Itachi Rebirth: A Shinigami Tale

Chapter 16 - Tournament Part 2

The match begins and both of the students draw their blades. They both stand in their spots with their blades in front of them. A moment passes and they charge at each other and clash swords. Itsuki matches Jiro blow for blow. Jiro was surprised that Itsuki and him were evenly matched in Zanjutsu. They continue to rally slashes until Jiro thinks he finds an opening and performs a vertical slash to try to hit Itsuki. However, Itsuki manages to sidestep it and retaliates with a side kick, catching Jiro off guard and pushing him back several meters. Jiro regains his balance just in time to see Itsuki raising a hand and performing his kido technique.

"Hado 1: Sho!" Itsuki releases a force from his palm. Jiro manages to dodge the technique as he jumps into the air and comes down on Itsuki with a sword slash. Itsuki blocks the attack with his own blade and sparks fly as they continue to clash blades with each other. At one point, Itsuki manages to get some distance from Jiro. 'This is getting nowhere. I'll end this quickly.'

"Hado 11: Tsuzuri Raiden!" Itsuki's blade is cloaked in a bright light and a steady surge of electricity crackles from it. Jiro charges again at Itsuki and they both clash blades. This time however, Itsuki's blade cuts clean through Jiro's blade. The top half of Jiro's blade goes flying and lands a few feet away. Jiro was visibly shocked as he held only half an asauchi. Itsuki puts his lightning charged blade up to Jiro's face. Jiro drops his sword on the ground.

"I concede." Jiro says with his head low.

"AAAAND WE HAVE OUR WINNER!" The announcer yells out as the crowd applauds.

Jiro picks back up his asauchi and walks towards the broken part of his blade and picks it up before leaving the ring. Itsuki returns back to the break room.

"As expected of the results of your training." Itachi says to Itsuki as he approaches.

"It's all thanks to you!" Itsuki gives Itachi a large grin that Itachi couldn't help but smile back to. They both watch the monitor as the next participants are called up on the bracket.

"FIRST YEAR FENG DAIYU AND FIRST YEAR KUCHIKI AKEMI WILL BE FIGHTING NEXT!" The announcer calls out. Daiyu looks to Taro who gives her a reassuring look.

"Good luck out there!" Taro says to Daiyu. Daiyu nods and joins Akemi in walking out to the ring. The two of them get to their places and stand facing each other. 'Captain Soi Fon is here watching me and Taro believes in me. I won't lose this!' Daiyu thinks to herself.

Soi Fon looks towards Daiyu, who was one of the members of her clan.

"LET THE MATCH BEGIN!" The announcer calls out.

Brimming with determination, Daiyu charges in at Akemi. Daiyu unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks at Akemi. Akemi puts up her guard as she blocks and deflects each blow.

'I have her on the defensive! Now I just need to-' Daiyu's thoughts are interrupted as Akemi suddenly flashes in front her, landing a solid punch to her stomach. Daiyu is sent flying back several meters before she is able to regain her balance and land.

Daiyu looks at Akemi who is walking towards her slowly. 'She's full of openings. I can feint her then strike from behind to land a decisive blow!' Daiyu plots in her head. Daiyu does a flash step in and winds up a punch. Akemi puts up her guard to block the punch but Daiyu flash steps behind Akemi and prepares to do a kick to the back of Akemi's head.

"Bakudo 8: Seki." Akemi turns around and raises her arm. She creates a small barrier at the point of contact where Daiyu was aiming at. Daiyu kicks the barrier and suddenly she goes flying backwards across the ring. Daiyu hits the ground and goes rolling back several meters before she is able to get back up again.

"Bakudo 1: Sai." "Bakudo 4: Hainawa." As Daiyu tries to stand up she finds her arms restricted and immediately after that, a yellow rope wraps around her, rendering her unable to move. Daiyu falls back down on the ground and struggles to break free. After a few seconds of struggling, Daiyu realizes she can't break free and lays still on the ground. Before she tries again, Akemi lands in front of her pointing her blade at her head.

"You've lost". Akemi says as Daiyu realizes her defeat and concedes.

"THE WINNER IS KUCHIKI AKEMI!" The announcer concludes the match.

"I would expect nothing less of Akemi." Byakuya says with no change in his expression or tone.

"How disappointing. Daiyu was too hasty and made poor decisions that match. I expected more out of her. I'm hoping Taro displays a better performance." Soi Fon comments. Aizen remained quiet with a soft smile on his face.

The next few rounds went by fast with Daiki winning his against a 2nd year and Taro winning his against a 4th year. Kanzaki lost against a 6th year named Setsu Tomo, dropping him out of the tournament.

The brackets move up and it is once again Itachi's turn. Itachi is paired against a 4th year. He once again wins with relative ease.


"Hey those two are both from the advanced class just like one of the other previous matches. Who do you think will win." A few students discuss.

The announcer yells out. Itsuki looks at Itachi with a somewhat nervous expression as Daiki had always been the one berating him and Itsuki could never win against Daiki previously.

"Over the past few months, I have watched as you developed and I am impressed with how far you've come. Acknowledge yourself and you will succeed." Itachi reaffirms to Itsuki.

Itsuki's nervousness is replaced with determination as he walks out to the ring.

Daiki and Itsuki meet at the ring. They lock eyes and stare each other down. Daiki is surprised at the level of confidence Itsuki was displaying as he has always seen Itsuki as a weak low class peasant. 'This can't be the same Itsuki who I beat earlier in the year right?' The announcer leaves the fighting area and makes his announcement.

"LET THE MATCH BEGIN!" The announcer yells out.

Itsuki and Daiki both charge at each other. They engage in close quarters combat and go even for each other blow for blow. For the next thirty seconds, there was nothing but Hakuda. Eventually, Daiki starts to gain the upper hand and overwhelms Itsuki. Itsuki is forced to retreat backwards.

"What's wrong? Scared to fight me you third rate peasant!" Daiki berates Itsuki as Itsuki retreats. Itsuki ignores the comment and puts his hand up.

"Oh you're going to use Kido now? Go ahead and try!" Daiki taunts at Itsuki.

"Wait one moment please." Itsuki says. Daiki's eyes widen and he gives Itsuki a confused look. Itsuki bends down and lifts up the leggings of his shihakusho. Underneath he reveals his leg weights. Itsuki unhooks his leg weights from his ankles and lifts them up to around shoulder height while keeping his reiatsu inside of them.

"WHA-" Daiki is cut off as Itsuki delivers a swift punch to Daiki's face, sending him flying. Daiki rolls on the ground and regains his balance. While still on his knees, Daiki looks up to see Itsuki already standing right in front of him. Daiki's eyes open wide in shock and anger as he sees Itsuki looking down on him.

"YOU PIECE OF-" Daiki is cut off as a foot smashes into his face.

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