Chapter 813

The house of accumulated virtue, there is Yuqing at the age.

Cui Baiyu's brows were furrowed, and he really did not expect the word "Jade" to come out of Cheng Dalei's mouth.

Cheng Dalei sat up straight on the chair, shook his head, and said, "People are watching the sky, so naturally the head of the family should do something good. This time the Rong clan goes south, no matter who wins or loses, there will be many innocent people. People suffer. Not only in Jingzhou, but the whole empire. But as long as they can come to Liangzhou alive, the head of the family can give them food and clothing. Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Accumulate more virtue, It will always come in handy in the future.”

Cui Baiyu sighed. For the first time in his life, he felt admiration for Cheng Dalei. Of course Cheng Dalei is a lot of evildoers, but in any case, he has contributed to the empire. The commoners in Liangzhou can live and work in peace and contentment, and he has his credit. Although there is a loss in the subsection, it is generally on the right track.

How powerful the Prime Minister's mansion was at the beginning, but this towering tree fell down. When the incident happened in the Xiangfu, there was someone who said a word for them. After all, they gather for profit and disperse for profit. If the Prime Minister's mansion had more or less remembered the word "Jade", it would not have fallen to where it is today.

Cheng Dalei said this to Cui Baiyu, this is one of the reasons, but by no means the whole reason.

Wars come and go, and what is fought is resources after all.

And people are always the most important resource.

The Rong tribe went south, and the empire was already in peril. But danger is also an opportunity. Everyone in Liangzhou wants to fight, and Cheng Dalei, the bandit leader, is no exception.

He just knew that he couldn't fight.

But not being able to personally participate in the war does not mean that you cannot take the opportunity to do something. Ye Yuanhuo and Li Letian are fighting for the world, the various princes are fighting for territory, and Cheng Dalei is fighting for population.

The weather is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as the people. Cheng Dalei is now fighting for people's hearts.

If Bai Yuanfei's affairs go well, the influx of refugees in Liangzhou will naturally cause a huge consumption to Liangzhou, but as long as the initial time is stabilized, Cheng Dalei will be given a few more years. These refugees will become the biggest trump card in Cheng Dalei's hands. The centripetal force of millions of refugees against Liangzhou will generate powerful energy.

After all, they should remember who gave them a bowl of food when they were desperate.

The so-called accumulation of virtue, also has this meaning.


After Bai Yuanfei led the troops from Cheng Dalei, he left quickly and started to execute the matter.

He carried a fast knife on his back, rode a fast horse out of the city, and soon disappeared in the vast wilderness.

At dusk, he arrived at a small island. The horse was led and crossed the pontoon to the island.

This island is the Snake Island where Cheng Dalei settled when he first arrived in Liangzhou, and was later renamed Toad Island by Cheng Dalei. From Toad Island to Qinchuan Pass, and then to Liangzhou City, after the last toss, he finally held the entire Liangzhou in his hands and became the legitimate king of Liangzhou.

But all of this started from Toad Island. Originally, the two cottages, Luoyu Village, were abandoned by Cheng Dalei because they were of little use. But this Toad Island, Cheng Dalei has not been lost. Today, it has become the place where Cheng Dalei secretly trains his soldiers.

Bai Yuanfei has not been completely clear about what he is going to do, but he is already preparing. This time out of Liangzhou, everyone needs to remain anonymous, and the empire is in a troubled season, and there are many natural crises. Therefore, those who participate in the action need to have some experience in the arena and understand the local customs.

Bai Yuanfei led the horse into the fortress, and there were people waiting in the yard. About a thousand people were carefully selected by Bai Yuanfei, and they had secretly trained for a period of time to know what kind of task he was performing.

Bai Yuanfei didn't say a word, walked straight to the big banner, turned around and found that everyone's eyes were on him.

He cupped his hands and said, "Brothers, the big boss can trust us and hand over this errand to us. Of course, this is a chore, and once it's gone, there's no turning back. Many people are dying without even keeping their real name. Here, if there is something that brother is unwilling to do, I immediately tick your name, we are still brothers."

Bai Yuanfei asked once and no one answered, and when he asked for the third time, someone finally couldn't hold back his temper and said, "Bai Toad, you're right, this is the master of the matter. Shouldn't you, are we allowed to do it?"

Most of these people are from Jianghu. Although they were trained by Toad Village, they did not lose their stubbornness. There is no honor and inferiority in his eyes, and he does not take into account much when he speaks.

Bai Yuanfei nodded and said, "The big boss has promised this matter. If no brothers want to quit, then we will do these things. This time, each person will have a thin horse and a hundred taels of broken silver. The original Names can’t be used anymore. Toad Village can’t help you much, and you have to rely on individuals to do things alone.”

At this time, everyone's expressions finally became serious. Leaving here, everyone is like a kite with a broken string, and everyone's destiny can only be fought by everyone.

"But everyone who lives and dies in Toad Village, death is the ghost of Toad Village. After all, you must leave a mark on your body." Bai Yuanfei took out his short knife, suddenly cut the back of his left hand, and blood dripped out.

More than 1,000 people followed suit, each took out a short knife and cut the back of his hand, leaving a scar on the back of his hand.

Bai Yuanfei dripped blood into the wine bowl, picked up the full wine bowl, said "please", and then drank the wine in the bowl.

Everyone did so and threw their wine bowls to the ground.

After that, Bai Yuanfei arranged for everyone to take it out. In order to be unnoticed, someone who knows a certain dialect needs to go to a certain place. Arranged, lead a thin horse, a hundred taels of silver, and leave the island in groups of three or five.

They are all arrogant men on the rivers and lakes, and each has a reason to be reduced to Toad Village. Everyone was talking and laughing before leaving, seemingly unaware of the danger of leaving.

But everyone actually understands in the bottom of their hearts that it is difficult to survive in the turbulent times, not to mention trying to spread rumors. Many people are afraid that they really want to bury their bones in a foreign land.

Cheng Dalei set a one-year period, and after a year, how many people will really come back.

In the end, only Bai Yuanfei was left, and he had no companions. Looking at the empty yard, he sighed and gave the booklet in his hand to a woman beside him.

"It is forwarded to the master, and the names of the 1,321 brothers are on it. Most of them are homeless and homeless. If they die outside this time, please remember their names. "

Xu Linger carefully put away the booklet, clasped her fists and cupped her hands in earnest, and said, "Take care all the way."

Bai Yuanfei agreed and led his mount away from Toad Island. It was already dark at night, and he was on his way all night.

Because he has been entrenched in Chang'an for many years, his destination this time is naturally Chang'an. At this moment, Chang'an is also the most dangerous place.

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