Boss, it was a mummy with nearly three times the back length of the maples, all covered in thin purple bandages, who welcomed the three of them into the room.

The red eyes peeking through the bandage clearance, just like those on the road, are the size to suit the giant, emitting a spooky light that can be seen from afar.

"All right, battle!

As Maple first runs patterned, he activates the [Emperor no Throne] in the center of the room so that the mummy can enter the velvets' magical range, and sits on the throne and looks at the boss.

The boss raises a creepy groan, and correspondingly, from the ground, a mummy on the road and a golem appear. However, the mummy had a new black aura and the golem had a spear made of sandstone.

"Ugh, a spear. Ah... Mr. Velvet! I want you to take down the Golem with the spear first."

I immediately understand that Velvet probably hated the penetrating attack as well, and I promise to do so.

Maple also changes his method of attack because while sitting on the throne, some of his main skills are sealed.

"[Taunt]! Syrup [Red Flower Garden] [White Flower Garden] [Sinking Land]!

White and red flower gardens spread across the glowing field that was spreading around the throne. The monsters sent to Maple look debuffed as they step into a beautiful flower garden and sink into the ground at the same time.

"[Toxic Dragon]!

The flowers created by skill still bloom without shriveling with poison, and the purple that colors it does sharpen the monster's HP. A place you shouldn't come near, a place you shouldn't step in. The monster's biggest weakness is not knowing it.

Velvet and Hinata shoot their magic into the boss and the golem as they tangle up the monsters that Maple swarms.

"Ok! Sounds good!

Monsters have behavioral patterns. If all of them were uncomfortable defeating Maple, it would be a one-sided battle until there were more behavioral patterns. The boss's mummy seemed to be spreading a buff of rising attack power, but that didn't hit him effectively, and Debuff-based skills seemed to be stopped from being activated by the throne.

"And [Tornado]!

"All right, this one too!

A tornado released by Hinata deals damage to the boss's mummy as it involves miscellaneous fish monsters. Plus shooting by Maple's weapons, the boss's HP cuts by half.

The boss groans loudly and the boss room swings grassly as the three of them stand to see if anything happens. At the same time, a white wind like cold air emanates from the boss and blows through the room. It wraps the three of them in turn from the maple that was in the lead, releasing all the skills that were activated and buffs that were applied.

"Wow!? Shh!?

Although all Maple skills are powerful, it takes time to re-use them for that matter. It's impossible to redeploy a powerful field immediately. At the same time, the debuff of the mummy, including the boss, who had been suppressed by the throne until earlier, strikes simultaneously, and is no longer protected by [dedication of mercy], thus reducing the status of all three by a gut.

Still, it doesn't have a big impact on Maple, but the two behind it don't.

"[Taunt]! [Atrocities]!

Maple uses [Taunt] again to do something about it until the debuff runs out, and furthermore [Atrocity] wraps around the outer skin and rumbles around in the monster. You can say that all attacks of Maple's [atrocious] state are lost by Debuff, but it's just enough to make it impossible because it has the advantage of not dying instantly.

Cut the route with your body so that the boss doesn't attack the two of you, as much as possible with Golem's spear, which was a penetrating attack as expected. The boss, who no longer has a skill seal by the throne, spreads his hands about the ground when Maple approaches him, like a black sword, like a swamp, something creepy, but there's nothing he can do to make Maple. The same goes for both of us, snooping at monsters and peeking at opportunities to fight back.

"Ugh, what do we do... heh?

Shortly after the swift spread throughout the room, the maple is swallowed by a black cube along with the feeling that the floor at its feet has fallen out. And when the sight reverted after a moment, the boss, who was in front of him until earlier, was far away, and furthermore forward he could see two backs.

"Wow! I switched!?

Among the monsters are velvet and hinata, maple in the rear guard position. Prepare monsters to disarm and debuff formations. So this was the powerful move of this boss.

"Cover moves... don't arrive...!

The reduced speed of travel caused by the debuff works, and I can't run away in [brutality] or disarm and fly away in a suicide bomb flight in time.

Still running and maple going, the boss's fist wrapped around a dos black aura is swung down by the two surrounded by monsters in vain. For both of us, the surrounding situation suddenly changes, in the form of a sudden total attack.

In the meantime, Velvet threw down his umbrella and fisted as he stepped forward reflexively to shelter Hinata.

"Ha, that sounds sweet! [Thunder god reappearing]!

