Finally, after waiting for half a day, Yang An still received everyone.

Just hang and suppress the arrogance of the major forces, let them know who is in charge of the current era, Yang An does not really want to offend them to death, after all, the true immortal ancestors of these forces are not dead, it is impossible to say that some of the best have touched the threshold of the immortal king.

Immortal King,

Yang An didn’t want to attract the attention of such a supreme giant now.

The representatives of the major immortal forces only relaxed their hearts when they learned that Yang An was willing to receive them.

After all, they can also be regarded as picking up the leaks of the prefecture and grabbing food in front of the prefecture.

When everyone stepped into the reception hall of the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce, a wave of immortal qi rushed to their faces, and pieces of jade that exuded a brilliant glow covered the hall, and there were countless stars shining above the hall, which was a universe that was refined by the supreme powerhouse with great god power, embedded above the hall.

This shocked the hearts of the representatives of the major forces, what a great power this is?

Refining a universe just for decoration.

But soon, someone noticed that something was wrong.

The Dao Lord of the Purple Xiao Dao Palace widened his eyes, as if he had seen something terrifying.

“This… Could these jades be heavenly immortal jade?” The

Dao master of the Zixiao Dao Palace stroked the jade on the wall, seemingly unbelievable, but the moment he touched the jade, a soft touch spread throughout his body, and the whole person was a little fluttering, and his understanding of the road ahead was a little deeper.



are few Heavenly Immortal Jade, the major immortal Dao systems still have a little reserve, in terms of strategic value, Heavenly Immortal Jade is enough to compare with the rare mother gold that forged the Extreme Dao Emperor Soldier, and only the most outstanding Demon Grade Tianjiao is qualified to take a small piece for enlightenment.

The palace master of the Yaochi Dao Palace, the head of the Immortal Qin Family, the sacrificial wine of the Jixia School Palace, and the others only came back from the shock of the universe above their heads after hearing the Dao Lord of the Zixiao Dao Palace exclaim.

“This… This is really Tianxian Jade!”

was accompanied by even more shock.

At first, they didn’t recognize it, it was that no one connected this full of jade with Tianxian jade, who could have imagined that the jade decorated in this hall was actually Tianxian jade!

At this moment, they finally understood why the Asura tribe, barbarians and even the fairy race chose to join the stream and want to take down the hell mansion in one pot.

Forcibly pressing the greed in their hearts, everyone continued to move forward, but their steps slowed down for countless beats, and the afterlight glanced at the heavenly immortal jade from time to time.


the end, they still reached the end of the corridor, and they were greeted by a majestic portal, as if through the ancient years, the texture of the avenue is intertwined, as if it contains thousands of worlds.

Looking at this portal, it is as if you have come to a sea of laws, the laws of heaven and earth are at a glance, in such an environment, you can say without hesitation that even a pig can become a saint.

As for the race to cross the ranks, then a certain understanding is required.

But for the lord of the major forces, an existence that is transcendent in his own understanding, if he stays here for hundreds of years, it is not difficult to become enlightened.

“All things divine iron as a portal, this kind of handwriting, I am afraid that it is extremely luxurious in the Immortal Domain,”

the Dao Lord of the Tai Shang Dao Palace sighed with emotion.

All things divine iron, a rare material used to forge defensive polar emperor soldiers, will only appear when the universe is about to collapse, and even if it appears, it is part of the size of a thumb.

Rao is so, it is enough for many supreme powerhouses to break their heads, and even the extremely strong will be moved, after all, not everyone has the resources to build a sermon.

Just when the Dao Master of the Taishang Dao Palace wanted to step forward and touch that portal, the closed portal slowly opened, and a vast immortal Dao power surged, and blazing immortal light gushed out, and it had an indescribable power that made everyone’s hearts unable to move.

Looking through the door, an ancient being stood on both sides of the void, the chaotic aura was pervasive, the brilliant divine light was intertwined, and the vision of the avenue appeared, exuding a thick immortal mist, like a supreme deity, overlooking the heavens and the earth.

At the end of the two sides, there was a slender figure sitting upright, he was dressed in purple, his body was shrouded in divine light, and he surrounded the avenue and sound, like a supreme immortal emperor overlooking all living beings, making everything in heaven and earth lose its brilliance.

The Dao Lord and the others of the Taishang Dao Palace were shocked in their hearts, and they felt a heavy pressure floating up in their hearts, and even their breathing became cautious.


so many Extreme Dao powerhouses in one breath, Rao is these world-long-lasting, eternal and immortal top Dao masters can’t help but feel a heavy pressure rushing towards them.

Looking at the excessively young purple-clothed figure above the first seat, the Dao Lord of the Taishang Dao Palace and the others were shocked in their hearts, and did not dare to look directly at each other.

Although this person seemed to be about the same age as their descendants and were all young people, everyone did not think of it as a younger generation.

It is said that this may be the reincarnation of the ancient immortal existence of the prefecture, it is impossible to say that they have lived for a long time compared to their true immortal ancestors, and now they are in charge of such a behemoth as the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce, which can be described as the limelight.

“I have seen President Yang”

The Dao Master of the Taishang Dao Palace, the Palace Master of the Yaochi Dao Palace, the Patriarch of the Qin Family, the Dao Master of the Zixiao Dao Palace, and other supreme Dao masters bowed respectfully.

In the face of this ancient powerhouse who is suspected of being revived by an immortal existence, this worship is not shameful.

It is impossible to say that before a long time ago, they were not qualified to meet such adults!

Yes, this is the pride that such a big man should have, just like they treat other ants, how can the strong care about the feelings of the ants?

Yang An glanced at the people below, and said without salt

, “What is the matter with you guys coming to look for Yang?” The

palace master of the Yaochi Dao Palace glanced up at Yang An, and then stood up and said respectfully

” Chairman Yang, we want to know if this heaven and earth are combined into one of the Upper Nine Domains and the Three Thousand Dao Domains, whether it will be able to reproduce the scene of the Immortal Ancient Era and the opening of the Immortal Road,”

Yang An secretly said so.

No one can refuse the desire to become an immortal, this has become the only obsession of many Daoists, and the wind they release will naturally gain something

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