On Monday morning

, Lu Ruoqi came to school with a pinch.

As soon as she sat down, Gao Yuanyuan turned her head and said mysteriously: "Qiqi, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Lu Ruoqi said while putting down his schoolbag: "Listen to it first."

Gao Yuanyuan cleared her throat and said, "The good news is that there will be a sports meeting on the 29th and 30th!" and then a super long holiday!"

"What about the bad news?" Lu Ruoqi asked as he stuffed his phone into the belly of the table.

"The bad news is that there is a monthly exam on the first day of October. Gao Yuanyuan pouted and said angrily.

"That's not bad news, at least for me. Lu Ruoqi winked at Gao Yuanyuan and blinked his eyes wide.




The last period was a math class, and Lu Ruoqi had already taken the tableware and was ready to go.

At noon today, there is his favorite fish-flavored shredded pork topping rice!

"Jingle bell~~~"

The bell rang after class.

Fang Ling subconsciously wanted to drag the hall, but she couldn't bear it when she saw Lu Ruoqi's excited appearance, so she had to wave her hand and let them eat.

"Quick!Orange Orange, Yuanyuan, Yushi!Eat, eat!I'll go find a good seat!!!"

he slipped away as he spoke.

Yan Cheng looked at He Yushi and Gao Yuanyuan on the side helplessly, and muttered to himself: "Why is Qiqi so active when he arrives at dinner

?" Gao Yuanyuan thought enviously: "Why can't Qiqi eat so much every time?"

He Yushi thought happily: "I can eat with Qiqi again... I want Kiki to feed herself, just like those couples......"

The three of them walked towards the cafeteria.

But what they don't know is that their home has been stolen ......



, Lu Ruoqi was very happy to take the meal card to the window of the fish-flavored shredded pork.

"Ahh Sister, give me shredded fish and pork!!!" The

aunt who was cooking smiled and her hands didn't tremble, and she covered the rice with one spoonful after another, and asked as she covered it: "Little girl, are you full of food?

"No, no, that's enough. Lu Ruoqi nodded again and again.

The amount of these meals was enough for two Yan Cheng!

Since the other classes were dragging their classes, Lu Ruoqi easily occupied a seat under the sun.

The autumn sun shines most comfortably!

Just when Lu Ruoqi was about to chew and swallow, a plump body sat opposite him.

"No... Not... Sorry, there's someone here. Lu Ruoqi raised his head and said after swallowing a mouthful of food.

However, he was stunned when he saw the person in front of him.

"Ruoqi junior sister, do you remember me?"

the person in front of him put down the plate containing three vegetables and one meat, and looked at him with a smile.

"You're... "

Hmph, I didn't expect the sweet junior sister to remember me!

Xia Yeyu said as she took off a shoe with her right foot, and her jade feet wearing black silk slid around on Lu Ruoqi's legs that were not wearing stockings.

"Huh!" Lu Ruoqi's face suddenly turned red, and his whole body was as crisp and numb as if he had been electrocuted.

"Gou system! You say again that she's not a lesbian?!"

[Hmm... Host... Root... The system is also uncertain... The system is dormant!]

"Hey, Gou system, Gou system!!"

The system never made a sound again as if it was dead.

"Hey, hey, Ruoqi junior sister, what are you doing in a daze?"

"Don't be in a daze when chatting with senior sister!" Saying

that, she actually wanted to send her jade feet between Lu Ruoqi's legs.

Lu Ruoqi was frightened, and hurriedly put his legs together, and freed his hands to flatten his skirt.

"Learn... Senpai... What are you looking for me?" Lu Ruoqi asked with a deep breath.

Xia Yeyu didn't tease him anymore, he put a pair of chopsticks and rice into his mouth, chewed a few times and swallowed it cleanly, and said, "

Is the senior sister interested in joining the student

union?" "Student union?" Lu Ruoqi's chopsticks stopped and looked at Xia Yeyu suspiciously.

"That's right. Xia Yeyu put down her chopsticks, took out a piece of paper from her skirt (hey!, where did you get it from?!), spread the paper flat and handed it to Lu Ruoqi.

"According to my investigation, you are very strong in science, and you joined Lao Xue's competition group less than two weeks after the start of school.

"Secondly, your popularity is also quite good, in my investigation, only one person in the entire fifth class hates you. "

Huh, who?" Lu Ruoqi asked.

"Well... I don't care about this kind of brainless villain who gives the protagonist experience!" Xia Yeyu shook her head indifferently.

Lu Ruoqi: ( ̄△ ̄;)

"So, I invite you to the student union and train you as my successor.


"Yes, in short, when I graduate, you'll be the student council president." Xia Yeyu looked at Lu Ruoqi with blazing eyes.

"Well... I don't want it, the president of the student union wants to organize all kinds of activities and all kinds of work, and I don't want to praise me for doing a good job, and I don't want to carry the biggest pot if I don't do a good job. Lu Ruoqi pursed his lips and continued to cook.

"Being president of the student council has a privilege you can't turn down. Xia Yeyu said faintly.


"No class. "


"You can come and eat whenever you want, and you can hang out whenever you want." "


"Hmm... Because when he became the president of the student council... They must have been escorted. Xia Yeyu said very naturally.

"Hmm... Hmm......" Lu Ruoqi was in trouble, "I... I'm thinking about it...... "

Hmph, I'll take this piece of paper and come to Senior Sister after thinking about it!"

Xia Yeyu smiled charmingly, stood up and leaned forward, lifted Lu Ruoqi's chin with the fingers of his right hand, and then gently pressed his lips up.

Lu Ruoqi's mind went blank in an instant.

After a second, Xia Yeyu slowly parted, and couldn't help but say, "Ruoqi's junior sister is cute, it's really unbearable!"

With that, she left with her plate.

Lu Ruoqi's brain seemed to be steaming, and the chopsticks in his hand fell on the table without knowing it.

This scene happened to be seen by Yan Cheng, Gao Yuanyuan, and He Yushi who walked in.

Yan Cheng and He Yushi were dumbfounded, looking at the scene in front of them incredulously.

Their hearts seemed to be shattered at this moment

! Qiqi's first kiss was gone! Qiqi's first time

was taken away by this vicious bad woman!

Gao Yuanyuan covered her mouth, but her reaction was not as exaggerated as the other two.

Xia Yeyu put the plate back, her eyes lingered on the three of them for a while, revealing a provocative expression, and she left the ......

PS: The addition is over, and I'm tired to death

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