Chapter 909 False ruins, the real place!

“It’s really amazing…”

Li Jiudao pretended to be shocked.

He wanted to see what this so-called creature was, and fooled him with such a meal.

As for the power of heaven, he didn’t even listen to it, and he didn’t even have ears at all.

“Can you really pass on my stronger natural skills?”

Li Jiudao showed a fiery and hooked look.

“Of course, you only need to act according to what I said. After I come out, I will thank you again and pass you on your stronger talents!”

Zombie Qi said that it allowed Li Jiudao to attack the core of Restrictions with strength. At the same time, it was also prepared. When Li Jiudao attacked the core of Restrictions, it would shoot from the inside. This combination of the two can definitely break the Restrictions here.

It is now only one thread away from breaking the Restrictions here. As long as Li Jiudao cooperates a little bit outside, it can easily break the Restrictions.


According to the corpse Qi, Li Jiudao came to a certain place, and that place was the core of Restrictions here.

With a thought in his heart, he had power burst out of his palm and bombarded.

The corpse Qi was waiting for this moment. After Li Jiudao started his hand, it also immediately started bombarding the core of Restrictions from inside.


There was a terrible explosion sound, and the entire Restrictions split instantly. The corpse energy was already tyrannical, and the difference was just that little bit. Li Jiudao didn’t use much power, and the corpse energy easily broke through the Restrictions.

“Haha, I finally came out!”

The corpse gas laughed wildly, and the laughter shook the sky, but it was a cloud of turbid gas, which looked muddy and weird.

Li Jiudao’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, as expected, what was sealed here was not a good thing, not as innocent as he said.

“Can you tell me that I am stronger?”

Li Jiudao asked, not in a hurry to make a move, wanting to determine whether this tone is really that kind of vicious person.

“Of course, I am the invincible God, and my words count.”

The corpse Qi was still laughing, and he didn’t put Li Jiudao in his eyes.

It has broken through the Restrictions, and it is no longer restricted in its shots. Under such circumstances, the power it can erupt will undoubtedly be stronger, and it is impossible for Li Jiudao to threaten it.

Li Jiu Dao heart has doubts, is he thinking wrong?

The corpse Qi didn’t attack him directly, but said that he would fulfill his promise.

“However, I haven’t tasted the smell of blood for a long time, and I miss the smell of blood very much.”

The corpse Qi said: “I want to drink some of your blood. You shouldn’t mind, right? Oh, it’s okay if you mind, because you can’t help it.”


Li Jiudao was speechless on the spot. He was naive. This guy is indeed a wicked person. He wanted to drink his blood as soon as he came out. The evil is OK.

He felt that he couldn’t let this guy go. If he let this guy run away, he didn’t know how many creatures would suffer.

“Come on, let me taste the taste of fresh blood.”

The corpse Qi let out a gloomy laughter, revealed a big mouth, and swallowed it towards Li Jiudao.

It is naturally more than just drinking blood.

Li Jiudao can appear here, obviously not an ordinary creature, swallowing Li Jiudao will undoubtedly help it.

“You better shut up.”

Li Jiudao said lightly, perfectly explaining how to speak, and as his voice fell to the ground, the big mouth that the corpse energy turned into was immediately closed tightly!

The corpse gas was terrified, and it felt terrified. What is this method? It completely exceeded its expectations!

It was the corpse qi in Qin Yi’s corpse. It was the place of strength. As a result, Li Jiudao only said a word, and it was sealed? !

In an instant it realized that it seriously underestimated Li Jiudao, and Li Jiudao was far more terrifying than it had imagined!

However, it is not worried. Now that it has broken the seal, it can communicate with the corpse and let the corpse come here to help it!

After it merges with the corpse, Li Jiudao is doomed no matter how strong it is!

“The body is coming!”

It operates secret techniques in its heart, trying to communicate with the corpse.

When he thought about it, the corpse should have broken through Chun Jun Jian’s suppression, even if it hadn’t, Chun Jun Sword’s suppression of the corpse would definitely not be that powerful.

It can establish a connection with the corpse through the secret technique.

If the corpse has not broken through the suppression of the pure Jun sword, it can use this secret technique to help the corpse break through the suppression of the pure Jun sword, so that the corpse can come here to become one with it.

But then it was dumbfounded.

The body… is gone!

It can clearly sense that the body has ceased to exist and has been completely wiped out.

How can this be? !

It can’t believe it!

How does Qin Yi exist? The follower around the leader, whose body is hard to bury in the sky, and hard to be destroyed by the earth, even if the group of fifth stage powerhouses in the Freedom Realm are allowed to bombard day and night for hundreds of millions of years, it is absolutely impossible for them to be bombarded. Extinguish!

But now, it couldn’t sense the existence of the corpse at all.

This shows that the body is really gone!

“Isn’t it just killed by him!”

