Chapter 808

It was late at night, and there were still traces of the battle left on the battlefield. Although I can't see my fingers, there is a choking smell everywhere in the air. It was the smell of fresh blood mixed with the wet fog of the night.

Light a bonfire to dispel the darkness. The soldiers on both sides are heating the dry food they carry with them by the bonfire. Everyone understands that the battle is not over yet, and it is not even about entering the midfield. Everything has just begun.

Everyone must take the time to replenish food and restore the exhausted physical strength. Every little bit of physical strength increases the possibility of saving lives on the battlefield.

The upper-level commanders of this battle, of course, have their own considerations. But for the average soldier, all he thinks is how to survive.

It is not that there is no sound, the wind in the night whimpered, and the injured people screamed with mutilated limbs. In this ambush battle, neither side carried much dry food, nor would there be a logistical medical team. Waiting for their fate is nothing more than slowly draining their blood, waiting for the god of death to harvest their lives.

Those whose brothers died and their relatives died in the war have long forgotten to cry, and just stabbed a numb face. Waiting for the drums of war to sound, pick up weapons and fight by instinct.

At this time, even Chimuhuo realized that he had fallen into the Jedi. Now there are imperial troops in all directions, and he is trapped in the encirclement of the imperial army.

They didn't carry too much dry food on this march. The time spent in ambush in Feixiong Slope has almost been exhausted. Now the belly is wrapped in the last dry food on the body.

The soldiers are approaching the Jedi, but there is not much fear in Chimuhuo's eyes. Just because of this kind of scene is really common to him. Growing up on the grasslands, droughts, hurricanes, beast herds... all kinds of suffering often made him fall into the Jedi. And the imperial army in front of them today is no more terrifying than what they have experienced before.

At the fourth watch, singing came from the army camp. The Imperial Army, who had been on guard all the time, instantly woke up and clenched the weapon subconsciously, so that he could enter the fighting state at any time.

When they heard the song, they were stunned for a moment. This is the long sigh of thousands of people. The singing seems to come from the highest snow peak in the grassland. It is full of accusations against God, but it also has a destined pathos.

Before the singing had stopped, the Rong tribe made their first breakout. The team's finished zigzag collided forward and broke through to the west.

The team led by Luo Cheng was guarding the west. After realizing this, he instantly regained his spirits.

Both sides are short of food and grass, and when a large-scale battle is launched in the wild, it is necessary to beware of the arrival of enemy reinforcements. So, this is not destined to be a protracted war. The two sides must decide the winner in a short period of time, you solve me or I solve you.

The reason why the Imperial Army has not launched a charge against the Rong clan's main formation is because they are afraid of the bravery of the Rong clan soldiers. These men who grew up on the grasslands are really trickier than beasts.

However, when they decided to break out of the siege, the formation movement must also be the time when the defense was at its weakest. At that time, it was the time when the imperial army launched an attack and strangled the enemy on a large scale.

The battle between the two sides began with the long song of the Rong tribe, and the strongest sound was added with the sound of drums.

In this battle, the commander of the imperial army was Ma Mengqi. He mobilized the soldiers to gather around and kill them with the aim of destroying all the Rong cavalry.

But as soon as the battle began, Ma Mengqi realized a desperate fact: he could barely complete his command.

In the dark night, it will be impossible to pass, and people are completely relying on instinct to fight. Ma Mengqi originally envisaged the mobilization, but the formation simply could not work.

Ma Mengqi took a deep breath and then spit out the fighting spirit in his chest. Now he realizes one thing: at present, he simply does not have the ability to command large-scale operations.

In the future, it is indeed possible for him to grow into a young hero who changes the trend of the troubled world with every move, but at present he is still too young and too naive.

However, it is useless to say these now. Ma Mengqi had a single heart, and first ordered the warriors in the army to beat the drums heavily.

Drums are the signal to attack.

Then, Ma Mengqi raised his spear and led his personal guards into the battle group.

It's a rare thing to be brave in a fight, but it's even harder to be brave and calm at the same time.

In this slaughter of tens of thousands of people, the only one who remained calm was probably Lu Junyi.

In the dark night, no one noticed that the troops led by Lu Junyi did not join the battle from beginning to end. They occupied terrain where they could retreat at any time, but did not charge.

This is a battle of ambush and ambush, but the battle situation is changing rapidly, and it has evolved to the current situation. I am afraid that neither side of the war has thought of it.

The bravery of the Rong people is beyond anyone's imagination, and they have not lost their will to fight when they approach the Jedi. Even if it is as Li Letian thought, if he can completely wipe out this Rong cavalry, how much will the imperial army pay for it...

Is the price worth it compared to what you get?

Lu Junyi is only a general of an army, and he has not yet had the ability to lead an army. It is not something he can speculate about what the emperor of the empire thinks.

He just felt that it was not worthwhile to exchange the lives of his brothers for the lives of the Rong clan.

But for Li Letian, if the casualty ratio between the imperial army and the Rong tribe can reach one to one, I am afraid that he will wake up with a happy smile when he sleeps.

Therefore, Lu Junyi is not Li Letian, and Li Letian is not Lu Junyi.

The two sides were in a stalemate, and as soon as Ma Mengqi came into contact with the Rong tribe, he felt the difficulty of the battle. The Rong people were not in a rush to fight as they thought, and their will to fight has not been defeated until now.

There were three troops surrounding Chimuhuo, not to mention the heavy armoured infantry led by Chen Meng, and the cavalry led by Luo Cheng was also very brave. The only breakthrough was the infantry led by Ma Mengqi.

Moreover, what Chimuhuo wants is not a simple breakthrough.

They were born warriors on horseback, with unparalleled riding skills and invincible field combat. When were they beaten and fled by the imperial army.

uh...not that it's gone. The battle of Qingniu Mountain still lives in the nightmare of countless people today.

But this is not Qingniu Mountain, and Ma Mengqi is not Cheng Dalei.

The imperial army wanted to swallow up the Rong tribe, but the Rong tribe didn't want to destroy the imperial army.

Everyone is the same greedy, the same fear, and now is more vicious than who.

In short, the war did not develop according to what anyone on both sides thought, Ma Mengqi did not strangle the Rong tribe, and the Rong tribe led by Chi Muhuo never gained the upper hand in the battle.

The fighting continued until dawn, and the troops were rested at noon the next day. Until now, both sides are hungry and exhausted. Everyone stepped up to replenish food, waiting for a more tragic fight to come.

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