Itachi and the group return to Soul Society through the Senkaimon. The moment they arrive they are approached by a scout from the first division.

"Lieutenant Uchiha, Captain Hitsugaya, the Captain Commander is awaiting you." The scout said.

Itachi and Toshiro both nod to each other before following the scout back to the first division.

On the way over to the first division Toshiro and Itachi began discussing the Espadas strengths.

"Itachi, you fought the Espada as well. How strong was that one compared to the others.?" Toshiro asked. He was surprised that Itachi had fallen unconscious after his battle. After fighting Luppi and Yammy, he had seen the strength of the Espada up close.

"They are strong. However, the one I faced was ranked 4th and possessed some unique abilities. If the Espada are ranked off their strength, I will have no trouble fighting those below his rank." Itachi replied. Toshiro nodded and thought back to how he was bȧrėly able to get past Luppi who was ranked 6th.

A few moments later, the two arrive in front of the 1st division main hall. A few of the lieutenants were also present outside the hall. However, Renji, Hinamori and Sasakibe were missing from the group. Hinamori was still recovering from her wounds and Sasakibe was standing by the Captain Commander. Itachi had a guess as to where Renji was.

Itachi and Toshiro entered the hall. The captains were all present and were waiting for Toshiro and Itachi. The two of them entered the room. Itachi takes a quick bow and Toshiro walks to his spot amongst the captains.

"Lieutenant Uchiha, you were sent with Captain Hitsugaya to the human, please provide your own details of the events encountered." Yamamoto ordered.

"Yes sir." Itachi replied. He began explaining everything that occurred in the human world. However, he kept the Vizards and their hideout out of his explanation. He also explained the original confrontation inside the Garganta and the fights with the Espada.

"The rumors are definitely true. The Espada's strength is definitely on par or above the level of a Captain." Itachi said. "I faced an Espada named Ulquiorra, and the former Captain Tousen. Ulquiorra possessed a unique ability to use his resurreccion a second time, much like a shinigami performing a Bankai after a shikai."

Komurara furrowed his brow and turned towards Itachi waiting for him to continue.

"I managed to kill both Tosen and the Espada. Unfortunately, it was far too draining for me to continue and I was rendered unconscious from the strain. Due to this, Miss Orihime was taken by the third one that had accompanied them.

"It's not your fault. We did not expect Aizen to have sent that many of his elite force to take one girl. Despite the unfortunate event, you have performed excellently by successfully eliminating two powerful threats." Yamamoto said.

Komamura lowered his head and clenched his fists. He had failed to see the heart of his friend, and it was still unknown to him as to why he had betrayed them.

"Until we think of a proper plan of attack, please return to your barracks and rest, as we will be preparing for the war. You are all dismissed." Yamamoto said, striking his cane against the ground, ending the meeting. The Captains dispersed, each heading towards their barracks.

Ukitake approached Itachi before congratulating him.

"Uchiha, goodwork, because of you, we have two less opponents to worry about."

"Itachi, don't feel too bad. It was not your fault that Orihime was taken." Ukitake said, ȧssuming Itachi was still upset.

"I understand Captain, but I am more concerned that Aizen went to such lengths to bring Miss Orihime away." Itachi said.

"Hmm, you are right." Ukitake said, thinking on the subject.

"Yo Ukitake." Kyoraku said as he approached the duo and looked over at Itachi. "Lieutenant Uchiha, good work."

"Thank you Captain." Itachi responded to Captain Kyoraku before excusing himself.

"What a strong lad, If I didn't know any better, he's probably already stronger than me." Kyoraku said with a calm look. Ukitake was slightly surprised. He knew Kyoraku was very perceptive. He wouldn't say something like this unless he meant it. However, thinking back to a couple days before Itachi left for the human world, he seemed much stronger.

Just as Itachi was returning to the squad barracks, he heard a voice call out to him from behind.

"Lieutenant Uchiha!"

Itachi turned around to see Captain Komamura approach him with Lieutenant Hisagi in tow.

"Lieutenant Uchiha, I was told that you fought with Captain Tosen and you..killed him" Hisagi said nervously.

"Tousen…" Komamura mumbled to himself.

"You don't know who you truly are until the moment before your death. Instead of explaining it, allow me to show you the person Tousen was before his death." Itachi said as he activated his sharingan. Both Komamura and Hisagi felt Itachi's increase in reiatsu and looked at him.


The two felt their surroundings change as they suddenly appeared in the human world, standing where they could see Itachi and Tousen's fight. They saw Itachi dueling with Tosen and the words that were spoken by him and the hollowfication that Tousen underwent.

"This is all...for justice."

"I am no longer the person you fought before. Prepare to die!"

"For Lord Aizen...for justice!"

"You may have gained your vision, but what have you lost as a result? You've always been one to preach about justice back in Soul Society, but what does your "justice" truly mean? Your "justice" is simply an illusion, not of your own world, but of Aizen's. Your "justice" is merely a vague concept shaped by someone else." Itachi's voice echoed.

"And who are you to preach me of justice. That right is reserved for Lord Aizen! If his justice is my world, then I will swear by it!" Tousen grunted.

Finally, Itachi's ethereal sword pierced through Tousen.

The world around Hisagi began to swirl again and Hisagi and Komamura once again found themselves standing in front of Itachi.

Komamura was shocked at Itachi's technique. He only looked at Itachi's eyes and he was placed under a powerful illusion. He had no way of breaking free. 'What is this power? No wonder he was able to defeat Tousen and an Espada.' Komamura thought to himself. However he still restrained his surprise and thanked Itachi.

"I see. Thank you." Hisagi said.

Itachi nodded but said nothing else. He turned around and left towards the 13th division barracks.


Itachi returned to the barracks and resumed his duties. The next day, Ukitake came to Itachi's office.

"Uchiha, working hard as always."

"Captain." Itachi stood up in greeting.

"I received news from the Captain-Commander regarding the battle. He knows he won't he be able to stop Kurosaki Ichigo from going to rescue Miss Inoue." Itachi nodded in agreement. He anticipated Ichigo would do whatever it took to rescue her.

"Since we have an Idea of what Aizen is planning, we will be preparing a fake battleground.

The entirety of soul society had begun to prepare themselves for the upcoming confrontation." Ukitake mentioned.


Two days later

The captain commander had once again summoned all Captains and Vice captains to a meeting. Itachi arrived with Ukitake. He saw the other Vice captains and joined them outside as Ukitake entered.

"Itachi, how are you?" Kira walked up to Itachi with Rangiku and Hisagi.

"Good, how are you all." Itachi replied.

"Still worried about Aizen's plot. The preparations are being finished as we speak. Thanks to you, they have less overall power."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Aizen is a cunning man…" Itachi replied.


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