It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 82 Come, let's talk

Chapter 82

After the notice was posted down the mountain, there was no movement in the surrounding cottages. Cheng Dalei didn't care either, he had other things to do.

Before the peppers are sold, Cheng Dalei will dry fry all the peppers in the cottage to prevent the seeds from flowing out. After setting aside the seeds for the cottage itself, the whole cottage is busy with this matter. For a time, Toad Village was shrouded in spicy air.

In addition, it is to arrange the work of Liu Guan and Zhang three. The levels of Guan and Zhang are not very effective at present, just fry the peppers with everyone.

But Liu Bei is a talent. The medical level of this era is not very good. More than half of the people in the cottage have some minor injuries. There is no shortage of medicine, but there is no doctor who knows how to prescribe the right medicine. In this way, this Liu Bei came just right.

Cheng Dalei planned to pack a house for him to make a medical clinic, and let him treat the people in the cottage. At present, the house has not been vacated, so he can only temporarily make room for him.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bei was in trouble on his first day as a doctor.

When he was seeing a doctor, Cheng Dalei took a look. I saw Liu Bei move a pony and put it under a big tree. Although he was only 17 years old, he was stunned and sat like 71.

When giving a pulse, sometimes he sighs and sometimes frowns.

"You're sick... ah..."

"Doctor Liu, what's wrong with my illness, is it serious?"

"Seriously not serious... sigh, life and death are a matter of life, don't worry too much, it's not worth it."

The patient's heart clenched fiercely, and cold sweat dripped down: "Doctor, what's wrong with me, you have to think of a way."

"Alas..." Liu Bei sighed a long time, and then slowly uttered two words: "Wind and cold."

The patient sighed inwardly: "A very serious cold?"

"Generally cold."


Cheng Dalei watched for a while, and Liu Bei treated people like this. All the people he has seen are frowning, and they look like they will never leave the year.

Cheng Dalei understood that Liu Bei was an extreme pessimist. Hundreds of years later, the grief of his ancestors was resurrected in him, and everything he looked at was an expression that was unlovable and unworthy of the world.

With Liu Bei as the center, the atmosphere of sadness spreads outward, and everyone who has been treated by Liu Bei has a gloomy expression. Cheng Dalei stood under the sun, and suddenly felt that the sun was much cooler today.

Cheng Dalei hurriedly interrupted Liu Bei's practice of medicine, and if this continues, the heart of our army will be disturbed.

Calling Liu Bei to the council hall alone, Cheng Dalei still respects this hero's descendants.

"I won't let you practice medicine, you won't be emotional, will you?"

"Hey..." Liu Bei sighed before saying a word: "The loess buries dead bones, and a person will inevitably die. It's the same whether you see a doctor or not."

Cheng Dalei felt that what Liu Bei said was right, that a human being can only survive a hundred years but withered bones.

what! Cheng Dalei shook his head hurriedly, expelling the thoughts in his mind, and it was quite interesting to compete for fame and fortune. It seems that Liu Bei's infectious ability is really strong. In the future, I want to have less contact with him, so as not to damage the ambition of my young hero.

Thinking of this, Cheng Dalei suddenly moved in his heart and said, "Now I have something very embarrassing, can you help me with it?"

"If you have something to do with the boss, you can do it. Since my brother is in the cottage, this life is the boss."

The words are a bit heroic. This Liu Beiguo deserves to be the descendant of a hero. There is depression and generosity.

"Okay!" Cheng Dalei said: "Come with me, there is someone I want to bring him in, you help me persuade him."

In Cheng Dalei's mouth, this person is naturally Du Mao, and Liu Da'er is the first HR in the Three Kingdoms. I only hope that Liu Bei can inherit the depression of his ancestors and the ability of his ancestors to fool people. Liu Bei can also inherit a little.

Even just a little bit is enough.

In the dungeon, Du Mao was lying on the straw pile with Erlang's legs crossed. He only opened his eyes when he heard footsteps outside.

"Why... Did you bring wine to Grandpa again?"

Turning his head, he saw a white and beardless boy standing outside the prison door. He sighed before speaking.

"……Not worth it."

Du Mao felt a soft energy rising from his tailbone as soon as he was excited. Most of the arrogance in my heart has gone, I only feel that the world is too annoying, and living is really tiring. The past is like a joke.

"Who am I, where am I, why did he just look at me, I'm just like this..."

"Come on, let's talk." Liu Bei sat down with his legs crossed. This was a protracted battle.

"Why, who wants to talk to you, get out, get out quickly..." Du Mao was in a mess.


This afternoon, a horse came to the bottom of the Toad Ridge.

The little white wolf turned over and got off the horse, and saw a few people gathered under the plaque standing in Toad Village.

In the entire Qingniu Mountain, Cheng Dalei is the only one who attaches great importance to information. As for other cottages, they used to live in a closed self-world. Today, Cheng Dalei has set up a fast sign at the foot of the mountain, sometimes posting some notices, and it has become a news release center for all the cottages in Qingniu Mountain.

"Look, a pound of peppers is exchanged for a pound of grain, brother, how many peppers do you grow in your cottage?"

"Not one."

"Hey, then you're done. The output of this acre of pepper is more than ten times higher than that of grain."

"Then... do you think this is true?"

"Really... Hey, it would be great if it were true, but there is no such thing in the world."

A few people said this, but they actually felt a little drumming in their hearts. What if it was true, when Cheng Dalei asked everyone to plant chili peppers, they didn't plant a single one, and they even talked about it as a joke.

They say this, but they are also comforting themselves, with the meaning of prayer.

Little White Wolf naturally heard their conversation, followed by sarcastic words such as "Yeah, Xinghualing is going to make a fortune" and "Yes, don't worry about this winter".

"Shut up for the old lady, and be careful that the old lady separates you."

The little white wolf turned around and showed the knife, then led the horse to the mountain.

In fact, she had heard these words countless times during this time. When Cheng Dalei asked everyone to plant chili peppers, she also thought that Cheng Dalei might be credible and tried to plant an acre. As a result, she was often despised by the sisters in the cottage, which made her a heartbreaker.

It is said that an acre of good land is lost, otherwise hundreds of kilograms of grain can be produced.

After finally waiting for the pepper to be harvested, Cheng Dalei posted another notice, and the little white wolf felt that he could finally exhale and raise his eyebrows. In the end, what I heard was still the same sarcastic words.

It's not that it can't be true, it's that it's too good to be true.

When Little White Wolf went up the mountain this time, he wanted to ask Cheng Dalei in person, asking if it was true or not. It's really not good, I can make up a few hundred catties of food per mu of land.

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