It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 804: Battle of Chaos

Chapter 806

The team led by Lu Junyi dragged and dragged for three days, but they could only travel two hundred miles.

Zheng Jianjun was so anxious that he urged Lu Junyi repeatedly. However, Lu Junyi was not in a hurry at all, and led the team slowly towards Chen Cangcheng.

Chen Cang might not be able to wait.

In fact, Lu Junyi couldn't afford it.

No matter how long the road is, it will eventually come to an end. During the three days that passed, nothing happened. Now it is only more than a hundred miles away from Chencangcheng, but Lu Junyi knows in his heart that the closer he is to Chencangcheng, the more dangerous it is.

Now Lu Junyi has realized that he is the bait released by Chang'an City, the purpose is to provoke the big fish to take the bait.

When the big fish takes the bait, it is time for the bait to be sacrificed.


Lu Junyi suddenly ordered to stop the march. Zheng Jianjun's heart suddenly lifted. Wasn't this time marching in a hurry, but the journey was dragging along the way, the distance that should have been in two days has been walking for three days, and now I haven't seen the shadow of Chen Cangcheng.

It can't stop anymore, if it really takes ten days and a half months, waiting for Zheng Jianjun will be a word of beheading.

"What's ahead?" Lu Junyi asked.

"General Qi, there is Fei Xiong Slope in front, and there is a birch forest nearby. General, are we going to cross Fei Xiong Slope tonight, or should we rest here temporarily, as it is getting late today?"

"Flying Bear Slope?" Lu Junyi breathed a sigh of relief: "Send two scouts to take a look. If there is nothing wrong, we will rest and set up camp after passing through Fei Xiong Slope today, and arrive at Chencangcheng tomorrow."

Zheng Jianjun breathed a sigh of relief, and finally did not drag it any further. No matter what, you can arrive at Chencangcheng tomorrow, and when you arrive at your destination, you can also unload the burden on your shoulders.

And Lu Junyi's men were also excited about this, looking forward to fighting against the enemy in a straightforward and neat manner after encountering the Rong tribe tomorrow.

After Bailisheng died, his cronies became lonely souls. As soldiers, only war can bring glory, and it is the only way for them to prove their worth.

Therefore, it is not only Zheng Jianjun who dislikes the procrastination of the march, but also Lu Junyi's gang of wolves like tigers.

Only Lu Junyi remained calm as always, no one could guess what was in his heart from his face. He only occasionally looked forward, or looked back.

A fast horse came galloping from the direction of Feixiongpo, and before it approached the formation, the scout shouted at Lu Junyi.

"Rong clan, generals, there are Rong clan..."

There were two scouts sent out, and only one came back alive. In fact, he didn't need to remind him, Lu Junyi and others had already seen the chasing soldiers behind him.

The Rong clan... The Rong clan is all over the mountains and plains, and the darkness is overwhelming. Lu Junyi glanced at it and saw that there were roughly tens of thousands of people.

Everyone's hearts are raised, the empire has a saying that 10,000 soldiers are invincible. That Zheng Jianjun was so panicked that he fell off his horse. He looked at Lu Junyi: "General Lu, general..."

Lu Junyi still had an expressionless face. Zheng Jianjun always hated this face. It seemed that he would not frown even when the sky fell. But now Lu Junyi's indifferent expression made his flustered heart a little quieter.

Looking at Lu Junyi, he was quite calm.

"finally come."

Lu Junyi sighed softly in his heart, relieved. Now that I know it will happen sooner or later, I certainly want it to happen sooner.

As for whether or not to survive this disaster, it is only up to fate.

Lu Junyi was not as calm as Zheng Jianjun thought. He just didn't like to expose his inner panic.

"The whole army is ready." Lu Junyi stretched out his fist, and then slammed it down: "Retreat thirty miles."

The distance between the two sides is about three miles, but the distance can be reached in the blink of an eye, especially when facing the Rong clan who are good at riding. But at least Lu Junyi's men showed that they were different from ordinary soldiers, at least...they escaped very quickly.

After Lu Junyi's order, the rear team was changed to the front team, and the entire army began to retreat in an orderly manner. Fortunately, they didn't carry any baggage and forage in this march, so they entered a state of retreat in a very short time.

The Rong clan that carried out the ambush this time was the Rong clan's wolf clan, a team that was extremely good at rushing. The leader of the wolf clan, Chi Muhuo, personally led the army, and he was bound to win this battle. This time, Chimuhuo was also very helpless. He planned to ambush at Feixiong Slope and swallow a group of imperial troops.

But before the enemy has entered the trap, one's own side will be discovered first. Attacking now is by no means the best option, but it is the only option.

Flies are meat no matter how small they are, and it is better to get some than nothing.

The three thousand people retreated in an orderly manner, and Lu Junyi personally took cover at the end. If the Rong tribe came after them, Shan Xiongxin would not mind fighting them.

"Your Majesty, will they retreat without chaos, will there be an ambush?" his subordinates spoke to Chi Muhuo.

Chi Muhuo has already chased red eyes, holding a mace, and roaring: "Ambush, what are you afraid of ambush, I think they are too few."

The subordinates said nothing, and chased down the imperial army on horseback. The Rong people use their heads to record military merit, and the more heads they grab, the greater the credit. More livestock, pastures, women...

So in their eyes, these three thousand imperial troops are not enemies, but three thousand fat sheep that can harvest military merit.

Lu Junyi had to retreat, and using three thousand soldiers and horses to resist the 10,000 tigers and wolves of the Rong tribe was no different from being a man’s arm as a chariot. However, the 3,000 cavalry troops led by Lu Junyi accounted for only a small part, and most of the rest were infantry. There has never been a reason for two legs to outrun four.

Lu Junyi clenched his gun tightly, reined in his horse and let out a long howl, and led a group of cronies to slam into the army of the Rong tribe viciously.

Like a steel knife mercilessly plunged into the army tide, the sharp knife cut through the waves, and Lu Junyi opened the way with one shot. Although there were only a few hundred people, it slowed the charge of the Rong tribe.

Chi Muhuo was startled, his eyes fell on Lu Junyi, and he said, "That guy is a good guy, don't touch him, let me cut off his head myself."

The Rong warriors swarmed up and surrounded Lu Junyi's group. The group of people headed by Lu Junyi showed astonishing fighting power, blooming in the center of the Rong clan, everyone was brave, and murder and bloodshed would not frighten them at all.

Most of these people were brought out from Liangzhou, and they have long been used to killing and being killed. Many brothers have died on the way to escape. For those who survived, being killed is just a matter of finding a day or a later.

Lu Junyi threw away the big gun in his hand, killing people like mowing grass, even the brave Rong tribe would be afraid of his killing power. But Lu Junyi was not at all happy in his heart. Wan Jun's fight was by no means a one-man effort to break free. After procrastinating for so long, he still fell into the encirclement of the Rong clan, and nothing changed in the end.

At this time, the cavalry has been rushing out from a distance.

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