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Just when everyone in Class 5 was walking hard, Lu Ruoqi came to the commissary alone.

After thinking for a while with the meal card in his hand, he asked the aunt at the commissary for three bottles of chilled mineral water and a bottle of chilled Coke.

Then he held three bottles of cold mineral water in his arms, held an iced Coke in his right hand, and twisted it vigorously in his left hand.


" "Gollum~Gollum

~" "Ah~~Cool!Hiccup~~"

Lu Ruoqi walked through the phalanx one class after another in a happy mood.

The other students who were training looked at Lu Ruoqi, who walked by in a chic manner, envious and angry.

After the third class, a boy couldn't help it and shouted: "Instructor, why doesn't that girl need training?" "Shut up! You must call the report instructor before you want to speak!"

The boy pursed his lips and

shouted: "Report to the instructor, why doesn't that girl need to train?" The instructor of the third class glanced at Lu Ruoqi, and then shouted: "That classmate, why don't you participate in the training?"

Lu Ruoqi turned his head suspiciously when he heard the shouting.

"Yes, it's you, which class? Why don't you train?"

"I've won the instructor! So I don't have to train." Lu Ruoqi said as a matter of course.

"What?" the instructor of the third class obviously did not believe in this evil.

How could a girl beat an instructor?

Moreover, the instructor of the fifth class is still Ye Zheng, and this forced class is one place higher than herself every time.

The instructor of the third class looked back at the group of students who were about to fall, and said, "Rest for five minutes!" "

Little girl, take me to you Instructor Ye." The instructor of the third class patted Lu Ruoqi and said.


After a while, Lu Ruoqi came to the phalanx of class five with the instructors of the third class.

Ye Zheng saw the instructor of the third class coming, and stepped forward and asked, "Fang Yu, what are you doing here?" "

I heard that you were beaten by a little girl, let me take a look." The instructor of the third class forced a smile and said.

Ye Zheng glanced at him, pointed at Lu Ruoqi and said, "If you have the ability, you can go and fight with her." "

I don't fight. "

Fang Yu is not stupid!

those who can defeat Ye Zheng must not be weak, so he should not be the wronged leader.

Even if it's a girl on the other side.

"Why are you beeping here without beating

you?" "But you were beaten by a little girl!" "Are you annoyed, do you believe that I beat you?"

"You were beaten by

a little girl." "

My class is always the first in the assessment!" "

You were beaten by a little girl."

"Your grades will never be as high as mine!" "

You've been beaten by a little girl." "

Fang Yu!"

"You were beaten by a little girl. "

Can you change your sentence?"

"You were beaten by a little girl." "


Ye Zhengqi's teeth itched, if it weren't for so many people, he would definitely have punched it over.

On the other side, Lu Ruoqi sat on the turf of the playground, drinking Coke one after another.

Taking advantage of the quarrel between the two instructors, he took two bottles of water and unscrewed one bottle from the back of the phalanx, and fed Gao Yuanyuan and He Yushi a sip.

Yan Cheng stood in the first row, and he couldn't blatantly step forward.

The boys standing in the back two rows were envious!

"Sister Qi, can you give me a bite too." Jiang Ming looked at the water in Lu Ruoqi's hand.

Lu Ruoqi kicked him on the ass: "Think beautifully."

He glanced at the two instructors, and saw Ye Zheng coming over like an angry little daughter-in-law, and hurriedly slipped away around the rear.

"Sister Qi, ......

you" "What's strange?The fifth boy in the last row, what are you talking about?" Ye Zheng happened to hold back the fire in his belly, and when he saw Jiang Ming looking around there, he yelled.

"It's nothing, instructor!" Jiang Ming broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly said.

"Come forward.

Jiang Ming stepped forward honestly.

"Do twenty push-ups and go back when you're done. Ye Zheng didn't punish too harshly.


......" "One more word, add twenty!" "


is walking, resting, turning left and turning right ......

After about another hour of practice, the instructor finally let them go.

"Huhu~~~ I'm tired to death......

" "Today is all my exercise this month."

"Don't worry, you'll say that tomorrow too.

"Let's go, go buy water, I'm going to die of thirst

!" "......"

