Chapter 846

Most of Li Xingzai knew Guan Yu and others. Even if some of them had never met, they knew who Li Xingzai was after inquiring about each other.

Li Xingzai is also an informal character, greeting everyone one by one, whether they know each other or not. Everyone felt like a spring breeze. After all, he was the one who came out of Toad Village. He got along well, and everyone was honored.

All the way into the big tent, Li Xingzai sat on his own, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

"Cheng Dalei has really come home from practice, but because of his personality, he didn't come to join in the fun, but sent you here instead."

"The big boss originally planned to come, but we stopped him, otherwise the big boss will come here this time." Liu Bei said.

"It turns out that it is, no wonder."

"My lord, what's the situation here now?" Guan Yu said.

"Hey, I know you have a black eye right now, so I didn't come here on purpose to send you some information."

After Guan Yu came under the banner of King of Liangzhou, various princes sent gifts to show goodwill. But they also kept their distance and didn't want to get too close to them. If Li Xingzai hadn't come over, it would have been really hard for Guan Yu to inquire about the situation here.

Li Xingzai paused and briefly told them about the situation here.

This anti-Jong alliance was convened by the king of Yuzhou, and then the various princes responded to the call. Everyone also understands the truth that lips are dead and teeth are cold. In any case, the Rong family cannot be allowed to enter the hinterland of the Central Plains.

The allied army of princes is composed of princes from Yuzhou, Yanzhou, Xuzhou, Qingzhou, Jizhou, Youzhou, and Bingzhou. These are the princes of the north, and the princes of the south include Li Xing of Jiangnan and Li Xingzai, the king of Xiaoyao. For example, the princes of Jiaozhou, Jingzhou, and Yizhou did not join the coalition because of the long distance.

They are located in remote areas and have natural dangers to defend. Even if the Rong people occupy the Central Plains, they will not be able to threaten them. So you can sit back and relax, and don't come to this muddy water.

But the lords of the northern land were not so lucky. If the Rong tribe broke Chang'an and extended their tentacles to the Central Plains, they would definitely threaten their territory.

Everyone knows that the Rong family is hard to beat, and everyone knows that the situation is critical, but no one will do their best. They all just expect others to die, and take the credit for themselves.

The princes from all walks of life gathered together, but they only gathered 100,000 horses. Now we are on our own, guarding against each other, and calculating against each other.

"If you are in such an alliance, if you really fight against the Rong clan, I am afraid that the Rong clan will be easily defeated." Liu lamented: "We were still discussing this matter just now, don't all the princes think of this."

"How can you not think of it, they are not fools." Li Xingzai said: "The key is that they are too smart, who would trust their backs to the enemy, everyone can only pull their own abacus and see how to get rid of chestnuts in the fire and retreat. Of course. , it's not useless at all, after all, it is a hundred thousand troops, and it can be considered a huge force, in case the Rong family is scared away by this momentum."

"So... are the Rong people scared away?" Guan Yu.

"of course not."

The three people in the big tent fell silent, they all had nothing to say, and they didn't know what to say.

"What are you doing now?" After a long time, Guan Yu broke the silence.

"We haven't fought against the Rong clan yet, and everyone is doing our best to avoid this." Li Xingzai said, "We've fought several small-scale battles, and it's hard to lose."

"The Rong people are good at field battles, not good at attacking fortifications, so it's not surprising that they lose." Liu Bei said.

"Now, they are arguing about who should be the leader." Li Xingzai said.

"A dozen soldiers and horses are gathered together, and there should be a leader who gives orders. Do you have eyes and eyes now?" Liu Bei.

Li Xingzai shook his head: "Everyone doesn't agree with anyone, everyone in Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Jizhou, etc. are all half-hearted and look down on each other. Originally, Jiangnan Li Xing was the most powerful, but didn't he lose to me? It's not very hard. I am the most justifiable, but I have the smallest site and I can't convince the public."

Some people have grievances and grievances, and this grievance is politics. When the princes of various families gather together, whoever holds the military power in his hand, who is willing to let others command himself. Political internal friction is a serious matter, and he has not yet fought against the Rong tribe directly, so he cannot say that he will consume himself to death first.

"You came too late. We've been arguing about this for some time. Tomorrow, we should discuss the big account. It's time to quarrel. Remember, if I'm in the first place, remember to support me."

"It's natural." Liu Bei and Guan Yu replied at the same time.

Li Xingzai got up to leave, but Liu Bei asked again, "How is Chang'an?"

Li Xingzai paused, then waved his hand: "Chang'an can't be held anymore."

The alliance has formed an army, but it has not yet started a war with the Rong. And Chang'an City was still under the attack of the Rong clan's violent storm.

After the beginning of spring, the Rong tribe once again launched a siege battle. Li Letian took the lead, standing at the head of the city to fight, blocking round after round of siege. However, if you defend for a long time, you will lose, and it is only a matter of time before Chang'an is breached without follow-up support.

Tomorrow, the Alliance of Princes will determine the head coach. Before leaving, Li Xingzai reminded everyone that he was not without ambition for the position of the leader, nor was there no chance.

Commanding the various princes to fight, if they can defeat the Rong tribe, the momentum will be at the height of the sky. The people of the world will not remember those soldiers who shed their blood on the front line, but they will remember who their commander-in-chief is. There is a saying that the one who wins people's hearts will win the world. If you hold the hearts of people in your hands, you will be more sure to fight for the world in the future.

If Cheng Dalei is here, and he has enough troops, he actually has the qualifications to compete for the position of the leader of the alliance. It's just that the leader this time is Guan Yu, and he has only five hundred people under his command.

Li Xingzai's identity is the sixth prince of the Ming emperor, and he is the brother of today's son. And in the battle of Jiangnan, he also washed away the name of the playboy, proving that he has the strength to lead the battle.

The situation is more complicated than imagined, and it is not the victory or defeat of a battle.

Both Liu Bei and Guan Yu frowned, and there were clouds in front of them, and they couldn't see the direction of the future situation.

Guan Yu has the ability to lead troops to fight, and he can be regarded as a thousand enemies on the battlefield. But I'm really not very good at politics, and I don't know how to make a decision now.

Liu Bei comforted: "This time we are investigating and observing, and we have no plans to do anything. Now, it is not the time for us to come to power."

Guan Yu nodded, relieved.

The elites of Liangzhou are here, but the troops are not here. Five hundred people can't control the trend of the situation. After all, this battle will determine the future situation of the empire, but it cannot determine the outcome.

Therefore, it is not an opportunity for Liangzhou to make a move.

The next morning, the war drums were beating, and the coalition convened everyone to discuss the matter together. Liu Guanzhang walked out of the camp and went to the coalition camp.

The commanders of the various princes gathered in one place to confirm or quarrel with a coalition leader.

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