It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 817 Disobedience

Chapter 819

This is a letter of call to build an alliance, but it is not a letter of war. No matter what Li Xing's intentions are, as long as Li Xingzai is disobedient, Li Xing will immediately attack him, and in the name of justice.

Without him, it was only because Li Xingzai was too weak, and Li Xing was strong enough.

In many cases, power is both justice.

Li Xingzai's current strength is limited to Luofeng City, and in just a few years, he has managed to operate this place like an iron barrel. Now there are tens of thousands of elite soldiers, and they are assisted by Chu Yunsheng, Qi Jiguang and others. No matter from that point of view, Li Xingzai's performance is quite good. However, compared with Li Xing, who is sitting in Jiangnan, his current strength is still not worth mentioning.

Luofeng City is located at the junction of Yanzhou, Xuzhou, and Yangzhou. Li Xingzai has developed bitterly for so many years, but none of the three families can currently compete with him.

"If there is really no other way to go, does the king have the courage to fight against Li Xing?" Chu Yunsheng asked.

Li Xingzai waved his hand helplessly: "If there is really no way out, I don't mind a fight. But if we start a war with any one, there is no guarantee that the other two will not attack us. If we start a war on three sides, we don't have the strength now."

Chu Yunsheng also fell silent, he was good at calculating, this has been proven countless times, and only Li Xingzai could entrust him with an important task in a short period of time. But it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and without absolute strength, he is useless as a counselor.

"At the moment, it seems that I have to stay with Li Xingxu and Wei She for the time being. To show my sincerity, the king has to go to Yangzhou."

"It doesn't matter if I take a risk. I'm afraid that if I obey Li Xing's will, it will become a tool for him to use. If I join his alliance of princes, wouldn't his actions be more justifiable."

Li Xingzai, the sixth son of Emperor Ming, was born with the qualification to compete for the dragon chair. Li Xing announced to the world that an alliance of princes should be established. If Li Xingzai was willing to join, he would be directed by Li Xing. Then, it is equivalent to giving Li Xing the power brought from his mother's womb.

Therefore, Li Xingzai was unwilling to choose this path, but there was no other way at the moment.

"The king of Yanzhou and the king of Xuzhou are both heroes among the people. They stand on three legs with Li Xing, and they are eyeing each other. Since the king is unwilling to obey Li Xing, it is better to form an alliance with one of the other two."

"Without strength, there is no cooperation. Such an alliance is likely to be as fragile as blank paper. The other party does not trust us, and we must beware of them."

"It's not that there is no possibility of reaching trust..." Chu Yunsheng said silently.

Li Xingzai heard that Chu Yunsheng's tone was a little strange, and said, "The military advisor has something to say."

"I heard that King Lei Tianyin of Yanzhou prides himself on being romantic. If the King can reach an in-law relationship with him, wouldn't such an alliance be relatively strong?"

Li Xingzai instantly understood the meaning of Chu Yunsheng's words, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Chu Yunsheng with a bit of ferocity. Then, the viciousness slowly dissipated, and he shook his head and said, "Don't mention this matter. What a man has to do, whether he lives or dies, there is no reason for a woman to sacrifice."

Chu Yunsheng clasped his fists and bowed to Li Xingzai.

"What do you want to say? If you have something to say, there is no need to hide it from me?"

Only then did Chu Yunsheng open his mouth and said, "From the point of view of being a human being, I admire the king's conduct; but from the perspective of a hero who is fighting to dominate the world, the king..."

Chu Yunsheng paused: "It is indeed a bit unqualified."

Li Xingzai laughed when he heard it, and said, "If you can't even be a good person, how can you fight for dominance in the world?"


Luofeng City is already full of mountains and rain. From Li Xingzai to ordinary soldiers at the bottom, everyone could feel this solemn atmosphere. The entire city is preparing for the war. This war may not come. As long as it comes, it must be a bloody battle.

If Luofeng City is like this, Yangzhou will not be able to live in peace.

Li Xing sits in the south of the Yangtze River and has hundreds of thousands of troops. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the largest prince in the empire. What kind of strength, what kind of ambition. When the empire was in turmoil, his ambitions had coveted the whole world.

That's why Li Xing announced to the world that he established the alliance of princes. Li Xingzai was a sensible person, and he could see that his drunkard's intention was not drinking, and the other princes were not all confused people, they all understood Li Xing's overtones.

There have been letters from princes who are willing to join the alliance of princes. The meaning expressed is obedience, and as a result, the total force that Li Xing can mobilize reaches a terrifying number.

That's why Li Xing was complacent, thinking of going north, destroying the Rong clan first, and then swallowing Chang'an. At that time, his prestige will be unmatched, and he will be the rightful ruler of the world.

That dragon chair is not far from him.

And all these plans are given by one person. He was young, and his name was Hong. He led a horse into Yangzhou not long ago, claiming to have a strategy for peace in the world.

Li Xing is not ignorant of heroes. The most important thing in fighting for the world is to fight for talents, and he does not despise each other because of their youth.

This tactic came from the hands of the young Hong Lei.

Yangzhou is located in the south of the Great River, with Yanzhou and Xuzhou in the north and Jingzhou and Jiaozhou in the south. Now the princes and kings of Jingzhou and Yanzhou are willing to join, and everything is developing according to Li Xing's expectations.

But the fly in the ointment is that until now, Li Xingzai has not received a reply.

Other princes can contribute troops to Li Xing, but Li Xingzai can give Li Xing a place in the world. The other party was so ignorant that Li Xing was furious.

He mobilized a large number of troops to hoard around Luofeng City, and the meaning expressed was very obvious: if you don't obey, you will die.


On this day, Li Xing was discussing matters with Hong in the side hall. The other party hides splendid beauty, Li Xing thinks about how to make the other party loyal, it is better to marry his daughter to the other party one or two.

At this time, a school captain who reported the incident hurried over and knelt down in front of Li Xing with a thud.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong."

Li Xing frowned: "What's the matter, it's worth yelling, don't look at what this place is?"

The colonel was panting and said, "The first major battalion was smashed by Luofeng City, and General Zhou was killed before the battle."

Li Xing was startled, and the smile on his face had to freeze. He hoarded 50,000 troops around Luofeng City and divided them into four camps. It was not to attack Luofeng City, but to force Li Xingzai to sign an alliance under the city.

Unexpectedly, Li Xingzai did not choose to obey, but instead took the lead in launching the war. With lightning speed, the most elite first battalion was wiped out.

Hong Liao was also surprised that this strategy was made by him. But he did a lot of calculations, and he didn't expect that Li Xingzai would suddenly overturn the table.

Li Xing had been waiting for Li Xingzai's reply, and now he finally did. What awaited was not Li Xingzai's obedience, but war.

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