It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 379: First-Class City Construction Drawings

Chapter 380

Fan Lihua and Cheng Dalei, who had sobered up, faced a mess in the house.

The table collapsed, the cups and plates shattered into pieces, and the two's clothes, including the bedding, were scattered on the ground, and some were even torn apart. The ground was wet and smelled of wine.

Thinking of what happened just now, Fan Lihua felt ashamed. At the same time, he raised his head and looked at Cheng Dalei quietly. I thought that Cheng Dalei would be able to say a few words, but he was sitting on the ground in a daze, not knowing what to think.

"Hey..." Fan Lihua called softly.

Cheng Dalei suddenly came back to his senses. Just now, he was checking the city construction drawings in his mind, but he was a little lost. Looking up at this moment, seeing Fan Lihua's fragrant shoulders exposed, her expression shy and timid, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He cautiously leaned over and took Fan Lihua's hand, Fan Lihua lowered her head in shame, but did not resist.

Confused, Cheng Dalei suddenly remembered something, and said solemnly, "Don't hurt me again this time."

"Well, I'll be very weak."

Huh, there's something wrong with that.


The next day dawned, and it was clear and sunny.

Everyone saw that Cheng Dalei was wearing a bandage on his hand, but they didn't know what happened. When asked, Cheng Dalei also kept silent and never answered.

Cheng Dalei was in the study, studying the city construction drawings that the system rewarded.

The current Qinchuan Pass has reached the fourth level, and if it develops further down, it should be transformed into a city. In other words, the fifth-level cottage is equivalent to the first-level city.

There are still differences between a city and a cottage.

In general, the cottage is a military fortress, and everything is in the service of war. The city not only has the army, but also many living facilities.

Cheng Dalei looked at the drawings to understand the specific requirements from the fourth-level cottage to the first-level city.

First of all, the population is required to reach 100,000. With the continuous participation of refugees and the original population of the cottage, the current total population of the cottage is about 50,000, which is not far from the goal.

A military policy mansion, studying strategy, formation, and diplomacy.

There is an inner government, which studies production, planting, public security in the city and so on.

Then, the market, barracks, general station, medical hall, artisan workshop, school and other facilities were originally existing in Qinchuanguan, and they can meet the requirements with a little modification.

What caught Cheng Dalei's attention was one of the buildings: the bank.

Qianzhuang is probably similar in function to a bank, but it is also very different from a bank. The main function of the bank is to exchange gold and silver. Gold is exchanged for silver, and silver is exchanged for copper. The bank charges a certain percentage of fees. In the past, large-scale banks still issued some bank notes, but now there is a chaotic situation, and no consortium can support such credit, and now the bank notes are almost the same as white paper.

Therefore, the incident of Cheng Dalei walking around the world with one million taels of silver bills has never happened. There are silver bills with one million taels of denomination, but no bank will exchange them for you.

Cheng Dalei thought for a while, and the police called He Shen to the study, and briefly explained his purpose.

"The boss is going to mint coins?" He Shen asked.

Cheng Dalei nodded. Now Qinchuanguan has a large population, and the gathering of population has contributed to the development of commerce. Occasionally, people buy and sell daily necessities such as cloth and pork. But the business model is still very rudimentary, mostly barter.

The gold and silver of the empire are already scarce resources, not to mention Qinchuan Pass, there are not many in the entire empire. And things like copper plates are inconvenient to use because they are too heavy.

The currency of the empire is not unified. Naturally, gold and silver are exchanged, but copper coins are minted privately by princes everywhere. Therefore, He Shen is not surprised by Cheng Dalei's thoughts. Now that Qinchuanguan has become everyone's lair, I don't know how long it will be here, and coinage is also a natural thing.

"What style is the master going to cast? Do you want to make a pattern yourself?" He Shen asked. Based on his understanding of Cheng Dalei, he estimated that Cheng Dalei would print a toad on the copper coin.

"It's not casting, it's printing. I want to print paper money."

"Uh..." He Shen was stunned, not quite understanding what Cheng Dalei said. The key is the word "paper money", which he heard for the first time.

Cheng Dalei had this idea for a long time, and the current monetary system of the empire is actually extremely backward. The purchasing power of gold and silver is there, but it needs to be cut and weighed when it is used.

After listening to Heshen, he thought about it for a while, until he completely digested Cheng Dalei's words.

"Master, your idea is good, but it is estimated that it will be difficult to implement."

"What is the difficulty? We can build a banknote printing factory, determine the denomination, serial number, and anti-counterfeiting, and slowly implement it. It should not be too difficult."

"But everyone is used to using gold and silver. In everyone's mind, only things that can be seen and touched are valuable. If you tell them that you can buy something with a piece of paper, you are afraid that they will not recognize it for a while."

Cheng Dalei nodded, and he also understood that Heshen was right, and the inherent concept could not be changed in a moment. But this does not mean that Cheng Dalei's method is not feasible, it is just a little difficult.

"It's better to build the banknote printing factory first, how to push it down, and then find a way slowly."

In Qinchuan Pass, Cheng Dalei still has absolute power. Although Cheng Dalei felt a little whimsical, He Shen had no reason not to agree. He pondered to himself, why would it be necessary to just print some copper coins?

In addition, Cheng Dalei also arranged a few things. Taking advantage of the current slack in farming, we recruit refugees from all over the country. Only when more people move in can the cottage develop.

In addition, Xu Shenji and Liu Bei were asked to select talents and prepare for the establishment of a military policy house and an internal government. These two buildings are different from the city wall. They can be used if they are not placed there. People who do not work are just empty shells.

Cheng Dalei is responsible for printing money himself. The pattern is easy to handle, nothing more than drawing a toad on it, and the denomination can be determined, one, two, five, ten, and one hundred. The hardest thing is to prevent counterfeiting...

If the banknotes issued by Toad Village can be implemented and used in the entire Qinchuan Pass in the end, it will naturally attract people to imitate and forge. If anyone can print it casually, Cheng Dalei's achievements will not be destroyed. Moreover, the cost of anti-counterfeiting should not be too high. If the cost of printing money is too high, it will also be a huge consumption for today's cottages.

It has to be cheap and easy to use... For this matter, the original people in Toad Village have no way.

Cheng Dalei focused his attention on Audreyna. She brought a group of people, including adventurers, alchemists, pharmacists... I can't say that these people will have a way.

Cheng Dalei sent people and invited them to the general's mansion to explain his purpose to them.

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