Chapter 661

This incident gave Cheng Dalei some headaches. He rested his chin in his hand, feeling depressed and unhappy.

But for Heshen, this shouldn't be counted as one thing at all, let alone Cheng Dalei's consideration. The big man should go to take the world, the intrigue between people's hearts and the intrigue between the princes is what Cheng Dalei wants to do. As for the thoughts of Xu's daughters, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Throughout the ages, evaluation of a man is mostly based on his career, his mind, his knowledge and talent, but I have never seen a man's performance in the relationship between children and children. Such as Cheng Dalei's identity, that is, three wives and four concubines, the wine pond and meat forest in the house, others can't say what is wrong, and the commissioned Cheng Dalei is indeed very careful in this regard.

"Shouldn't the big boss be so embarrassed?" He Shen asked.

"Uh, what? I was just thinking about other things, and I was a little distracted." Cheng Dalei refused to admit it.

"If the head of the family really likes it, they will take her into the room, which is not a big deal."

Cheng Dalei now probably understands what kind of environment he is in, but the country is easy to change, and his nature is hard to change. It is still a bit difficult for him to suddenly adapt to this world. Thinking about it carefully in his heart, it is not that he has no greed. If Liu Zhi really followed others, he would be extremely uncomfortable. But if she were to take her house as a concubine, Cheng Dalei would not be too positive about it, after all, Su Ying and Fan Lihua had already made it difficult for him.

But things should always be resolved, the deadlock will be broken sooner or later, and Cheng Dalei has no idea how to break it.

Cheng Dalei couldn't talk too much with Shen about such private matters between men and women. After all, he is his boss, so he still needs face more or less.

"Ha, don't mention it, don't mention it in such trivial matters. Tell me how the city is now."

Heshen also felt that this was a small matter, and what should have been discussed was the major issue of Anbang's settlement. He suddenly regained his energy and said: "Since yesterday, people have come one after another. There are more than 5,000 people in the city. Looking at this situation, it can't stop for a day or two. The problem is that these people are all It's not an easy task to get them to settle down for desperate desperadoes."

Cheng Dalei nodded and understood this in his heart. In the future, more people will come to Shuofang City. Each of thousands of people has different experiences. Different experiences lead to different ideas and different needs. And what Heshen has to do is to cut off the branches and forks on their bodies, so that everyone can become one. Of course, this is not an easy task.

All they can do is manage them with a heavy code, give grace and punishment, and make them feel a sense of belonging.

Cheng Dalei once did such a thing, but at that time the number of people around him gradually increased, but this time the population of Shuofang City suddenly increased sharply.

Five thousand talents is the beginning. How much the population of Shuofang City will explode is still uncertain.

"How about the food?" Cheng Dalei asked, once the population increases, food is a necessary consumable.

"The problem of food is not too big. Heifengzhai has robbed a batch of food, and the food in the farmland outside the city has to mature. After harvesting, it should last for a while." He Shen replied, after a pause: "It's strange to say that. , this batch of crops will mature earlier."

Cheng Dalei remained calm and did not answer Heshen's words. Food is always an important matter, and there must be no carelessness. If food is not supplied, these tens of thousands of people will turn from good things to bad things.

"The food in the fields has to be watched closely. Don't ask others to come and make trouble. If the food is destroyed, the city of Shuofang will also be destroyed."

"Understood, I have sent people to guard it day and night, and no one will be allowed to approach the farmland until the harvest."

He Shen's work is really reassuring, he thought of everything Cheng Dalei thought of, and he could think of what Cheng Dalei didn't think of. The farmland is connected together, and it is the season when the weather is dry and the things are dry. As long as one spark can make a year's busyness reimbursement.

"Well, you did the right thing." Cheng Dalei remembered the word trouble, and subconsciously thought of Song Bokang: "What's going on in Liangzhou City?"

"The information of the Xizi team has been coming, and their attention is still in Jingzhou. There is a mess there, and it is estimated that they will not be distracted to deal with us."

"This is the best, but it's still not careless. After the harvest, you can breathe a sigh of relief."

There are many things to do in the city, and there is a steady stream of refugees moving in. He Shen sat for a while and then left, Cheng Dalei sat in the distance, still gloomy and dazed.

Although Shuofangcheng was very busy, it was reassuring to hand it over to Heshen. The headache in Cheng Dalei's heart is still the backyard... The relationship between him and Su Ying is declining, and it will not be a solution in the long run. The key is to add another Liu Zhi, it really is a wave of unresolved waves.

Cheng Dalei really had no way to deal with it, so he decided not to deal with it. He hid in Shuofang City for a while, and he could always think of a way.


Liangzhou City, above the city head.

Song Bokang was wearing a Confucian shirt, looking at the black spot in the distance, he was in a very unhappy mood at the moment.

I originally planned to use the power of Cheng Dalei from Shuofang City to destroy Bailisheng first, and then destroy Cheng Dalei. But the reality is beyond expectations, he did not win a hundred miles, and Cheng Dalei was not differentiated by himself.

A steady stream of people rushed to Toad City, and the food crisis was solved by Cheng Dalei.

In this way, he can only watch Cheng Dalei grow bigger day by day. If he doesn't solve it today, who will rule Liangzhou tomorrow, that is to say, it will be a bad thing.

Cheng Dalei is a trouble, and another trouble is Jingzhou. After Yu Chili died, the Prime Minister's Mansion began to expand its power, which was not an easy task. Yuchi Li was actually a bit loyal, and resisting desperately was also quite daunting.

It's just the trouble of the Prime Minister's mansion, but also the trouble of Song Bokang. Besides, Song Bokang also has Song Bokang's thoughts.

He is now sitting in Liangzhou, with a hundred thousand iron cavalry, and he is qualified to compete for the world. In this way, it becomes a question whether he still has to obey the Prime Minister's words.

However, Song Bokang couldn't completely abandon the Prime Minister's mansion. For example, Dai Bai and Lu Luo were all obedient to the Prime Minister's mansion. If they broke up with the Prime Minister's mansion, they might not listen to him.

In troubled times, everyone is plotting their own interests, Cheng Dalei is the same, Song Bokang is the same. Some people come together because of common interests, but at the same time they have their own thoughts.

"It's really troublesome."

Song Bokang let out a long sigh, and Lu Luo, who was beside him, said, "Your Majesty is worry-free, our people have already sneaked in. We will act tonight and set fire to the farmland outside their city, that is, when Your Majesty gets rid of Cheng Dalei."

Lu Luo didn't know Song Bokang's mind, how could he know that Song Bokang's heart was no longer limited to a Cheng Dalei.

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