What is revealed in the sky shading mirror is a barren and empty world.

A golden-winged peng that exuded a terrifying aura was like a body cast in immortal gold at this moment, full of ruins, and blood containing the power of rich qi and blood flowed down, dripping on a star, and that ancient star instantly turned into nothingness.

Hundreds of millions of days of mine calamity poured down, and in the universe, thunder calamity raged wildly, and each thunder contained terrifying energy that was enough to destroy everything.

With the power of billions of laws, the black thunder tribulation condensed continuously slashed on the body of the golden-winged peng, and every thunder light fell, and the golden-winged peng’s body was like a fairy gold casting.

“How can Your Excellency let me go, the Golden-winged Dapeng clan?”

a voice full of dead silence echoed through the universe.

Hearing this, another figure bathed in thunder shook his head.

Just a finger out, bursting out billions of divine light, the birth and fall of thousands of universes are all between this finger.

In the void, only a cry of sorrow remained.

Yang An looked at the black thunder tribulation at this moment, and the picture of the strong body of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan was constantly decaying in his mind, and he muttered,

“Is this the reason why the saint can’t make a move?”

Every time the existence above the saint made a move, it would encounter that black thunder.

And that black thunder will continue to deprive the person of the robbery of life.

Often the stronger the person, the more difficult it is to prolong life.

To reach this level, if you want to prolong your life, you must need the top heavenly materials and earth treasures between heaven and earth.

For example, the forbidden area of life can only give birth to nine drops of life divine liquid for millions of years.

Just like the immortal elixir that has been rare for millions of years between heaven and earth, every time the immortal elixir appears, it will cause a vigorous immortal war, and countless quasi-emperors will strike one after another.

However, these are not a matter for Yang An.

As long as there are enough spirit stones and divine sources, the immortal medicine can be used as a snack, and the life divine liquid can be used for bathing.

As soon as his mind moved, a delicate jade bottle appeared in Yang An’s palm, and the rich breath of life instantly spread throughout the room.

Then Yang An put the jade bottle into the sky shading mirror, and then spatial ripples appeared on the mirror of the sky shading mirror, and when the ripples dissipated, the jade bottle disappeared.

“Xie Shengdi”

A thick voice of gratitude came through the Sky Shielding Mirror.

A whole small bottle of life divine liquid, even if Pei Qingyi has stepped into the ranks of the race, he is still grateful.

There were hundreds of drops of life divine liquid in a small bottle, and in this battle, he only lost about five thousand years of life yuan.

The strongest people who compete for the ranks have at least tens of thousands of years of life.

It was already a great gift for the Saint Emperor to let him step into the ranks of the battle, and hundreds of drops of life divine liquid could not only make him make up for the loss of Shouyuan, but when the life law in it was completely digested, it was impossible to go further.

How could he not be excited?

He also couldn’t help but feel the generosity of the Saint Emperor’s move.

If hundreds of drops of life divine liquid were in this world, they would definitely make the major forces crazy.

“Destroy the Golden-winged Dapeng family” At this moment, the foundation of the Golden-winged Dapeng family, a middle-of-life, tens of thousands of years ago, the ancestor of the Golden-winged Dapeng

has fallen.

Jin Tianhua of the Great Sage Realm was also directly wiped out by Pei Qingyi at the first time of the war.

At this moment, there are only three cats and dogs left in the Golden-winged Dapeng family.

The quasi-saint level also only left the patriarch of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan.

What to resist other prefectures?


The patriarch of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan who was hiding within the Guardian Clan Array looked at the shattered jade stele, his eyes filled with despair.

The last heritage of his Golden-winged Dapeng clan… Gone.

After today, I am afraid that even if he can still retain the Golden-winged Dapeng clan, it will only be three or two cats and dogs, and even the status of the royal family cannot be maintained.

At the moment, he still couldn’t figure it out.

Even if the prefecture was an immortal Dao system that had been revived in the ancient era, it would not have appeared so quickly!

Now the prefecture has not appeared for half a year.

Unfortunately, he never knew that there was a kind of person in the world called Kaibi.

At the same time

, the enchantment collapsed with a bang, and countless divine rays erupted with the ultimate destructive aura of the Blazing Dao, sweeping the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan.

Even the screams could not be heard, and countless powerhouses of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan were directly overwhelmed by the divine light and turned into nothingness.

“Revival the Emperor Weapon!”

The newly revived saint couldn’t help but curse angrily, but he was soon hit by a thunder punishment, and the dead qi spread in an instant, and he fell directly on the spot.

The patriarch of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan smiled bitterly when he heard this.

Emperor Ji

looked at the dim Zhan Ge in his hand.

That has to be able to recover!

At this moment, the emperor weapon of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan fell into a dead silence, and the godless weapon that could have deterred for nine days could not even recover.

Blood stained the entire Ten Thousand Demon Sen.

The Golden-winged Dapeng family, which has existed for millions of years, was once the ancestral land of the ancient royal family, and in one day, it was actually reduced to flat land.

Even if there are still remnants of the Golden-winged Dapeng, it will no longer regain its former status, and can only be reduced to a third-rate force.

And the forces persecuted by the Golden-winged Dapeng family in the past will definitely not let go of the rest of the Golden-winged Dapeng.

In the past, the Golden-winged Dapeng family was strong, and forces as strong as the Taikoo Lin family did not dare to rashly start a war with it.

But now, the powerhouses of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan have all fallen, and all the forces that have enemies with the Golden-winged Dapeng clan will definitely emerge like bamboo shoots after rain, even if Yang An does not lead, these forces will continue to hunt down and kill the remnants of the remnants of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan.


The endless fog of the Sea of Necromancers

shrouded it

, and the sea actually showed a blood-red color, the blazing aura continued to boil, and a terrifying giant beast jumped up, and the void was directly collapsed.

The Sea of Necrons is a forbidden place in the Divine Desolate Dao Domain, and it is a place where living beings are extinct, and even the Terran quasi-emperor powerhouse does not dare to set foot in this area rashly.

It is said that the Sea of Dead Souls once buried several peak emperors, and the blood of these emperors dripped on the endless sea, which formed a blood-red scene.

And the emperor blood scattered by those fallen emperors contains strong imperial laws, but it is full of the aura of destruction, so countless powerful creatures have been bred in the sea of dead souls, but these creatures have no spiritual intelligence, no matter how powerful, they only have the instinct to devour.

Suddenly, the sea surface boiled, and countless seawater rushed up, condensing into a blood-red tomb.

In the depths of the tomb, a low and thick voice echoed.

It seems to be whispering, with an indescribable, unexplained emotion.

“The luck of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan has dissipated

” “The world of great controversy has not yet begun, and the whole clan has been destroyed

” “I knew this earlier, it is better to swallow it all in one bite, and I can also recover some qi and blood

” “It’s really… Waste”

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