'The executive militia. If I recall, the second squad is also integrated with the Onmitsukido. How ironic.' Itachi thinks to himself as he remembers his time in the Anbu Black Ops back in Konoha.

"This job is not a typical shinigami position. If you choose to join, I will explain further in detail. This position also may require you to make some difficult decisions, and you will have to get your hands dirty." Soi-Fon said in a cold voice.

'Protecting peace through its shadow...is what I've strived to do as a shinobi. This position is very well suited for someone like me. It will also allow me the chance to train my skills freely' Itachi thinks for a moment before accepting Soi-Fon's offer.

"Thank you. I accept." Itachi replies.

"Be at the courtyard at noon in 2 days." Soi-Fon says before nodding her head and vanishing from the room.

'Teleportation? No, that was shunpo.' Itachi was slightly surprised at Soi Fon's speed.

"Itachi, congratulations once again. I hope that the 2nd division is correct for you." The headmaster says.

"Thank you headmaster for your support." Itachi replies with a slight bow.

"No. This was all through your own talent and efforts. The headmaster replies.

Itachi bows one more time before leaving the room.

"He'll become a Captain one day." The headmaster says as he watches Itachi depart.


Guest Hall

In the central room of the hall, a figure was seen sitting in the middle of the room. Behind the figure was a young woman and a young man standing with their heads down.

"Captain Kuchiki, I apologize for my loss." Akemi said straightforwardly. She had given it her all, but was no match for Itachi's strength.

"I also apologize for my loss" Daiki also quickly added on.

"Akemi, your strength was simply too low compared to his. I had witnessed the final fight. Not only was his proficiency in close combat much higher than yours, his kido techniques were also far greater. Train harder from this. You will remain in the academy for a few more months. Focus on honing your strength, and I will arrange something for you." Byakuya said calmly.

"Thank you for your guidance" Akemi replied and moved back.

"As for you, your performance was disgraceful. The Kuchiki clan is one of the four noble houses. We must set the standard for all shinigami. It is fine to be arrogant, but you have nothing to show for your words. You will remain here until further notice. Make yourself scarce." Byakuya says, slightly raising his voice.

"Yes!. I am sorry Captain Kuchiki!" Daiki was terrified. He promised to work harder before quickly departing the building.

"I see you are still not settled with your loss. If my guess is correct, then the other captains have already made plans to have him graduate early. If you wish to get stronger then adjust your mind and train harder." He says before getting up and leaving the building.

Akemi nods and follows behind.


Itachi leaves the building and starts heading back towards his dorm. As he makes his way over he notices Byakuya Kuchiki walking in tow with a few guards and Akemi in the back. Akemi notices Itachi, she bends her head down slightly before nodding in greeting. She never suspected Itachi to be so strong. He beat every competition on the way, and according to the clan leader there's a high chance that he was already recommended for early graduation. They stop before Itachi.

Itachi nods back at Akemi. He turns to Byakuya and bows his head. "Captain Kuchiki."

Byakuya looks at Itachi holding the Shihakusho before commenting.

"It seems that Captain Soi Fon has requested your early graduation."

"That is correct." Itachi replies

"Don't become complacent." Byakuya says before walking away.

'What a long day' Itachi thinks to himself before drifting into sleep.


Itachi woke up the next morning, his arm felt a lot better so he decided to take off the sling and put it away. He leaves the bandages on and exits the dorm. He notices Itsuki who walks up to him in greeting.

"Yo Itachi! How is your arm?" Itsuki asks.

"Almost healed completely." Itachi replies and the two make their way downstairs.

"How about getting a bite to eat" Itsukis asks.

Itachi nods.

The two converse as they walk over to the cafeteria.

"So, what happened yesterday. You left the infirmary quickly after getting treatment." Itsuki asks.

"Huh!!. So you will graduate early after all. Congratulations!" Itsuki says.

"Given your growth, I believe you should be able to by next year." Itachi says.

"I should, but I think I will stay and continue honing my strength. I spoke with Eiji yesterday, and he made a good point. It will be much better for me if I were to display a sufficient amount of strength before attempting to graduate. I want to be able to choose the squad I get selected into." Itsuki says.

"Not a bad plan." Itachi replies.

"So anyway, which squad will you be joining?" Itsuki asks.

"I will be joining the second division." Itachi replies.

"The second division with captain Soi Fon. Why that division?" Itsuki was slightly surprised. He learned from Taro that the second division was a stealth corps unit. They also focused on gathering intel and scouting for hollows and the general line of work was generally more dangerous than the other divisions.

"It is suitable for me." Itachi replied.

"I see." Itsuki says.

"Itachi, hey!" Taro greets. Kenta and Daiyu simply nod and sit down.

"So Itachi, what happened yesterday. You left fast!" Taro asked.

"The headmaster wanted to see me. I'm graduating early." Itachi replied.

"That's great, have you thought about which division?" Taro asked again.

"Yes i will be joining the second division, and I will be leaving tomorrow." Itachi said.

"What, tomorrow?, that's sooner than normal, how did it happen?" Taro.

"Captain Soi Fon recruited me." Itachi replied.

The group naturally understood but were also shocked that Soi Fon went out of her way to personally have Itachi join. It seems the captain had favored Itachi's talent and ȧssisted him in graduating earlier. Daiyu especially was surprised. The second division captain was also from the Feng clan like her. There was a one hundred percent chance that she would join the 2nd division as most of her clan members do. She didn't think Itachi would also join the 2nd division.

"The second division. Congratulations!" Taro said.

"I can't believe this is the last day. But I suppose we will meet again in the future. The Shihouin clan has a close affiliation with the second division. Taro said.

"I can't believe this is your last day. But it's true, the sooner you get real experience, the stronger you can get right?" Itsuki added, slightly saddened. Itachi had been the one to ȧssist him and help him reach the level he was at. But he knew that he had been taught the foundations, the rest was upon him to improve. The mood turned slightly somber.

"Let's not get emotional, this is Itachi's last day. Taro said.

"Right!" Itsuki perked back up.

Itachi smiled.

The group continued their conversation. By evening, they had bid their farewells. Itachi made his way to the courtyard. He walked up to the memorial site that honored the students that had passed away from the last field exercise. He looks at Tatsumi's name and gives a slight bow. He notices Eiji was also walking towards them.

They both remain silent standing in front of the memorial.

"I heard you are leaving tomorrow?" Eiji broke the silence and asked.

Itachi nodded and continued looking at the memorial.

"Thank you." Eiji said before leaving.

Itachi stayed at the site for a few minutes. He cleared his head and turned around before making his way back towards the dorm.

He notices a figure standing near the dorm. He was surrounded by a group of students with excited faces. The figure turned towards Itachi and gave a warm smile.

Itachi looked at the figure and paused.


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