"It turns out my aunt has the same period as me!"

"They were all made by Otto......."

Kiana saw Theresa's comments.

This was the first time she and Mei and the others knew that Theresa was actually also a cyborg.

Fu Hua narrowed her eyes.

After losing her memory, she was not very clear about this matter.

But she did not show any surprise.

Bronya said in surprise:"In that case, the school principal and the stupid Kiana are indeed related by blood."

"Suddenly I can understand......Why are Kiana and the principal both girls with super strength?"

Theresa's super strength is well-known in the entire destiny.

It's needless to say how heavy the Oath of Judas is.

Most people have a hard time even lifting it.

But Theresa can lift it and dance with it vigorously!

Even when fighting against Anti-Entropy,

Theresa directly used the Oath of Judas to smash those Titan robots!

Mei looked at Kiana:"No wonder Kiana has always been so afraid of the principal."

"It turns out that it is really a blood suppression."

Kiana grabbed her hair:"Then should I still call her Auntie in the future?"

Fu Hua reminded:"Kiana, the name doesn't seem to have much to do with this aspect."

Kiana looked as if she had suddenly realized:"So that's how it is."

Bronya looked at Kiana:"So the Kaslana family has inherited supernatural powers?"

Kiana thought about it, and then said:"It seems that my stinky dad is also very strong!"

Mei nodded:"It seems that it is really inherited from ancestors......"

Kiana looked away from the photo of Karin in the live broadcast room and looked at Little Otto.

"I don't know why, but seeing little Otto crying like this"

"I couldn't help but laugh"


Bronya and Mei felt okay.

Fu Hua couldn't help but smile when she saw Otto like this.

After all, she had known Otto for a long time. In Fu Hua's eyes,

Otto's image had never been so three-dimensional.

At this time at the headquarters of Sinister,

Yulandel and Rita couldn't help but smile when they saw Otto's childhood.

And Otto focused all his attention on Kallen.

That was the first time he saw Kallen.

It was also after that that Kallen became the brightest and warmest light in his life.

In the past 500 years,

Otto has forgotten many things.

But this scene is still deeply engraved in the depths of his mind.

And the invitation that Kallen made to him at that time


"I didn't expect to see you like this again......."

Rita looked at Otto and said,"Then Bishop, why was Miss Theresa created using Kallen's genes?"

Otto did not answer Rita's question.

Instead, he said,"Since the captain is already commenting on me,"

"I believe you will know the answer soon."

Yulandel said:"As far as I know, this Kallen Kaslana is the Destiny Saint of that era."

"She was also the strongest Valkyrie of that era."

"Is the bishop's goal to create another powerful S-class Valkyrie?"

Rita recalled:"Before leaving the Destiny headquarters, Lady Theresa"

"The position is S-class Valkyrie."

Otto nodded:"Yes, Theresa's talent is even stronger than Kallen herself."

Otto's answer made Yulandel temporarily certain of her guess.

As for the exposure of Theresa's identity,

Bai Jue, the person who exposed it, smiled faintly:"Since Theresa has already said it on the barrage"

"I will tell you about this story later."

"Why don't we turn our attention to Otto?"

"After all, there aren't many opportunities to see the Archbishop of Destiny cry."

Bai Jue's ridicule caused laughter in the barrage.

Then Bai Jue continued,"This is the first time Otto and Kallen met."

"After that, the two became childhood sweethearts."

"Of all the people, only Kallen showed confidence in Otto's abilities."

"Therefore, Otto's actions in many of the following matters were mainly based on Kallen."

"Time passed quickly, and Kallen showed great talent and strength in the subsequent training of Destiny and the war against Honkai."

"Therefore, the Old Destiny gave the Eleventh Key of God, Judah's Oath, to Kallen."

"Since then, Kallen has become the strongest Valkyrie of that era!"

"Later, the ambitious old destiny was not satisfied with the status quo and began to invade other places."

"Kallen, the strongest Valkyrie and the old Saint of Destiny, was also sent to the front line."

"Kallen knew that this war was wrong, but she had to obey the order of destiny."

"After Otto learned about this, he decided to become a medical member of the Far East Army."

"Just to follow Kallen to the Ming Empire in the Eastern Divine Land"

"In this war, the Far East Army chose to use Honkai as a weapon in order to speed up the invasion."

