Chapter 7 I’m Taihuazong Wants to Prosper

Li Jiudao fried six dishes and made a fish soup. Before Li Jiudao started, Lu Liang put the dishes on the table.

The physique of the elderly is OK.

Li Jiudao stared blankly. How could Lu Liang be seriously injured? It’s even more robust than young people when it comes to serving dishes.

“Does the elderly drink?”

Li Jiudao carried the flask and glass, and put it on the table.

This is his own wine, and he would always drink a glass or two during the day.

Lu Liang shook his head, and said, “I never drink, my husband drinks it.”

“okay then.”

Without reluctance, Li Jiudao opened the stopper of the wine jug and poured a glass into the wine glass.

The wine was as clear as a mirror, and the mellow wine smell was overflowing, and Lu Liang’s face suddenly changed.

Is the wine that Da Neng Senior drinks ordinary wine?

Lu Lianghui’s intestines are green!

The smell of mellow wine floated, and he felt comfortable all over his body, the Spirit Power circulating in his body accelerated, and his strength was greatly increased!

Just by smelling the aroma of such wine, his Spirit Power accelerated and his strength increased greatly. What would happen to him if he drank such wine?

“Uh… Uh, sir, can I have a drink?”

His face was flushed, before he said he would not drink, and in a blink of an eye he asked Da Neng senior for a drink, which is really a Losing face.

“Ha ha.”

Li Jiudao smiled and said, “Of course it can.”

He poured Lu Liang a glass of wine.

“Thank you, sir!”

Lu Liang was very excited, took his wine glass to thank Li Jiu, and then took a sip.


As the wine poured into his stomach, he felt like he was drinking a cup of lava, the heat in his stomach was tumbling, his internal organs seemed to be burned off, and his skin was flushed!

“It’s sloppy…how can I drink the wine of the mighty senior?”

He fell on the table with a ‘bang’ and got drunk in one sip. The wine’s strength is too great!

“The elderly can’t drink too much…!”

Li Jiudao was dumb, and he poured a small cup. Lu Liang said before that it should be true that he never drinks.

“If you can’t drink, don’t be aggressive, but it’s understandable. Who can stop the temptation to make wine?”

His winemaking technique is also “Transcendent into the sacred”, and the wines he brews are comparable to immortal brews. Indeed, not many people can resist this temptation.

“The old man has no good luck this time. It doesn’t matter. I will make it for the old man when he wakes up.”

He helped Lu Liang onto the bed, covered Lu Liang with a quilt, and went back to continue eating and drinking by himself.

Green hills.

A group of hunters surrounded the body of a giant tiger that was as big as a hill, with all their faces worried.

“What kind of tiger beast is this, it can’t be cut by a knife, nor can it be split by an axe, it’s so heavy!”

This giant tiger was exactly the fierce tiger beast killed by Li Jiudao with one arrow.

The hunters wanted to take the fierce tiger beast back, but they couldn’t do it.

The fierce tiger beast is as heavy as Mount Tai, and they can’t drag the fierce tiger beast even if they call the hunters of the whole town.

They wanted to disassemble the corpse of the tiger beast and take it back in pieces, but their swords and axes were cut off, but the tiger beast was not damaged at all, and its flesh was as hard as immortal gold and iron!

“This giant tiger is a bit evil, let’s forget it!”

They felt that things were not that simple, and they dared not continue, leaving the green mountains one after another, leaving the corpses of the fierce tiger beasts in place.

Taihua Mountain.

The place where Taihuazong is located.

A large number of young children gathered at the foot of the mountain, and they were being assessed.

This is the first screening and is not an informal assessment.

Only those who pass the initial screening can participate in the formal assessment.

There are too many people who come to Taihuazong to participate in the assessment, and the quality is uneven. Taihuazong will have an initial screening before starting the official appraisal of apprentices.

“Sixth Stage Bleeding State, um, yes.”

A middle-aged man nodded and looked at the trial stone next to him, and recorded those who passed the test in the book.

The trial stone has the function of detecting Realm. Those who participate in the assessment only need to add a trace of strength, and the trial stone will show its Realm.

If you exceed the Fifth Stage, you can pass the initial screening and participate in the formal assessment.

After all, Taihua Sect is a major sect, not a minor sect. The Fifth Stage Enlightenment Realm can become an official disciple in other small Sect cultivation forces.

But on the side of Taihuazong, it only passed the initial screening.

“Third Stage Forging Spirit Realm, not bad, not bad!”

The middle-aged person’s face is joyful, and the Third Stage forging spiritual realm is not low, and he belongs to a good seedling.

However, after the next person, Realm, appeared on the trial stone, his face changed drastically.

“First Stage… Spiritual Realm!”

Unbelievable, he kept looking at the trial stone, suspecting that he had read it wrong.


“Spirit Realm!?”

A lot of exclamations sounded, everyone’s faces were covered with incredible expressions, looking at the tester.

This is a young girl, her skin is snowy, her face is exquisite and beautiful, her figure is tall and full, she has a kind of extravagance flowing through her body, and she is unparalleled.

“Combining the spirit and gathering energy, accommodating the essence of heaven and earth into the body, this is a big Realm, you can step into it without the help of others, and you can only step into it with your own body! How old is she? She has successfully gathered the spirit and energy?”

“It looks like it’s only fifteen or six years old! This is probably the youngest cultivator of the spiritual realm in history!”

Everyone was shocked, fifteen or six years old, which is too young.

The most famous and stunning Tianjiao in the east, Shengnan, only entered the spirit realm when he was twenty!

Twenty was young enough, and shocked the entire east at that time.

They never thought that someone was even more shocking than Sheng Nan, who had entered the spiritual realm at the age of fifteen or six!

The more amazing thing is that the girl who stepped into the spirit realm in front of her has not joined the Sect cultivation power…!

The spirit realm belongs to the real realm, which is extremely difficult to cross.

Sheng Nan’s talent is amazing, but it was only after he joined the Yuanyi Department and the key cultivation and training of Yuanyi Department that he stepped into the spiritual realm at the age of twenty!

Without the key cultivation and cultivation of Yuan, Sheng Nan would not be able to do it until he was twenty-five years old at the earliest if he wanted to enter the spiritual realm!

The Harmony Realm is really difficult to cross, and if you are talented, you also need to rely on a lot of spiritual resources to step into it.

Yuan Yimen is the eastern prosperous school of cultivation alongside Taihuazong and Luoyunzong.

“Haha, let Head Teacher know! Our Taihuazong wants to make a big deal!”

The middle-aged man was full of excitement and excitement, and asked people to inform the Sect Leader.

The young girl had already succeeded in uniting spirits before joining their Taihua Sect. If they joined their Taihua Sect and had them focus on cultivation and training, the girl’s future achievements would be unimaginable!

“Yuan Yimen chuckles when Sheng Nan goes out, haha, I see how they chuckle in the future!”

The middle-aged man looked at the girl and laughed a lot, as if he had seen them Taihuazong rejoicing, surpassing all the spiritual forces in the east, especially proud and proud.

The young girl chuckled. If the flowers were so beautiful in full bloom, she knew what it meant for her to step into the spiritual realm at such a young age.

In the future, she will be the highest-ranking disciple in Taihua Sect!

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