It looked at Li Jiudao in a bad mood.

Did Li Jiudao destroy the body first, and then came here to destroy it? !

God, who is this Li Jiudao? How can you have such a terrifying power!

It actually thought that Li Jiudao was not threatening in front of him, and even fooled Li Jiudao to help him. As a result, he was a complete fool!

“Calm down, how can he be so scary? Even if the body is really destroyed by him? I am different from the body, it is far from being destroyed so easily!”

It recovers its calmness, no matter how strong Li Jiudao is, it is destined to be limited, and it will never be destroyed by Li Jiudao just like that.

Of course, Li Jiudao will definitely not be able to beat Li Jiudao. Just a word from Li Jiudao can shut his mouth to see that Li Jiudao has surpassed it too much!


It unfolds a certain secret technique, the blood Killing intent rushes into the sky, there is boundless blood mist surging, covering the sky and the earth, to escape here.

This is an ancient and powerful escape secret technique that can disperse hundreds of thousands of clones in an instant, and can also penetrate the void, allowing billions of clones to appear in different remote areas.

It is not an exaggeration to say that after this escape secret technique is unfolded, no one can keep it anymore.

How to stay?

Hundreds of millions of clones appeared in different remote areas in an instant. As long as there was one clone, it wouldn’t die. No matter how strong Li Jiudao was, it was doomed.

Then, in the next instant, hundreds of millions of blood-colored light spots burst out everywhere, piercing through the void and appearing in countless different remote areas.

The corpse Qi is also completely relieved.

“He was so arrogant that he thought he could slap me at will and didn’t take any precautions.”

The corpse sneered.

Fortunately, Li Jiudao was arrogant and didn’t take precautions in advance, otherwise it would really be difficult to escape under the circumstances of such great power disparity.

“Don’t rush to unite, wait for a while.”

It is very cautious and does not intend to unite the hundreds of thousands of clones that have flown out.

In this way, even if Li Jiudao could catch some of its clones, it would be fine.

“Destroy the body, and want to destroy me, this account won’t just be forgotten!”

Its eyes were cold, and it vowed to take revenge.

The body was destroyed, making it unable to unite, which had a great impact on it, and it was unable to possess the strongest power.

“False ruins, real places…what do these all mean?!”

It whispered to himself, and his voice was extremely solemn.

With the passage of time, it became stronger and stronger, and some memories of Qin Yi appeared in its mind.

These memories don’t have much, and it can even be said to be pitiful, only the two words it says.

A false ruin, a real place!

What exactly does this mean?

It can’t figure it out, it’s not clear why.

However, it is clear that Qin Yi should have insight into something, and this false ruin, the real place is the key.

Qin Yi might have something to do and die, probably because of this false ruin, the real place.

So what is a false ruin, and what is a real place? !

It has no clue at all, no way to guess!

“Our Life is on the false ruins, everything we see is false, not the real place!!!”

At this moment, it suddenly yelled, and its tone was full of disbelief.

Another memory related to Qin Yi appeared, still not many, but also related to false ruins and real places.

This is a memory of Qin Yi’s conjecture.

Qin Yi pursued the leader, and seemed to have insight into the truth, and made such speculations and conjectures.

As for what Qin Yi had insight into, and why he made such speculations and conjectures, he did not know it, and the relevant memories did not appear.

This kind of speculation and conjecture made it terrified, because it was so terrible.

If speculations and conjectures are true, doesn’t it mean that they are not real creatures, but false creatures? !

“Impossible! Everything about us is so real, how could it be a false creature?!”

It can’t believe it.

Are all fake? !

How can it be!

Billions of living creatures, vast and unparalleled world, powerful and supreme Realm and power, are all fake in the end?

It never believes it!

“It’s just speculation and conjecture, and from this memory, Qin Yi also feels that these are unreliable, and then overturned this speculation and conjecture!”

It calmed down quickly.

Because behind this memory, Qin Yi denied such speculations and conjectures, apparently Qin Yi also felt that such speculations and conjectures were too unrealistic!

However, his heart is still very heavy.

What has Qin Yi encountered that made such almost absurd speculations and conjectures? !

Such speculations and conjectures will not appear out of thin air…

“It’s okay, I will understand everything later! This is not the case after I break the seal, a new memory will appear.”

It said.

After breaking the seal, it no longer has any restrictions. The memory that suddenly appeared must also be related to this.

It feels that when it becomes stronger again, it will definitely have more memories.

At that time, it will be able to discern the truth.

“Arrogant and arrogant, you will pay a heavy price for your arrogance!”

It said coldly and thought of Li Jiudao again.

This time Li Jiudao let it escape because of carelessness. Later, it will let Li Jiudao understand how serious the consequences of letting it escape are!

It must make Li Jiudao pay the price of his life.

However, it thought it had escaped and was no longer in danger.

But is this really the case?

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