"Injecting the collapse into yourself......"

"This action directly angered the immortal in Shenzhou, and that immortal wiped out the 100,000 Far East Army of Tianming by himself!"

【Kiana: One hundred thousand!!!】

【Theresa: You are talking about the Red Kite Immortal from Shenzhou, right? I have seen her existence in the Destiny data.】

【Mebius: He killed 100,000 people like this, and injected Honkai to increase his own strength......Ignorance is fearless.】

【Mei: According to the previous introduction, perhaps these Houkai energy reagents are related to Otto.】

【March 7: I feel like this was researched by Otto!】

【Dan Heng: I suddenly understand why the host wants to separate the old destiny from the current destiny.】

【Mei: From this perspective, the old destiny was more like a private organization that satisfied selfish desires.】

【Rita: This history is intact in the database of Destiny.】

【Eden: This is rare, an organization actually did not destroy the history that is unfavorable to itself】

【Tesla: The Red Kite Immortal from Shenzhou is a legendary figure】

【Jing Yuan: It sounds very powerful!】

【Yan Qing: In other words, the people Chi Yuan killed later were not considered human beings.】

【Black Tower: The host has said it before, that is considered a dead soldier】

【Honkai Jizi: What the old destiny did was indeed inhumane.......】

【Youlan Daier: I wonder if I will have the chance to meet this immortal from Shenzhou.】

【Padua Felice: Even if we can meet him, he is not young anymore.】

【Hua: There has never been such a legend in China in our time.】

【Su: Maybe it's an organization or individual fighting against Honkai.】

【Kosmo: He wiped out 100,000 people in one fell swoop, turning the tide of the war......】

Bai Jue noticed that many viewers on the barrage seemed to be very interested in the Red Kite Immortal.

So he said,"We will talk about the story of the Red Kite Immortal later."

"But I can give you a preview of this Red Kite Immortal."

"She spans the history of mankind's fight against collapse"

"There is a saying among our players: If you understand Chi Yuan, you will also understand Honkai Impact 3rd!"

As soon as this sentence was said, many people became curious.

【Theresa: This Red Kite Immortal sounds very old!】

【March 7: How many years is the history of mankind's fight against the collapse?】

【Chang Guang: If we don’t count the pre-civilization era, the human history of our current civilization era has been more than 5,000 years.】

【Xing: That means the Red Kite Immortal is at least 5,000 years old!】

【Black Tower: Such a long life!】

【Walter: Yes, she lived a long life.......】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


【Mebius: Suddenly it becomes interesting.......】

【Kiana: You’re too old!】

【Honkai Bronya: Was it obtained by transferring consciousness like Otto?】

【Dan Heng: None of the immortal species in the Starry Sky Universe have such a life span.】[]

【Botio: I think only the Star Gods can live that long.......】

Looking at the discussion on the screen,

Bai Jue smiled and brought the topic back:"Then let's continue our story and answer the question about Otto."

"After the entire Far East Army was wiped out by the Red Tomb Sage, the only two who did not receive the Honkai energy, Kallen and Otto, survived."

"Let me tell you something that the audience in the current Collapse world will not believe."

"Your current selfish Archbishop of Destiny was worried that the Red Kite Immortal would attack Kallen."

"He stood in front of the Red Kite Immortal without hesitation."

Bai Jue knew that this was unbelievable in the eyes of many people.

After all, everything Otto had done was for himself.

He could even do it for himself, regardless of the lives of others.

But such a person would actually stand in front of the enemy to protect others.

Especially the few people from Anti-Entropy, they were even more unconvinced.

"Afterwards, Kallen and Otto returned to the Old Destiny with the news of their defeat."

"The old destiny began to oppress civilians more recklessly because of the failure of the Far East War."

"After that battle, Kallen began to realize something and knew that what Destiny did was wrong."

"However, due to the limitations of the times and thoughts, Kallen was unable to directly resist fate."

"Therefore, Kallen secretly became a thief who robbed the rich and gave to the poor at night."

"Otto becomes Kallen's helper"

"Help Kallen rob the rich and help the poor, rob the nobles who oppressed the common people at that time"

"At the same time, Otto was secretly conducting experiments on Honkai."

"Finally one day, Kallen discovered this matter."

"In order to stop Otto's experiment and prevent the old destiny from going wrong again, Kallen"

"Took away the black box used by Otto for experiments!"

