At this moment, many Tianjiao have already come to the inside of the heavenly ladder, but they see that the heavenly ladder layer after layer in front of them is close in front of them, like white jade, blooming with endless divine light, and there is a great road imprint carved on the jade ladder, which looks extremely mysterious.

Countless eyes looked at the heavenly ladder with fiery eyes, as long as they stepped on that heavenly ladder, they could obtain the inheritance of the saint level at the minimum.

Although the world is now open, don’t treat the saint as a person, but the saint-level does not have such a lofty status as before, but it still belongs to the absolute strong!

One by one, the figures stepped towards the heavenly ladder, wanting to take a step ahead and seize the first floor of the heavenly ladder, but before one foot stepped in, they felt an indescribable mighty power emerge, and half of their bodies turned into nothingness.

“What’s going on

?” “Could it be that I don’t have the qualifications to step into the first level of the Heavenly Ladder?” “Doesn’t

it mean that everyone is qualified to walk the Heavenly Ladder?”

asked Tianjiao, unwillingly.


” But at this moment, there was a cold snort from the crowd, and I saw a red-haired man with a pair of narrow phoenix eyes with a strange look, but he said with disdain

: “You group of waste, do you know the preciousness of the immortal inheritance?

It is already a great gift that you group of waste can appear here and contaminate the immortal yuan

” “Don’t look for reasons from yourself, in the end, it’s just that you are too waste”

After saying this, the red-haired man turned his head and ignored everyone and walked directly towards the heavenly ladder.

The young man who was humiliated by the red-haired man turned even more red, he had reached the peak of foundation building in only fifty years of cultivation, and he was a genius that was rare in thousands of years in their dynasty, how could he have been so humiliated?

“What kind of person are you, and you deserve to ask me to do things?” The

red-haired man suddenly stopped and suddenly smiled

, “Is this the courage of the frog at the bottom of the well?”

When the words fell, the red-haired man ignored it.

The young man who spoke before was horrified to find that the blood in his body was uncontrolled, frantically penetrating from the skin, and it was extremely miserable.

“Nope… No!”

A harsh scream echoed, and young Tianjiao’s blood quickly dried up and turned into withered corpses.

The rest of the many Tianjiao looked at this terrifying scene, and couldn’t help but feel a chill in their spine, and they were all glad that they didn’t blindly speak.

The world is so big, there are so many Tianjiao, like brilliant meteors, no one knows that a demon who can’t afford to provoke appears in that pimple corner.

The red-haired man stepped into the first staircase without the slightest hindrance under everyone’s fearful gaze.

Qin Langtian looked at the red-haired man who disappeared from sight, a smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, and he muttered

, “It’s something interesting, it’s actually the Asura God Race’s peerless blood god lead”

Lantai Immortal’s beautiful eyes fluctuated slightly, she felt the ultimate evil on the red-haired man just now, as if he was the great evil in the world, plague all living beings.


Huo, Zhou Xuanji, Qin Hao and others also looked solemn, the red-haired man actually made them all feel the crisis, this person’s strength can be described as terrifying, and they have never heard of it!

This martial arts conference is really like a cloud

! After the red-haired man’s figure disappeared, many Tianjiao were not to be outdone, and they followed one after another.

As the red-haired man said, those who were not qualified to step into the first level of the heavenly ladder were mediocre.

Converted into qualifications, that is, together with cyan qualifications, it is completely made up.

After stepping into the first staircase, everyone only felt a roaring sound in their ears, and the light flashed in front of them, and then they came to an independent space.

There was a terrifying Saint Dao power pervading here, and it was no wonder that many of the so-called Tianjiao before did not even have the qualifications to step into the first layer.

Although this terrifying holy path power is not the real saint coercion, but it hits the heart, people can’t help but be in awe, once fear, then the pressure will become heavier and heavier, until it completely destroys a person.

Some Tianjiao did not hesitate to turn around and leave after stepping into the first layer, although the opportunity is good, but also have a life to enjoy! The first

layer is so dangerous, and the next ninety-eight layer can be imagined.

However, after they withdrew, a wisp of fairy spirit qi emerged from the heavenly ladder and poured into the body of the person who chose to give up, although it was only a wisp of breath, but it was enough to make ordinary Tianjiao Yi Jing cleanse and improve his qualifications.

Some Tianjiao who originally planned to withdraw stopped one after another, just the first layer had a wisp of fairy aura of consolation award, so what about the back?

Compared with this group of people, those famous three thousand realms of the divine son, the holy son seems quite relaxed, although the first layer has pressure on them, but it can also be ignored.

For a while, everyone was excited and walked towards a higher number of layers.

Qin Hao, Qin Langtian, Xiao Huo and a series of other demons are even more soaring, and these coercion is almost negligible.

Soon, everyone came to the fiftieth floor of the stairs, and what came into view was a stone stele that exuded endless brilliant divine light.

A young Tianjiao, who was the holy son of the Holy Land of Xiaoyao, looked at the Tongtian stone stele in front of him with excited eyes, and did not hesitate to put his hand on the stone stele, and in an instant, endless Dao rhyme rose, and wisps of immortal machines fell, instilling into the body of the Holy Son of Xiaoyao.

At this moment, under the indoctrination of the immortal machine, the whole body of the Xiaoyao Holy Son was brilliant, blooming with endless divine radiance, and it looked as if he was about to become an immortal.

On the stone tablet was a string of numbers

“five hundred wisps” of the elder of the Xiaoyao Holy Land who smiled when he saw this scene, five hundred wisps

of immortal chance, enough to make the Xiaoyao Holy Son go further, and it is impossible to say that it is impossible to go further in the future and step into the ranks of alternative enlightenment.

The Holy Son of Xiaoyao closed his eyes in place, the endless divine light bloomed, turning into the sound of Brahma, the breath in the body changed abruptly, a sharp breath rushed straight into the sky, as if there was a supreme powerhouse Lingyun ascending, the world of Xiaoyao, opening his eyes again, the bottleneck of the realm of the Holy Son of Xiaoyao directly reached the realm of the Heavenly Palace.

And at this moment, everyone looked at the endless creation of the Xiaoyao Holy Son, and even broke through from the Wheel Sea Realm to the Heavenly Palace Realm, and now the breath was still rising, and they couldn’t help but arrive at the stone tablet to pull the immortal machine.

“I wonder how many wisps of immortal machine I can obtain?”

Suddenly, the immortal light was full of heaven, and countless visions appeared everywhere, and there were constantly Tianjiao who obtained the immortal machine infusion breakthrough cultivation, obviously all of them had obtained great benefits.

Silently, no one noticed that the eyes of the original Xiaoyao Saint Son glowed with a strange red light.

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