It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 827 Gold Cup Silver Cup

Chapter 829

The shock of everyone was as expected by Li Xingzai.

After all, this is a pirate's den, and each of them is a character who kills without blinking. Although the eighteen island owners have now become decent people, they are still robbers in their bones.

This is why Li Xingzai took the name of Chu Yunsheng. If his identity was discovered, the pirates would have held him hostage and demanded property from Luofeng City.

But at the moment when he revealed his identity, Li Xingzai also had his own considerations.

The eighteen family island owners sat on both sides of the hall, and after the initial shock, they began to whisper. From time to time, eyes glanced at Li Xingzai.

As Li Xingzai had guessed beforehand, they looked at themselves as if they were looking at a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

Honglin Island advocated the opening of the river and said, "Although Luofeng City and Qipan Island are close neighbors, the two have never been in contact with each other before.

Li Xingzai did not speak, but a voice came from behind the screen: "King Xiaoyao is here to discuss a major matter with you."

Because it was "Mrs. Donghai" who spoke, the eighteen island owners fell silent. More or less, everyone should give Mrs. Donghai some face. After all, no one knows that this woman is not easy to mess with.

The voice behind the screen continued: "Now the empire is already beleaguered on all sides, the Rong tribes are invading in the north, and the war in the south of the Yangtze River is about to ignite. The chaos in the world is imminent, and in this chaotic world, the heroes of the empire should fight together. King Xiaoyao is the sixth son of Emperor Ming. , he has the intention to sweep the world and help the community. This time he came to Qipan Island in person, and also invited all the island owners to participate in the important event. "

Everyone thought about this, and some people's expressions flickered, and they were already a little tempted.

Qipan Island is not big, but it is not small, but in any case, the current power of Qipan Island has no possibility of expansion. And people's ambition is never satisfied, the stronger the strength, the greater the ambition. If Qipan Island wants to expand its power, it can only develop on land.

Soldiers are needed, and gold is needed. If such an elite soldier is placed on land, anyone who encounters it needs to be weighed.

People are not enough to swallow elephants, and there are already many people on Chessboard Island who want to try their luck on land.

At this moment, a voice sounded: "But I heard something, Luofeng City, the territory of King Xiaoyao, has been surrounded by Jiangnan soldiers, and the city is just about to break. Now King Xiaoyao is here, why, let our brothers go to help Are you going to die?"

Li Xingzai's eyes fell on the person who spoke. According to Wang Sun Lishan's description, he knew that this person was the owner of Baiyu Island, named Mu Changchun, who was Mu Baishi's father.

Wang Sun Lishan has already said that Mu Changchun is the person who has the best chance to become the King of the East China Sea. He is also the person most likely to oppose today's proposal.

As expected by Wang Sun Lishan, Mu Changchun's words really aroused everyone's suspicion, and the others stared at Li Xingzai with no good intentions.

It's okay to let these ruthless and ruthless people compete for the world, but if you let him buy and work for others, everyone has to think about it.

Li Xingzai suddenly let out a long laugh, and everyone was a little confused. Could it be that this person has lost his mind and his mind is starting to become unclear.

The laughter suddenly stopped, and Li Xingzai said, "I heard that there are all heroes and heroes on Chessboard Island. When I saw them today, I knew that it would be better to meet them with fame. It turned out that they were just a group of unscrupulous people."

Hearing this, everyone was furious, only Mu Changchun sat hugging his knees with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Bah." Li Xingzai suddenly shouted softly, suppressing everyone's discussion: "I have something to say, please listen to me. What Lord Mudao said is true, Luofeng City is indeed surrounded by Jiangnan soldiers. I came here to borrow troops. But why should I be here if I don't need you all?"

The discussion was a little quieter, and Li Xingzai was frank, but it was not without reason.

"I know that Li Xing has hundreds of thousands of troops and is the richest in the world. Luofeng City and Jiangnan are enemies, is it a little over your own strength?" Mu Changchun said leisurely.

Li Xingzai didn't change his face, and said, "Yangzhou has a lot of armour, but Jiangnan's army is the weakest in the empire. I think you have heard of it. A hundred thousand troops surrounded me in Luofeng City, and the stalemate did not last for more than a month. The breakthrough is enough to prove this point. If I have a strange army that raids its food and grass land, the Jiangnan army will naturally be defeated. Li Xing has the courage and no plan, and I will take it sooner or later. Xiang, you are indispensable."

Mu Changchun sneered: "Just talk about it, talk about the world, even worthless scholars, why should I believe you?"

"Okay." The voice behind the screen suddenly interrupted Mu Changchun's words, and the voice said slowly: "King Xiaoyao is the guest I invited, and his presence here shows his sincerity. Although Jiangnan soldiers are strong, they may not be invincible. , King Xiaoyao is at the moment of employing people. We always seek wealth and danger, are we still afraid of risks when we spend our days at sea?"

The words "Mrs. Donghai" touched the hearts of many people. Of course, Li Xingzai wanted everyone, but the reward was generous enough. Being a king and worshiping a prime minister and becoming a prince is always compared to a lonely and wild ghost on this island.

"Madam is going to do it her own way and let our brother go to die for an outsider?" Mu Changchun said coldly.

"Where did Master Wooden Island say this?" The voice behind the screen said: "When will I count the eighteen islands of Qipan Island? I invite everyone over today to discuss this matter. Come and serve wine. "

A maid came in from outside, and placed two glasses of wine in front of each island owner's table, one gold and one silver, all filled with wine.

The voice behind the screen said: "This is a big event, and it is not for me or a woman to decide the big event. Now you have two glasses of wine in front of you. If you want to do something big, drink the gold cup, and if you don't want to do it, drink the silver cup. , I will never force any of my brothers."

Everyone looked at each other, and although everyone had calculations in their hearts, it also depends on how other people choose.

Mu Changchun snorted coldly and drank the wine in the silver cup. Several people who were close to him also raised the silver cups one by one and drank them all.

Zhang He looked at the wine cup in front of him, laughed, and drank the golden cup.

"Damn, people die and birds face the sky, and they won't die for 10,000 years. I have done this."

Li Xingzai looked carefully, only seven people drank the gold cup, and the others chose the silver cup.

Although it is said that wealth is sought in danger, there is already wealth and wealth, so why take risks?

Mu Changchun stood up and said, "I won't stop you when you want to do big things, but you also need to weigh six and a half kilograms on your head. How big a bowl of rice can you eat?"

After that, he got up and left the table and walked outside the main hall.

"Slow." Li Xingzai said suddenly.

Mu Changchun turned his head and said, "Why do you want to stop me, why do you stop me?"

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