One day into October, a month after the event.

This was the day when the fourth layer was added.

Risa was invited to go to see him, but he would have logged in soon if he wasn't.

The view was wrapped in light, and when it disappeared, a three-tiered town spread.

Looking around, he saw Sally waving, and Maple headed for Sally.

"I'm here. What are you going to do?"

"The three-level boss will be able to manage with Maple alone ... Would you like to go?


Since the timing of logging in is not the same, only two people are now logged in at [Maple Tree].

Even if you go up to the top now, all guild members will have to defeat the boss again.

Still, they could not beat the interest in the new class.

Without confirming what the boss is, Maple in a state of violence puts a sari on its back and runs across the field towards the dungeon.

It is already known to be a maple, so it will not be attacked by players flying in the sky by machine.

However, attention remains unchanged.

Maple opened the door and stepped inside the dungeon while running over the monster and reached the boss room.

"Sally? You arrived!"

"Okay! Let's end it quickly."

In the back of the room was a steel golem nearly three times the height of the two.

If the golem were conscious, the head would have turned white because the person who opened the door and looked into his face was a monster.

"[Phantom world]!"

Sally alone has four maples.

The four maples launch an attack, wrapping around a steel golem.

The golem will attack it, but will not damage the maple.

After seeing it, Sally was relieved and sat down and stroked her head.

However, Maple's impatient voice pulls back on Sally.

"Sally! What should I do?"


"I don't get any damage !?"


When Sally saw the golem, the golem's HP did not decrease at all.

Management was thinking.

How to naturally maple in a state of [violence].

What I came up with was not to deploy a boss with unreasonable attack power, but to deploy a boss with high defense and HP.

Maple's natural enemy was not a super-fired boss, but an opponent with the same personality.

Maple has no penetrating attack skills.

There is no end to this battle, as the golems can't do any damage.

This is a method of suppressing maple in the case of one-on-one.

"Is this something I have to do?"

Sally knew the situation and passed the dagger, rushing to the golem.

Thirty minutes to fight in that way.

The game has come to an end, with Sally maximizing Sword Dance.

"Huh ... I made a mistake"

"Well ... it was pretty hard."

Although they were trying to go through this area to see the fourth layer, they had their nose blown out, but they switched their minds to the fourth layer.

"What kind of place is it?"

"Come on, you see it."

Sally ran and Maple followed.

The fourth layer is the town of Evergreen.

Two full moons, red and blue, in the night sky with sparkling stars.

In this largest town to date, all buildings are wooden and have a Japanese appearance.

Waterways run through the city, and the lights gently illuminate the road.

The heart excites what the tallest building in the center of town is.

"Do you want to explore?"

"I like it, but after going to the guild home for the time being."

"Uh, soka"

The two settled and set off for the guild home.

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