Chapter 810

The various armies distributed in the empire also have their own characteristics. After careful calculation, Liangzhou soldiers should have the strongest combat effectiveness and the most unreasonable quality of soldiers; Yangzhou soldiers were born in a land of fish and rice, each with a fat head and ears, especially good at water warfare; Xuzhou soldiers are good at defending the city, because they often deal with pirates, So you can talk about bravery.

As for the Imperial Guards in Jingzhou...because they are at the feet of the emperor, they naturally have the highest priority for food and grass, the highest priority for the distribution of weapons, and the most sophisticated equipment. The soldiers at the bottom are naturally mostly born in bitter cold, but the middle-level generals in the army are mostly inserted by various aristocratic families. They are used to living a pampered life, and letting them go to death without risking their own life is equivalent to talking nonsense.

It was also the killing of the enemy by the three men who took the lead in Ma Mengqi, which boosted their morale a little. Otherwise, the battle would have progressed to such a tragic state, and the Imperial Army would have been scattered.

Both sides are on the verge of collapse. Continuing to fight, the competition is no longer about the strength, weapons, and quality of the soldiers, but only the personal courage of the soldiers.

In the age of cold weapons, there are not too many moths to do. When the time is right and the people are not available, it is still a face-to-face hand-to-hand battle with a bayonet.

Fight against the enemy, weapon against weapon, body against body. At the end of the competition, whoever is more vicious and who wants to kill the other more.

In this regard, the Imperial Army had hardly any advantage.

According to the current situation, it is obvious that both sides will be defeated. But the imperial army's extravagant hope of annihilating the Rong tribe here is impossible to achieve, and it will pay a great price for this battle.

However, on the battlefield, there are always unexpected variables. The idle chess in the corner at the beginning is very likely to determine the final result.

Today, this fate is borne by Lu Junyi.

At the beginning of the battle, none of the teams that Lu Junyi had declined were engaged in the battle on a large scale. He preserves his strength and never participates in the center of the stalemate between the two armies. He looks very busy, but he has been working hard. In addition, he carefully distributed food for the soldiers, allowing them to take time to rest and recover between battles.

Of course, this is not a big deal, but the final victory of the war is often the accumulation of such small details. In this regard, the three of Ma Mengqi still have a long way to go.

Soldiers can rest, but Lu Junyi has not rested. He nervously paid attention to the battle situation and made corresponding adjustments according to the changes in the battle situation. Always looking, looking for that opportunity that may never have arisen.

Now, this opportunity has been found by Lu Junyi.

The two sides have reached their limit, and they are almost fighting on instinct. But the troops led by Lu Junyi maintained their physical strength. Now that these 3,000 people have joined the battle, it will have a decisive impact on the battlefield.

"Gather up." Lu Junyi raised his hand: "Raise the flag."

The Lu character flag rose into the air, and the huge black characters fluttered in the wind. The soldiers scattered everywhere broke away from the battle and started to lift up behind Lu Junyi. The three thousand people did not lose much, and they still maintain a complete system.

The speed at which the men and horses gathered was extremely fast, which showed that Lu Junyi had a good commanding ability. After the people gathered, everyone's eyes fell on Lu Junyi.

Although they acted like chicken thieves in this battle, their gazes were firm, without any fear.

Lu Junyi took a deep breath, and the fighting spirit in his chest was ignited: "Today's war started with us, and it will definitely end because of us. It is at this very moment that merits and careers are made. From this battle, no one can ignore it anymore. You and I."

He raised his gun and pointed it forward, with the maliciousness of a lone wolf in his eyes: "Brothers and I stand in line, this general will cut generals, fold flags, and break the army with you."

Behind Lu Junyi, three thousand people roared in unison.

Ma Mengqi's battle was at its most difficult time. Both sides were miserable, and no one could easily escape. They had to sink deeper and deeper into the vortex of this slaughter.

At this time, the earth seemed to be shaken, and both the Rong and the Imperial Army noticed a black tide rushing towards the center of the battle formation.

Both sides were shocked by this, and Ma Mengqi first noticed the Luzi flag.

The general surnamed Lu... Who is it?

This was almost the first thought that popped into Ma Mengqi's mind. I have to say that in this battle, he completely ignored Lu Junyi.

Until now, he has finally become an existence that cannot be ignored.

The Kuroshio swept down, looking like it would destroy everything. Ma Mengqi forgot the fact that in this battle, not only he, Chen Meng, Luo Cheng, but also Lu Junyi were qualified to raise the flag.

He was originally ordered to lead the army out of the customs, and he was the commander-in-chief of the first army. Of course, he was caught in the bait at the beginning, but after the Rong tribe appeared, he lost his value.

But Lu Junyi's strength was indeed ignored by everyone, including Li Letian. As he said, this battle of ambush and being ambushed started because of him, and it will end in his hands.

Like red-hot iron separating the ice, the team led by Lu Junyi showed unimaginable fighting power. Some of them have experienced battles to the death and have seen more dead people than today. The enemy is nothing but the Rong, and without Lu Junyi's restrictions, they would have long wanted to let go of their hands and feet to fight the Rong.

At this moment, it is to prove who is the most qualified warrior on this battlefield.

Lu Junyi took the lead, splitting the road with the spear, and the soldiers of the Rong tribe charging on both sides were not in his eyes. Naturally, he also has his brothers to take care of it. From the beginning, he has only one goal.

It is the red wood fire under the wolf head.


The soldiers behind Lu Junyi roared in unison. They all conserved their stamina and released it without fear at this moment. Facing the exhausted Rong warriors, it was almost a one-sided fight.

Lu Junyi lightly rode in, facing the blockage of four or five Rong soldiers, and opened it with a single shot.

Chen Meng in the distance took a deep breath. He was easily dissatisfied, but at this moment he was also shocked by Lu Junyi's strength.

At this time, Lu Junyi had already rushed to Chimuhuo, Chimuhuo looked at this big man who was obviously taller than himself, and a chill surged in his heart. Then it was replaced by anger, and a big knife slammed into Lu Junyi.

Lu Junyi stabbed straight with his spear, piercing the enemy's wrist with one shot, followed by a horizontal swing, and the spear edged across the enemy's throat.

He rode his horse and entered again, moving at an extremely high speed, he pulled out his saber and slashed at the flag behind Chimuhuo with one slash. The flagpole snapped.

"The enemy will give the head."

Lu Junyi slashed the generals with one move, and then entered the folding flag. Wherever the spear went, it was unstoppable.

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