
Metropolitan Police Department has set a classification for the danger of magic, regardless of the power of magic, and is divided into three levels: A, B, and C.

Lethal C-Class: Possesses magic that causes damage to people but is not lethal or has little chance of lethality.

Lethal Class B: Possesses magic that can cause lethal damage to a person or has a high chance of causing death.

Lethal Class A: Possesses magic that can cause multiple deaths and injuries.

In fact, the ability of a magician depends largely on the influence of genetic factors. Because magic is closely linked to the strength of the country. Countries began to strictly control the bloodline of magicians, openly or privately, prohibiting cross-border marriages of magicians.

In most countries, magicians are regulated by a licensing system, and the standards for issuing licenses mostly follow international standards. The judging criteria are the speed, scale, and interference of the magic construction and execution, in other words, the same as the actual skills test of the nine magic universities.

As for the A-level magic, many of them are personally created by each family for the magical characteristics inherited by their own families, and then as a secret art of the family, the openness of some strategic-level magic is much better than that of the A-rank.

"The A-rank magic activation type that we can understand in the four-leaf technology has the magic outside the system to lament the Styx, the vibration system of the Ice Flame Hell and the sound of the sound of the step!Of course, there are also acceleration system magic water spiders that are not lethal, but the difficulty is comparable to that of the A level, and the compound magic air armor!!" Director Niu Shan said.

The phonon ram is a high-level magic that increases the vibration frequency of ultrasonic waves and quantizes them to form a hot wire emission.

Ice Hell is a large-scale regional vibrational magic that can divide the target area in two, reduce the kinetic energy and heat energy of all matter in one space, and put the remaining energy into another area to heat, so as to comply with the principle of conservation of energy, which is a kind of magic that subverts heat and cold.

The most powerful Yu Shu lamented the River Styx, inheriting the spiritual interference magic of the characteristics of the Four Leaves Family, and the extra-system magic that freezes the spirit.

Unable to make the body die, the object of lamenting the magic of the River Styx, the flesh and the body stop and stiffen with the "stillness" of the spirit. According to observations, the interaction between the spirit and the physical body may also lead to the crystallization of some of the physical body. To put it simply, it's a high-powered move to freeze the spirit. Unless there is interference-type magic, it is difficult to defend against.

As the name suggests, the Magic Water Spider increases the surface tension of the water surface, allowing a person to walk or run on the water.

The last air armor belongs to the composite defense magic of the aggregation and movement system. A layer of compressed air is constructed at relative coordinates three to five centimeters from the surface of the body, which is stationary at zero relative velocity.

And Hei Yugong felt that there were several kinds missing, his own original spiritual interference magic poison bee, his uncle's death blade, his cousin's meteor night, etc., and the database of the four-leaf technology also didn't have their activation?

"Yes, you help me adjust the four of them into my CAD. Lu Yu continued. There are ninety-nine types of start-up types that can be logged in at a time in general-purpose CAD, and A-level magic should not be able to fit enough.

"Okay, please lie down there. Director Niu Shan pointed to the free measuring table next to Shenxue's left hand and asked Lu Yu to lie down like Shenxue.

Lu Yu shook his head and refused: "No need, you just need to help me adjust the start-up formula in CAD, I don't have the adaptability problem of the technique." "

Director Niu Shan had already characterized Lu Yu's approach as a mess, and he didn't intend to persuade him, so he buried his head in tapping on the virtual keyboard.

Lines of instructions appeared on the screen in front of me, and it was difficult to read them. Although Lu Yu plans to learn the operation skills from him, and then be able to debug the CAD by himself in the future, it seems that it is not an easy task.

It took more than 30 minutes for Niu Shan to complete the deletion and addition. In fact, he has a lot of words in his heart. complained that Lu Yu spent a lot of time, it is better to customize a new CAD.

At the same time, the deep snow lying there also opened her crystal eyes. When she saw several more people around her watching her, she screamed in panic and her face turned red.

"Ah, little sister Shenxue, you're awake. Black Feather Gong said with a smile.

"Uncle Black Feather, you ...... Why are you here?" asked Deep Snow stammering.

"I came with Lu Yu. Black Feather Gong replied.

Shen Xue turned her gaze to the side, and when she saw Lu Yu there, her pretty cheeks flushed even more.

"Ah, why didn't anyone tell me. Knowing that he was sleeping and being seen by him, Shenxue suddenly felt so embarrassed that he wanted to dig a crack in the ground and turn in.

And Si Boda also frowned, he felt that the relationship between his sister Shenxue and Lu Yu was very strange. He always felt that because of the previous incident, Shenxue would have a bad feeling towards Lu Yu, why did he have super unhappy feelings in his heart.

My sister showed dislike for him at the time, why did it change so dramatically?

"Hehe, I'm here to debug CAD like Deep Snow. I'm not as powerful as you, and I'm only thirteen years old to be able to use A-rank magic. Lu Yu said.

"Where...... I haven't tested it, so it may not work. Deep Snow shook her head and whispered.

"In that case, it just so happens that the two of you will go to test it together, and Lu Yu's CAD is also ready to be debugged. Black Feather Gong suggested.

"How do you think it's going to be tested?" Lu Yu asked.

"Speaking of Lu Yu, you seem to be planning to go to a high school, why don't you have a friendly match with Shenxue Little Sister?" said Hei Yugong with interest.

"Hey, Brother Lu Yu is going to study at a high school. Shen Xue was surprised, how could Lu Yu be a high school student, he looked so mature.

"Hmm. Lu Yu nodded and agreed to Hei Yugong's request, he turned his head to face Shen Xue and smiled: "Shen Xue, please take care of me later." "

"You...... You are. Shen Xue saluted Lu Yu in a panic, feeling a little flustered.

Except for his brother, Shenxue is not good at dealing with other boys.

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