Itachi Rebirth: A Shinigami Tale

Chapter 11 - Training Part 3


Itachi's Clone's Perspective

Itachi listens to Ounabara's lecture on hollows but starts to drift off as he has already read about it previously. Itachi couldn't help but think about his previous training with Tatsumi and realizes he hasn't had a mentor figure in his life since Shisui. Itachi's thoughts are cut off as Ounabara raises his voice for an announcement.

"That concludes the lecture for today. I now have an announcement regarding two important events that will be conducted later this year. The first one is a field exercise. You will be grouped and deployed to the human world while the sixth years lead you. The barrier corps will set up multiple areas where your groups will fight practice hollows. I'll explain more in detail when we get closer to the actual date. Also there will be a tournament held before your final exams but I don't have the exact details on that yet as this is the first time the academy is holding a tournament like this. I'll provide you this information after your field exercise. For now we will continue Zanjutsu and Hakuda classes!" Ounabara finishes his announcement as the class starts to exit the lecture hall to go to the Zanjutsu hall.


Real Itachi

Itachi and Tatsumi finish their kido training. The two rest for a bit before Tatsumi makes a suggestion.

"Hey your kido talent is amazing. But how about a quick spar as well? There is something important coming up soon. I have to practice as much as possible." Tatsumi asks Itachi.

Itachi nods and faces Tatsumi. Tatsumi readies his stance and signals for the spar to begin. They both rush forward sending attacks.The two of them appear equally matched, swapping blows with each other with neither party able to land a decisive one. The spar continues for a few minutes with Tatsumi stunned once again at Itachi, who despite being just a first year, is able to keep up with him who was already in his sixth year.

Thirty minutes pass and the two of them are still going even blow for blow. Itachi starts to tire out as he is not used to the toll his body is taking with half of its reiryoku in a clone. Itachi notices his stamina wavering and his movements slowing down and decides to wrap up with sparring. Itachi steps back and signals the stop of the sparring session.

"Alright let's call it here for today." Itachi says while panting.

"Phew...Itachi there aren't a lot of sixth years that can push me that far in sparring." Tatsumi says as he wipes the sweat off his forehead.

"I'm nowhere near your level yet Tatsumi." Itachi says humbly as he takes a seat on the floor to catch his breath. 'Having half of my reiryoku spent is more draining than having half my chakra was when I was a shinobi...' Itachi thinks while catching his breath.

"Well Itachi I think that is enough training for today! I plan on going back to my dorm and studying for a test that is coming up. I'll see you around." Tatsumi waves goodbye and walks off towards the dorms. Itachi continues resting for a few more minutes while digesting the new techniques he learned today. A thought stays lingering in Itachi's mind as he sits in the training area by himself. 'Combining two kido techniques…'' Itachi stays on the ground thinking about it for a few more minutes before getting back up. 'This isn't something that can rushed. I should see if the library holds any more books about Kido techniques' Just as he was going to head towards the library, Itachi felt his stomach grumble. 'My reiryoku is running low. I should get something to eat first.' Itachi instead walks to the cafeteria. He quickly eats his favorite onigiri meal before making his way to the library.


Itachi's Clone

Ounabara goes over the basics again and a few other techniques such as disarming and parrying. Once he finishes his explanation, he lets the students pick their partners and begin their practice.

Itachi and Itsuki wield their wooden swords and start their sparring session. Itachi still easily overwhelms Itsuki. Each of Itsuki's strikes is dodged by a hair as Itachi weaves between slashes then disarms Itsuki with his own sword. The class finishes their spar with one another and returns the swords.

"Wow! Itachi you're really good at Zanjutsu as well." Itsuki comments while getting up.

"No. These are only the basics from class. With the way you are fighting, you are simply flailing your sword around. It leaves you with far too many openings." Itachi says as he offers pointers to Itsuki before putting the sword away. Itsuki nods at Itachi's suggestions before putting away his sword.

"We are going to the Hakuda hall next!." Ounabara says before taking the class towards the Hakuda hall.

Ounabara does a demonstration for the class on defensive stances and counterattacks.

"Alright pick your partners again. I will come around to see your form and technique."

Itsuki gets into his fighting stance as Itachi stands prepared to block his attacks. Itsuki bombards Itachi with a multitude of fast strikes and Itachi notes that Itsuki's speed and power has increased dramatically since they first started training with weights the previous week. Itachi decides to go on the offensive and knocks Itsuki to the ground. Itsuki gets back up and switches to a defensive stance to try to take Itachi's blows but each time, Itachi finds an opening and knocks Itsuki back down.

As Ounabara walks around the class pointing and correcting the students as they spar he walks to Itachi to see him standing upright while Itsuki is on the ground catching his breath. He notices Itachi giving pointers to Itsuki. He listens to the Itachi's suggestions and nods his head in approval. He moves along to the rest of the students and gives them pointers.

"Alright that's enough for today. Keep studying and training hard! You are dismissed." Ounabara says before he exits the room. Itachi and Itsuki put away their sparring gear and leave the training hall.

"What will you be doing for the rest of the day?" Itsuki asks Itachi as they walk towards the dorm.

"I'm going back to my room for a bit." Itachi replies.

"Okay! I'll continue my training. I'll see you later!" Itsuki says before taking off.

Itachi walks up the stairs up to his dorm room. He enters his room and closes the door behind him. As the door shuts, he vanishes into a puff of smoke.

After finishing his meal, Itachi starts heading towards the library. He nods at the librarian and walks to the shelves that contained the books on Kido spells. He sits at a table and begins reading the book. As he is reading, he feels a surge of information and mental fatigue enter his mind. 'So this is what we did in class today. And there is a field practice exercise coming up followed by a tournament. I should alter my training regimen.' Itachi thinks to himself before going back to his book.

As Itachi read through the book several more ideas and combinations appeared in his head. 'There are a lot of applications for the bakudo spells. Hainawa can be used even in offensive ways. I could try to thin it out and use it like wire string for a tighter and deadlier hold...I could also combine it with Tsuzuri Raiden or keep them in place while I do a full incantation Shakkaho...It could also be used to hold them still for Shitotso Sansen to garuntee landing…' Itachi ponders on various kido combinations as he reads through the book. Itachi finally finishes reading the books, and leaves the building.

He enters his room and lays down. 'I should begin my new training regimen soon' Itachi thinks to himself before closing his eyes and falling asleep.


For the next 6 months, Itachi followed his improved training regime. On class days, he would send his shadow clone in his place to learn any new class material that was taught, While sending his real body to the kido training field to train with Tatsumi. Itachi's body adapted to constantly being at half strength, allowing for more precise control of using reiatsu in battle as he sparred with Tatsumi each day while learning new kido spells from him. On his days off, Itachi would spar with Itsuki and help him improve. From time to time, Taro would challenge Itachi and Itachi would accept, completely dominating Taro but noting his great improvements from each bout.

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