After confirming their skills, they decided to go to the fourth floor with the same momentum.

"Would you like to go? Maple"

"[Violence] It is wasteful to release ..."

As Sally walks in front, a maple in the form of a monster follows behind.

As they talk, they go up the stairs to the fourth floor behind the boss room.

"Ah, yes! I have to set my skills on the big shield."

"Some of you ... well, a big eruption? I'm strict with MP and rigidity."

large eruption

MP50 consumption. Rigid for 3 seconds before activation. Reusable after 3 minutes. It emits high-powered lava in a straight line, creating a damage field on the ground that ignores defense for one minute.

"Maple can be a bit stiff. If you use the damage field well, you may be able to fight a boss with a high defense."

"Yeah, but you have to be careful not to step on yourself ..."

"Hey, be careful when flying with an explosion?"

Sally said, she looked back at Maple as if she had something to come up with.

"... Hmm, Maple. I thought, but it's better not to set it yet?"


"I can get a medal if I climb this tower, and I think it's good to see the skill."

If you climb the tower this time, you will get ten silver medals. There might be something more powerful and demanding MP.

You should not rush because maple equipment is irreversible.

"Are the attacking power sufficient?"

"Attack and defense are perfect!"

"I'll leave it now and go to the next. Look at the light on the next floor."

As you climb up the dim stairs, you can see the noise falling and the forest spreading beyond.

The entrance on the fourth floor led to a hole opened behind the waterfall, and a wide river flowed below.

Looking outside through the gap between the waterfall and the cliff, I found that it was inside the tower, but when I looked up, there was a sky, and in the distance I could see something like the sea.

"Oh! It's so wide!"

"Well, let's just get off ...?"

Scaffolding continued from the hole, from which it seemed to descend into the river.

However, this is adjusted to the size of the person. Maple can't pass in his current form.

"Is it okay to jump off with Maple?"

"Yeah, it doesn't seem to matter at this height."

As Sally descends along the cliff, Maple leaps down into the waterfall, slamming into the waterhole.

After a while, the monsters pop out as if nothing had happened from the bottom of the waterhole.

"It's pretty deep! If you don't swim there, it may be useless!"

"I'm not allowed to go into the forest .... I'm going to have to go down the river if I leave this way. I'll fly on the syrup.

"If you don't release [violence], you can't do it ...

"I see. Well then, I want to go pounding with the momentum!"

Sally has decided to prioritize her precious attack power.

He thought that although he could drop the icicles that could only attack the sky on the third floor, he could not go through the fourth floor by going in the air.

"Okay! Oh, hey, Sally, get on your back? There's a monster in the water ..."

"Is that so?"

"I'm really bitten!"

With that said, Maple lifted one of the six legs out of the water, and several fish bite and biting.

"Well, I'll ask you to put it on.

"Fufu, let's go down the river!"

Maple put Sally on her back and slowly began to descend the river, moving six legs dexterously.

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