It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 1038 Sleep and food anxiety

Chapter 1040

When is the most terrifying knife?

Not when it unsheathed and slashed your throat, but when it couldn't hold the blade, and it hung in the air. Because you don't know when it will come, it seems like it will come at any moment.

Now Li Xingzai was troubled by this, and was worried all day, for fear that Cheng Dalei would suddenly appear and ask for his life.

Li Xingzai had completely lost the news of Cheng Dalei. Although a lot of people were dispatched, and even a lot of people risked their lives to sneak into Liangzhou to inquire, but still nothing.

Because they don't know where they are, they seem to be everywhere.

Now Li Xingzai can't sleep well, and he doesn't know how to eat because of this. No one knows whether Cheng Dalei has sneaked into Chang'an City, and secretly sharpened his knife, looking for an opportunity to start.

It wasn't that Li Xingzai was suspicious, and it wasn't that he was timid. It is true that he understands what kind of person Cheng Dalei is and what kind of ability he has.

The courtyard of the inner palace is deep, and the masters are like clouds, but can it really stop Cheng Dalei's ordinary sword?

Li Xingzai is also a little remorseful now. Originally, his relationship with Cheng Dalei was not like this, but he intensified the conflict step by step to this level.

The matter has come to this point, and regret is useless. Since it is the trouble that I caused, I must find a way to solve it.

In a flash, it was two or three months. Before you knew it, the end of the year was approaching, and the entire city of Chang'an was decorated with lanterns, ready to celebrate the first Spring Festival after the war.

Everything is calm, and some things have already passed in a trance. But Li Xingzai understood that some things did not pass.

Li Xingzai had already moved to the upper floor of the star-viewing building, surrounded by three steps and one post, five steps and one post, all of them were the elite forces in the army.

On this day, Song Youqu came to see Li Xingzai, but saw Li Xingzai lose weight all over, with deep fear in his eyes.

During this time, he was tortured by nightmares, and if this continued, he was afraid that he would be scared to death by himself before Cheng Dalei appeared.

"Your Majesty, it's the dragon's body that matters, do you care a lot?"

Li Xingzai waved his hand weakly, he was too concerned to be so restless.

"Have I found the person you were looking for?"

Song Youqu nodded and reported: "My subordinates secretly dispatched personnel to recruit ten experts from all corners of the world for His Majesty. Now they are waiting for an order in front of His Highness. Do you want to meet them?"

Li Xingzai leaned forward slightly: "Can they be trusted?"

Song You's channel: "The subordinates have carefully checked their origins, and they are all people in the rivers and lakes. They have nothing to do with Cheng Dalei, and they are also willing to do things for His Majesty."

Li Xingzai thought about it carefully, and finally said: "It's better not to let them see me. You bring them to the palace to perform martial arts, and I will see their abilities in secret."

Song Youqu immediately led the troops, and after making arrangements, he came over to invite Li Xingzai. This is naturally very troublesome, but for Li Xingzai's safety consideration, he should not be afraid of trouble.

Song Youqu now knows about Li Xingzai and Cheng Dalei, although he does not support Li Xingzai to kill Cheng Dalei. But since things were like this, he had to think about Li Xingzai.

He visited the Three Mountains and Five Mountains, and inquired about the heroes of the world. During this period of time, he found ten experts in all corners of the world for Li Xingzai.

Li Xingzai hid in the pavilion, watching the situation on the martial arts field through the window, Song Youqu accompanied him.

I saw that these ten people looked strange, and they had various appearances. He was used to the neat style of the military, and Li Xingzai couldn't stand their casual atmosphere.

"Let them show off their skills and see how their martial arts are." Li Xingzai said.

Song Youqu nodded and ordered, first of all, a monk came out. Song You channel: "This monk was discovered by his subordinates in a small temple in the southwest. The name is Qingshi. This person grew up in the temple since he was a child.

The monk Qingshi stood in the center of the martial arts field, and ten guards in the palace shot at him at the same time.

Li Xingzai was taken aback, but saw that the monk was not injured, and the waist knife slashed at him as if it were slashed on a stone.

He clasped his hands together and uttered the Buddha's name, stretched out his hand and grabbed a waist saber, and with a bang, it was broken into two pieces.

Li Xingzai let out a long sigh of relief and said, "This person stays."

Then a Taoist priest came out, and Song You channeled: "This Taoist priest's name is Tongxuan, and he has a superb light-weight kung fu."

I saw this Taoist priest holding a whisk, standing on the spot with some immortal style. He suddenly stood up from the ground, his body turned in the air, and he swung straight up along the flagpole in the center of the martial arts field.

Then he landed on his feet steadily, his breath did not grow, and his face did not change.

Li Xingzai looked at Song Youqu and nodded with satisfaction: Song Youqu is more reliable than Qi Jiguang.

The remaining people showed off their martial arts one by one, and Song Youqu finally recruited these people, and each of them had unique skills in housekeeping.

There is a woman whose name is Red Line, who is proficient in assassination.

There was a hunter who grew up in the mountains since childhood, accompanied by tigers and wild boars.

There was a strong man who was born on the Jiangnan dock carrying sacks. His strength was infinite, and his arms were extremely powerful.


Li Xingzai was still very satisfied with the people Song Youqu found. In the end, there was only one beggar left. His clothes were tattered and he had a wine gourd hanging from his waist. He looked very wasteful.

"What's his ability?" Li Xingzai asked.

Song Youqu passed the order, which made him show his ability. The order has been passed down, to the beggar's ears.

By this time, he had swayed his footsteps just now, and judging from his staggering footsteps, it should have been a hangover.

Li Xingzai frowned: Is this person really reliable?

The man yawned, holding a bamboo pole in his hand, and said to the other nine people, "Come on together."

This group of people were all recruited by Song Youqu in every possible way. They were willing to enter the temple from the rivers and lakes, and naturally they all had a heart to compete for fame and fortune. Today is not far away, and everyone refuses to hide their secrets and wants to show off their abilities.

This beggar is so rampant, we don't mind giving him some color. There is no first and no second in the text, and the temperament of Jianghu people is that they are not used to each other. If you can directly kill the other party, it seems that there is nothing.

The first person to shoot at him was the woman with the red line. She fluttered and appeared in front of the beggar in an instant.

With a snap, the green bamboo pole had knocked on her face, and a red mark appeared on her face.

Moving again and being beaten again, the two red marks crossed together, looking ridiculous.

Li Xingzai, who didn't care much at first, suddenly regained his spirits. It was true that a real person did not show his appearance, and his appearance was not a real person. This beggar doesn't look very good, but he has such a superb ability.

The beggar took another step back, and the bamboo pole knocked on the knee of the red-lined woman. She knelt down with a slap, and her face was ashamed and ashamed. When she wanted to stand up, she was hit on the head again.

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