Lu Ruoqi handed the two bottles of mineral water that he had just opened to Gao Yuanyuan and He Yushi, and then walked in front of Yan Cheng with the bottle that had not yet been opened.

"Orange Orange, here you go. Lu Ruoqi handed the water over.

Yan Cheng's face was a little pale, she glanced at Lu Ruoqi, and said, "Don't." "

That's... Aren't you thirsty?"

Yan Cheng swallowed his saliva and didn't look at him: "Not thirsty."

"Orange Orange, are you still angry? It's really all a misunderstanding

!" "Go away!"

It's okay not to mention this, but when I mention this Yan Cheng, I feel a faint pain in my heart, and the memory of the second year of junior high school seems to appear in front of my eyes again.

She staggered to her feet, suddenly feeling dizzy in front of her eyes and a little weak under her feet.

The next second, she lost consciousness and fell headlong.

"Orange Orange, Orange Orange!" "Orange Orange, what's wrong with you?"

"Orange Orange, wake up!"

"Orange Orange



Yan Cheng had a dream.

She dreamed that when she was in elementary school, her parents accompanied her to an amusement park.

In one of the seats of the train, the father sat on the left, himself in the middle, and the mother on the right.

She was smiling happily.

"Dad, look!" Yan Cheng stretched out his little finger and pointed to the panda sculpture not far away.

"Dad, ...... you" Yan Cheng reached to the left with his other hand, but found that he had touched the void.

"Dad, where are you, Dad....."

Yan Cheng hurriedly turned around and looked around, and soon found her father in a train of carriages behind her.

And her father is unusually affectionate with a woman, and there is a boy about her age next to the woman.

Yan Cheng subconsciously wanted to grab her mother on the right, but found that her mother had disappeared around at some point.

But she didn't cry.

"Woo~~~" The train has arrived.

Yan Cheng sat in his seat and didn't get off the bus for a long time.

Her tears ran down her chin and onto her skirt.

"Little sister, why are you crying? Can't you find your mother?"

At this moment, a soft voice appeared in her ear.

Yan Cheng rubbed his eyes and turned his head to look.

A beautiful big sister in a JK uniform is looking at her with a smile.

"Qiqi ......," Yan Cheng muttered.

"Let's go, little sister, can I take you to your mother?"

Lu Ruoqi picked up Yan Cheng and walked out step by step.

Yan Cheng threw himself on Lu Ruoqi's chest, and all the nervousness and grievances seemed to have calmed down at this moment.


"Teacher, how is Orange Orange?"

"Low blood sugar + some heat stroke, and she hasn't been in a good mood lately." "

Uh... Yes......

" "As her friend, you have to take good care of her and help her as much as you can, mental illness is a big problem. "

Yes... The teacher ......"

Yan Cheng heard the conversation between the two in a daze, and the voice of one of them was particularly familiar.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw the medical teacher in a white coat and Lu Ruoqi with an anxious face.

"Qiqi, Orange Orange, she's awake!" Gao Yuanyuan sat on her right, and shouted excitedly when she saw that she was awake.

Lu Ruoqi turned his head suddenly, rushed to Yan Cheng's little white bed in three steps and two steps, and grabbed her hand.

"Kiki... I'm sorry......" Yan Cheng whispered.

Towards the end of the second half of the second semester of junior high school, she fell to the bottom.

The third year of junior high school was confused, and she was locked in her room all day to learn Xi, but no one, including herself, knew what she was learning.

In the high school entrance examination, she was 2 points away from the Modu Middle School she wanted to take the exam.

In her first year of high school, she came to the second middle school of the magic capital.

On the first day of school, she met Lu Ruoqi around the corner.

Her smile is infectious.

She is very smart and can solve any problem.

She is very good to people, especially to herself.

It was Lu Ruoqi who brought her warmth, it was Lu Ruoqi who protected her, and it was Lu Ruoqi who made her laugh and make her jealous.

As for whether there is anyone else around Lu Ruoqi.

Yan Cheng didn't care anymore.

It is enough for her to know who is really good to her.

PS: If you have any questions about this chapter, you can take a look at what you have to say, and it doesn't occupy the number of words.

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