"This black box contains powerful Honkai energy, which is also a relic from the pre-civilization era."

"These Honkai energy will constantly seduce those who approach, and eventually make them degenerate into Honkai beasts or dead soldiers."

"Kallen, however, has the stigma of the Kaslana family and can resist this temptation."

"So I took the box away"

"Since then, Otto and Kallen, who have been inseparable since childhood, have parted ways......."

At this point, Bai Jue couldn't help but sigh.

The gears of fate finally started turning.......

"Kallen, who took away important experimental materials from Tianming, became the target of Tianming's pursuit."

"In the process of being hunted by destiny, Kallen experienced many things."

"Finally, the Houkai in the black box was successfully sealed back, but Kallen herself was seriously injured."

"The seriously injured Kallen was taken back to the headquarters by Tianming, imprisoned and sentenced to death by hanging."

"Although Otto tried very hard, Karen could not be saved in the end.

In Bai Jue's narration, the audience knew the subsequent story.......

After Kallen's death, Otto was disheartened and began to escape from reality.

So he fled to a small island and opened a monastery.

The situation of the Old Mandate was not optimistic.

The internal struggles in the family made the rule of the Old Mandate even darker.

Those oppressed people began to believe in the deceased saint!

They regarded the deceased Kallen as the only saint in the world.

With this as their belief, they fought against the Old Mandate.

After Otto knew this, he also recalled Kallen's previous dream.

He wanted to change the world into what Kallen expected.

So Otto responded to the call of the people and led the masses to overthrow the old destiny at that time.

Establish the current destiny!

End the troubled times......

In the eyes of the people, he inherited Kallen's legacy!���Years of decay!

Destiny will be great again in Otto's hands.

But even if he did this,

Otto was still not satisfied, and his heart was still empty.

Because no matter how well he did, Kallen would not wake up from that cold coffin.......

Finally, Bai Jue expressed Otto's long-cherished wish for so many years.

It was also the only meaning of his life!

"Otto, who established a new destiny and ruled it, finally understood his true demands and wishes.——"

"——Resurrect Kallen Kaslana!"

"This is also the ultimate purpose of Otto's survival."

"He can pay any price for this wish!"


【March 7: I don’t know why, but just reading these stories, I feel that Otto is really a good person】

【Mei: Yes, it even overturned the old destiny and established a new order!】

【Theresa: Is this how Grandpa used to be?】

【Honkai Jiko: According to the records in the Sentence Database, it seems that the Black Death that once ravaged Europe was also caused by the medicine developed by Bishop Otto?】

【Bronya: Indeed.......】

【Fu Hua: Well, Otto did do some good things in the past.】

【Yulandel: It seems that the bishop has done a lot of good things.】

【Walter: If he can keep going like this......It's really good......】

【Heita: So from that moment on, the obsession of resurrecting a person became Otto's ultimate goal in life.......】

【Dan Heng: It's really a similar fate......】

【Jingliu: I feel like if Otto was Danfeng, he would have taken the same path......】


【Mebius: So now Otto is living to revive Kallen?】

【Otto: Yes......Everything is for her! My Kallen!】

【Mei: So using Kallen's genes to create the school principal is also intended to resurrect Kallen?】

【Theresa: Yes......But the result was a failure......】

【Honkai Jizi: At this point, I don’t know how to evaluate Bishop Otto anymore.......】

【Alicia: What a persistent person, but persistence can often harm others.】

【Padovich: Otto is really scary! He didn't give up for more than 500 years】

"No, no, no, Theresa's situation is a little special"

"Because Otto knew very well that if he created someone who looked like Kallen, that person wouldn't be Kallen."

"Rather than resurrecting Kallen, it was for cloning technology and fusion warrior technology."

"The Kaslana family has very special genes, coupled with Otto's selfishness"

"So they used Kallen's genes and the genes of the Judgment-level Honkai Beast Vishnu to create clones of Column A."

"And let these clones kill each other, and finally in the final showdown between A310 and A303"

"Otto saw the shadow of Kallen in A310"

"Otto, who was soft-hearted, adopted her as his granddaughter."

"Her name is Theresa Apokalis"

"And this name......"

Bai Jue calmly told the truth:"It is the name of the daughter that Otto prepared for himself and Karin......."......

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