Chapter 839

On this day, outside the city of Liangzhou, a team was approaching far. There were about a hundred people in the team, and several carts were pulling all kinds of gifts. The leader is dressed in Chinese clothes and riding a tall horse. It is not anyone else, but Sun Bieshan, the lord of Jincheng City.

From far to near, gradually approaching Liangzhou City. I saw that the city gate was open, and several city gate defenders were gathering to fight dice.

The weather was fine, the sun was shining, and they leaned against the city gate, smelling of laziness.

Seeing the team approaching, they didn't cheer up. Only when Sun Bieshan came to the front of the city gate did one person stand up lazily and straighten the hat on his head.

"Where did you come from?"

Sun Bieshan immediately clasped his fists and said, "Someone is the city lord of Jincheng. There is a batch of gifts for the King of Liangzhou, and the gift list has been sent in advance."

The man glanced sideways, waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's go in."

Although Sun Bieshan is not a trusted confidant of Liangzhou, he is at least the lord of a city, an existence that can be on an equal footing with Cheng Dalei. But this city gate defender didn't even bother to give him the superficial respect, as if in his eyes Sun Bieshan was just an insignificant character.

Sun Bieshan didn't say anything, but his personal subordinates were already showing dissatisfaction: Liangzhou City is also looking down on people.

Sun Bieshan waved his hand, indicating that they should not be reckless. He rode his horse through the city gate, and the gift-giving motorcade followed.

All the way, all the way to look at the scene on both sides of the street. I saw a lot of defenders, but most of them were lazy and sluggish. Judging from their appearance, they really didn't look like the Liangzhou soldiers who were victorious in every battle in the legends of the outside world.

Is the defense of Liangzhou City so sparse? Sun Bieshan thought to himself. When Lenovo passed the city gate just now, although the guards were not very respectful, they didn't even check the limousine.

Is it loose on the outside and tight on the inside, or is the current Liangzhou city corrupted and depraved.

I went all the way to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and finally saw a righteous Lord. Wu Yong walked out of the gate, clasped his fists and cupped his hands and said, "I didn't know that it was City Lord Sun who escorted him personally. It was disrespectful and disrespectful. If I knew this earlier, I should have sent someone to the city gate to meet him."

"Hey, I'm all doing things for the lord. Military division Wu is being polite." Sun Bieshan jumped off the horse and lifted up his hands uselessly.

"Please, please come in."

Wu Yong opened his mouth and ordered him to open the side door, and several carriages drove directly into the city lord's mansion.

When I came to a courtyard, someone was responsible for counting the gifts. Sun Bieshan looked around and said, "Master Wu, dare to ask where is the king now?"

"Oh, I have already sent someone to invite him. The lord is a little tired recently."

"I understand, I understand, I don't dare to disturb the prince." Sun Bieshan changed his words and said, "What is the prince busy with?"

"Heh, he has a lot of things to do. The whole Liangzhou needs him to deal with everything big and small every day. I guess he went to bed very late last night again."

Sun Bieshan nodded lightly, thinking secretly in his heart: Cheng Dalei is not a wine bag and rice bag, Quan Mu is a state, and there are indeed a lot of affairs. If it's not an attitude issue, it's an ability issue. Could it be that Cheng Dalei has the talent to fight the territory, but not the political talent?

The gifts were counted in the hospital, and when everything was about to end, Cheng Dalei appeared slowly.

Sun Bieshan immediately bowed down and said, "My subordinate Sun Bieshan, see the prince."

"Okay, okay, get up." Cheng Dalei hiccupped: "City Lord Sun doesn't need to bow."

Only then did Sun Bieshan get up and look at Cheng Dalei secretly. I saw him describe decadence, with a smell of alcohol on his body, and one of the wrong buttons on his clothes.

Tsk, Wu Yong said that he was busy every day, and he was busy all night without sleeping.

"City Lord Sun has come here to work hard, what gift did he bring?"

Sun Bieshan cheered up, walked to a carriage, and said, "My lord, please take a look."

As the sedan curtain opened, an orchid beauty came down from the carriage. Her hair is like seaweed, her skin is fair, and her pupils are clear.

There is a beauty in each of the four carriages, but they are fat and thin, and each has its own style. The four of them standing together are really a beautiful landscape.

Cheng Dalei looked at the beauty, and Sun Bieshan looked at Cheng Dalei. I saw that his eyes had been straightened at this moment, and his eyes could not wait to grow on the beauty.

"Okay, okay, okay." Cheng Dalei clapped his hands and said, "It's still City Lord Sun who understands me, hurry up and send the beautiful woman into the room."

"Your Highness is working hard, this is a piece of your subordinate's heart." Sun Bie Shankou said so, in fact, he was very disdainful in his heart.

When did Cheng Dalei become like this, the husband was a little romantic, but it was nothing. It is even a romantic story. But you must not indulge in it and make a mistake. How to say that sentence: With Jiangshan, I am afraid that there will be no beauty.

If you can't tell the difference between primary and secondary, and you are addicted to beauty, you are making a big mistake.

At noon, Cheng Dalei decided to stay in Sun Bieshan for dinner. During the banquet, cups come and go, accompanied by beautiful women.

"My lord, this time the Rong clan invaded and the world is in chaos, should we do something in Liangzhou?" Sun Bieshan was also testing Cheng Dalei's attitude.

"Hey, there's no need to mix things up." Cheng Dalei raised his glass and said, "Since ancient times, the sages and sages are lonely, only the drinker keeps his name, come, drink and drink."

Sun Bieshan naturally followed Cheng Dalei's words, but he was disappointed in his heart: it turned out to be just a little rich and easy drinking, how could such a person become the owner of Liangzhou.

There were no heroes at all, so Shuzi became famous.

After pushing the cup for a long time, Cheng Dalei was already drunk, and then he was even more drunk. Holding the singer who accompanies the wine, she does all kinds of unsightly things, and her ugly appearance is exposed.

Sun Bieshan left, Cheng Dalei's attention was on the singer in his arms, and he never paid attention to him at all.

After noon, Sun Bieshan left with his entourage. He rode on a high-headed horse, thinking about what he had seen and heard today.

The main generals of Liangzhou rushed to Chang'an, and the defense in the army was empty. And Cheng Dalei's addiction to alcohol is already certain.

Liangzhou should not be a Liangzhou of Cheng Dalei alone. If Cheng Dalei really has big ambitions in his chest, Sun Bieshan would not mind protecting him. But such a Cheng Dalei has no qualifications to become the lord of Liangzhou, making his Sun Bieshan work hard.

However, even so, Liangzhou's strength should not be underestimated. Whether to do it or not requires careful consideration.

"The head of the family has left." After Wu Yong sent Sun Bieshan out of the city, he went and returned.

Cheng Dalei reluctantly let go of the beautiful woman in his arms. She was the oiran of the local brothel in Liangzhou, and at this time, Cheng Dalei had made her salivate.

Cheng Dalei waved helplessly, causing her to be taken down.

The people in the side hall went to the empty building, leaving only Cheng Dalei and Wu Yong.

"Master Wu, do you think they will take the bait?"

"This... subordinates can't say it well." Wu Yong paused, thinking that based on your performance just now, I want to beat you, not to mention them.

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