Culture and seek justice for us!"

Wang He: "Well, I believe that justice will be late, but it will never be absent, so I want to expose the darkness of Yunshang Culture Media, especially the new chairman, who actually wants to do me, wuwuwu..."

The content of the video is not too short, more than seven minutes.

As for the content, just watching Wang He's grievances and crying in the previous paragraph, and Wang Qiang's helpless comfort and angry accusation, you can get a general idea.

Both of them looked like they had turned from victims to messengers of justice, talking about all kinds of unfairness and harsh treatment they had suffered in Yunshang Culture Media, as well as some shady deals with unspoken rules, such as being forced to accompany drinking, withholding wages, and even Wu Liang asking Wang He to spend the night with him.


"Mr. Wu, don't be angry, they are talking nonsense and deliberately discrediting Yunshang Culture Media."

After watching the video, Wu Liang's face was extremely ugly.

Subconsciously, he threw the phone heavily on the table.

Looking at the broken screen of the phone, Zhou Ying felt very painful in her heart. This phone was hers, not Wu Liang's.

But at this time, it was not the time to feel sad for the phone, but to calm Wu Liang's anger.


"I know they are taking revenge."

"But we know it's useless. In the subconscious of netizens, the Internet celebrity circle is not clean, and some people are indeed like this, so her posting of this video will definitely cause a lot of public opinion."

"And Wang He has a fan base of millions. Although her main account was taken back by the company according to the contract when she was dismissed, her small account still has millions of fans. With the support and instigation of these fans, more people will support her, which will definitely bring a lot of negative impact to the company."

Wang He and Wang Qiang are not only smearing Yunshang Culture Media, Wu Liang was also specially mentioned.

He said that he wanted Wang He to spend the night with her and to have a hidden rule with her. This is really a beautiful lie.

Although the words sound good, what is clear is clear and the turbid is turbid, but in today's era, many times it is not the case. There are many cases where people are reversed black and white under online violence, and even forced to a dead end.

"Mr. Wu, I have asked someone to check. Wang He and Wang Qiang have now joined Changyun Media."

"Do you think they did this under the instructions of Changyun Media?"

Wang He and Wang Qiang were dissatisfied with being dismissed by Yunshang Culture Media, so they were resentful and retaliated. This made Wu Liang angry but not surprised.

But after hearing Zhou Ying's words, Wu Liang realized that he had oversimplified the problem.

Changyun Media and Yunshang Culture Media did not have a harmonious relationship and had always been in a competitive relationship.

Wang He and Wang Qiang joined Changyun Media, which meant that they were birds of a feather, and everything was possible.

"Whether it is their personal will or Changyun Media's behind-the-scenes instigation, this is not important now."

"Notify the operation department immediately and ask them to find a way to control the situation, suppress the topic of this matter as much as possible, keep an eye on their dynamics at any time, and be prepared to respond to their moves."

"Mr. Wu, I have notified the operation department to start dealing with this matter. I will urge them now."

"Okay, go."

"By the way, I broke your phone in excitement just now. Go to the Finance Department to get 10,000 yuan and buy a new one."

There are some things that Zhou Ying needs to tell Wu Liang, let him know what's going on, and wait for him to decide and arrange.

But some things that must be done must be done in advance, otherwise it would be too dereliction of duty for her as the chairman's secretary.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu."

Zhou Ying thanked him and left. Wu Liang sat in the office with a frown on his face, thinking.

It is definitely not enough to just suppress and control the matter between Wang He and Wang Qiang. It must be solved thoroughly.

But how to solve it perfectly, Wu Liang still has to think about it...

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