It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 842 This wine is still warm

Chapter 844

The gate of Haojia City opened, Qian Tongyu led the civil and military of the city, and the family knelt down to welcome Cheng Dalei into the city.

Qian Tongyu's heart was beating loudly. Although the conditions had been negotiated in advance, Cheng Dalei's character was really unbelievable. What are the qualifications for a defeated general? If it wasn't for a desperate situation, Qian Tongyu would not want to open the door and surrender.

After all, there is no way, and I don't know how Cheng Dalei will deal with himself.

Cheng Dalei rode a black bull into the city. Qian Tongyu and others bowed their heads and knelt on the ground, in addition to worrying about their own safety, there was also a kind of humiliation.

After all, he has lost the battle, and he does not have the qualifications to hold his head high.

Cheng Dalei jumped off the back of the black bull, came to Qian Tongyu in three or two steps, and held him up with both hands.

"City Lord Qian, why do you have to do this great gift and destroy this king?"

Qian Tongyu's words are not easy to say: "under, under..."

"Hey, I know that City Lord Qian was bewitched by villains. It's not your fault. City Lord Qian doesn't need to say more."

A stone fell to the ground in Qian Tongyu's heart. Hearing what Cheng Dalei said, he would not punish himself severely, and his wife, children, and children could be kept safe.

Then, there was a chill in my heart.

Cheng Dalei is so generous, it really does not match the rumors. Either Cheng Dalei is the prime minister who can punt a boat and has big ambitions in his heart; or he doesn't take himself seriously at all.

In this way, it is indeed a bit over the top to convene people to oppose him.

Looking at the Chinese martial arts in the city, I am already grateful. Cheng Dalei's actions in this way have properly harvested a wave of people's hearts.

Under the welcome of Qian Tongyu, Cheng Dalei led the army into the city. On both sides of the street, there are lively people watching.

The city was besieged for many days, and the people in the city were also panicking. For fear that Cheng Dalei would come up with such a thing as massacre of the city. Qian Tongyu surrendered and opened the city gate, and everyone was relieved. When Cheng Dalei entered the city this time, everyone wanted to see how the legendary King of Liangzhou existed.

However, he found that Cheng Dalei is not three heads and six arms, and it is flattering to say that he looks ordinary. However, he rode an ugly black bull and was escorted by a large army behind him.

In the crowd, crowded with Ximen Chunchang's family, he watched this scene from a distance, and the more he watched, the tighter his brows became. Finally, it was finally confirmed that today's Cheng Dalei was a former river thief.

It was really unpredictable fortune. In a few years, he was the lord of a state, and he was crowned king and worshipped the princes of a place.

With the cooperation of Qian Tongyu, Cheng Dalei successfully took over Haojia City, and there were no accidents during the process. Among the civil and military officials in the city, there is no one who is disobedient. For them, it doesn't really matter who the master is. In this catastrophe, it was not bad to be able to save Xiang Shang's head, and he didn't dare to think about it.

After Qian Tongyu lost its use value, her family moved to Liangzhou City and was temporarily detained with Bai Kongji's family. Cheng Dalei's people took over Haojia City, and after the affairs of Haojia City were straightened out, Jincheng and Wuwei City were also handled similarly.

Through this incident, Cheng Dalei completely mastered Liangzhou. Hold the five cities of Haojia, Wuwei, Shuofang, Jincheng and Liangzhou in your hands. After cleaning up the couch thief and cleaning the house, Cheng Dalei can be considered to be able to sleep soundly.


When Cheng Dalei was able to sleep peacefully, many people in the empire were still living in dire straits. Especially in Jingzhou, the army of the Rong tribe came over, and Li Letian couldn't sleep all night. And Ye Yuanhuo has no certainty of winning, day by day, thinking about how to win.

The princes from all walks of life do not have their own thoughts, but they will get together because of fate, but they are all pulling their own little abacus. Thinking about how to catch a few more fish in this tide, and how not to be engulfed by this tide.

This is true of the princes who are in charge of military power in one place and raise their hands to cover the wind and rain, not to mention the people at the bottom. Everyone is precarious, closing their eyes and falling asleep, no one knows whether they can see the sun tomorrow.

At this time, Guan Yu rushed to the vicinity of Chang'an with the front-line delegation. After more than half a month of rushing on the road, everyone is close to the war zone. All the way to Xiaoxing to stay overnight, after the dry food carried by everyone was exhausted, they robbed the bandits along the way to replenish, and also took a hand and killed a few robbers.

When it was noon, everyone set up camp and prepared to build a furnace and make a fire. The days of sleeping outside in the wind and dining are naturally not comparable to those in Liangzhou. Everyone couldn't understand why Cheng Dalei was always clamoring to come out since he was living such a hard life.

Fortunately, they are all strong-tempered people, and this small suffering will not detract from the will of everyone. It is nothing more than a casual complaint.

Suddenly there was a scream of killing in front, and Pegasus, the scout in charge of vigilance, reported it.

"Report to General Guan, three miles to the east, there is a group of Rong tribes that are chasing and killing an imperial army."

Guan Yu hasn't responded yet, Zhang Fei, Gao Feibao and others are already excited. Everyone suffered all the way, not even a shadow of the Rong family was seen, and now everyone has finally waited.

"How many Rong tribes are there?"

"More than a hundred people."

Guan Yu put down the wine he had just scalded, stretched his arms and stood up, saying, "The whole army has them, ready to fight."

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Gao Feibao and others have played against the Rong tribe and know their strengths and weaknesses. But Shan Xiongxin and Shi Wengong haven't met the Rong clan yet, so they should have a real understanding of what kind of existence the Rong clan is.

Divide the team into three teams, Shan Xiongxin leads a frontal block, Hua Rong takes soldiers to break the right wing, and Guan Yu walks around with a group of people in case of emergencies.

Shan Xiongxin had long thought of the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. At this moment, he had the opportunity to fight, and he immediately rushed over with the brigade. The two teams collided like a torrent. The Rong people have always been strong, but this time they were defeated from the front.

Shan Xiongxin, Shi Wengong and others, everyone has the courage to be inappropriate. Although the Rong people are strong, they are also average. When they collide head-on, they are not enemies of Shan Xiongxin at all.

Hua Rong also came out, and while rushing to kill, he held a longbow in his hand, and the bow was a series of arrows, and he shot the other commander first.

Although the Rong tribe is brave, there are always times when they collapse. After the commander was shot, they had planned to flee. And while escaping, shooting arrows to kill the enemy, looking for opportunities to counterattack, this is also the usual method of the Rong people.

But this time, their tactics did not unfold. Guan Yu was blocked on the way they had to pass, and before he gave the order, Zhang Fei had already rushed out.

This is the real enemy of all.

The Wuxian horse and the Zhangba spear seemed to be able to annihilate this Rong cavalry by one person. Behind him, Gao Fei Leopard and Gao Fei Hu were scrambling to be the first. If they were shaken by Zhang Sanye, they would have no chance to kill the enemy.

This encounter came quickly and ended quickly. An army of more than 100 people was almost wiped out on the spot.

When the battle was over, Guan Yu picked up the wine bowl on the stone...

This wine is still warm.

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