3 years later


In the 13th division main hall, the 13th division captain was facing his two subordinates: a young man and a young woman. The woman stood silently behind the man, while waiting for the captain to speak.

"Her entire squad was obliterated," he said to the two.

The two shinigami were stunned as they listened.

"Because even the observational personnel were slain, we….. Still know nothing about the enemy's power. We are forming an ȧssault squad….. We should be ready in 2 days." The captain said solemnly.

Just as he finished, the young immediately turned towards the exit, ready to leave.

"WAIT KAIEN! CALM DOWN! We still don't know anything about the enemy!" The Captain immediately called after him.

"So just because we don't know anything, you want me to sit here and wait like an idiot. Just wait for the ȧssault squad and hide in here?!" Kaien replied furiously.

"... We…. only know two things about the enemy. It doesn't travel alot… and the location of its lair."

An hour later, the trio arrived at the hollows layer. As they approached they saw a six-limbed creature with a large, flame-patterned mask and a flock of tentacles on his back. It slowly walked out before speaking.

"I smell fresh meat. Doesn't smell too bright though, heehee should be tasteful nonetheless. HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!!" The hollow said before charging towards Kaien.


The next day,

Itachi stood next to Omaeda and slightly behind Soi Fon with the rest of the detention unit in the meeting room sitting on the floor in front of her as she was about to go over a few new policy changes for the unit. As Soi Fon is about to start the briefing, a hell buŧŧerfly flies into the room. Soi Fon remained silent as the message was transmitted into her head. 'So Lieutenant Shiba died…'

Soi Fon sends the buŧŧerfly back out to deliver a response then turns to Omaeda and reaches out to hand him a scroll.

"Omaeda, you finish the-" Soi Fon suddenly stops mid sentence and then looks at Itachi.

"Actually, Uchiha you finish the meeting. The rest of the briefing is on here. Finish it up then report back to your regular duties. I've been summoned." Soi Fon tells Itachi as she hands him the scroll before vanishing from the room. Omaeda looked at his Captain shocked and felt disheartened that she preferred to have Itachi finish the briefing over her lieutenant but he held back his tears and remained silent. Itachi is a bit taken back by the sudden leave but he brushes it off and continues with the briefing. He had already been to these meetings before so he understood the basic outline.


Soi Fon arrives at the main hall of the First Division Headquarters. As she enters, she bows in respect to the Captain Commander who was waiting patiently.

"Captain Soi Fon, welcome. Take your spot and while we wait for the other Captains to show up."

Soi Fon looks around and sees the only other Captain there is Ukitake, which was understandable because he was the reason this meeting was being called. Soi Fon goes to her spot and the three shinigami in the room wait in silence as the other Captains begin coming in until twelve captains are in two separate lines facing each other and Yamamoto begins the meeting.

"Yesterday, the lieutenant of Squad 13, Shiba Kaien, was killed by a hollow. This isn't the only incident of this scale that has been seen in recent years. Adding to Kaien's death, we are now missing four lieutenants. I am mandating that we have at least three of these four positions filled in with potential candidates by the end of the week. You are all dismissed now."

The Captains begin to walk out of the hall but Soi Fon catches up to Ukitake and gets his attention.

"Captain Ukitake, you have my condolences." Soi Fon said without much change in her expression.

Ukitake was still saddened. He was unable to save his lieutenant even though he was there. He accepted Soi Fons condolences and continued on his way. However before he got very far, he once again heard Captain Soi Fon.

"Captain Ukitake. I may have a potential lieutenant candidate for you in my squad." Soi Fon says to Ukitake.

Ukitake turns around surprised. He never expected the 2nd division captain to be one to recommend someone to him.

"I appreciate the offer Captain Soi Fon. But I feel this candidate you are talking about may not fit with our Division's ideals." Ukitake says politely as he declines Soi Fon's offer as someone from the Onmitsukido won't be ideal for a leading figure in the Thirteenth Division.

"That may apply to most people in my Squad but this one's different. In terms of combat ability, he is nearly unmatched, but his morals stray from the ways of the Onmitsukido. This has led to several issues with him in the past during his time in my executive militia but I didn't want his talent to go to waste so I moved him to 3rd seat and Corps Commander of the Detention Unit. He would be a better fit in your squadron as a lieutenant." Soi Fon recommends.

"Well Captain Soi Fon, if you approve of him joining the Thirteenth Division this much, I'll gladly welcome him in." Ukitake replies, curious about who she could be recommending.

"By the way what is the name of this individual." Ukitake asks before they part ways.

"Uchiha, Itachi." Soi Fon says before vanishing.

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