When the velvet shouts so loudly, a blue and white polar lightning strikes out of the velvet with the roar, running down the ground and burning down the monster and the boss one after the other to seal the movement that continues.

While making a burst of noise and discharging, Velvet looks at Hinata with the look of having done it.

"Let's just get out of here."

"... Yes"

Velvet jumps with a hinata and thunder, easily jumping over the monster's siege net and landing at Maple, who stopped by surprise.

"What? What!?

"Well, I'll tell you more later."

"I'm sure he'll say again... that the guild people are being too stupid honest..."

"Because Mr. Maple showed me a lot, and I even protected him. Now it's our turn!

"Uh, but good luck?

Velvet changes his gear in part in front of a maple that hasn't swallowed things right. Though nothing had changed about the outfit or anything else, the only thing there was a clear indication of what her weapon was.

It is a huge gauntlet covering both hands. Grabbing a steel fist several times the size of his bare hand, Velvet laughs invincibly as he produces unchanged blue and white lightning.

"Hinata needs all the support she can get!

"Ha, ha! Shh... I'll go."

Hinata activates her skills for the monsters who rush over when she hugs the doll so she can be brave.

"[Star Chain] [Coquitos]"

At the same time Hinata activates her skills, she stops moving as if the monster she was about to walk over to was sewn up on the ground, followed by the white whites emanating from Hinata making a crisp noise and icing the monster.

Monsters are also unacceptable to be touched by powerful mobility inhibitory effects.

"[Disaster Propagation] [Gravity Blur] [Brittle Ice Statue]"

Whenever Hinata utters the word, all the monsters that have become completely immobile overlap with the Debuffs that are mainly damaged increased. That in itself does not do any damage to the monster. But where it expired and tried to move, yet another movement inhibition, an attack inhibition and a hinata continue to bind all monsters.

If so, who does the damage? It is self-evident.

"[The center of the storm] [Lightning rain]!

Lightning runs again from the velvet, burning the ground to tears, and at the same time all the monsters in the range are destroyed indiscriminately by massive lightning strikes from above.

As long as you continue to be held captive by Hinata, you can't escape the range, even if you know it. Even if it's a monster.

Velvet wields that fist wide as he goes to the front of the only surviving boss.

"[Chained lightning strike]!

Electric shock can be played along with the sound of air breaking out of a fist pierced against the boss whose movement has completely stopped. Thunder strikes, which increased and intensified according to the number of electric shocks unleashed, burned the boss's body and blew the HP gauge as it was.

"Ooh!! Awesome!!

Seeing the two vividly defeating the monster, Maple shook four arms with his eyes sparkling without a monster.

The three of them out of the dungeon start talking when they sit back in a safe zone where no monsters occur.

"Mr. Velvet, you weren't a wizard!

"Velvet is fine. I mean, it's easier for me."

Unlike the first impression, the velvet looked lively and smiled, apparently this one was the vegan. Maple decides to deal with that as usual, too, and listens to Velvet.

"I'm sorry I hid so much. Everyone in the Alliance tells me I should gather intel on strong players."

"I knew it was for when players fight each other?

"I will! So to your advantage... you showed me a lot today."

"Ugh, sure..."

Maple showed off a lot of his skills. Yeah, I can tell you that weaknesses were clearly present in the boss battle.

"Of course that kind of preparation matters, but I squarely bump into each other from the front and compete! I mean..."

It wasn't the wind that I tried to make it look deliberate in the boss battle, but as a velvet, I didn't have a problem with not doing everything there and losing, so I can also guess Maple is serious about what I'm saying. It was only because of the sudden pinch that I had been thinking about when I would do everything I could.

"The guild guy tells me to hide a little more..."

"That was amazing!

If we start the fight without any measures, we will be sealed in motion by Hinata before we act on anything, and we will be hit as we please with Velvet's extensive lightning strike and super close range fleshbullet battles.

Keeping your skills hidden is definitely conducive to combat.

"If you want to do it, you want to fight in a fair state! Of course Maple is a rival."

Velvet makes me laugh confidently and challengingly by saying so.

"But are you sure you're okay? Everyone in the guild said no..."

"If you're not unilaterally finding out, and you're looking at their skills, it's okay!

As things stand for let's just say, looking at Hinata, who looks a little annoyed with a complicated look, Maple understood that velvet is always like this.

"But we don't even have a trump card yet."

"Yeah, I have one too!

"What!? Do you still have it?

Velvet is surprised that they were all trump card skills, yet laughs when they can fight one day.

"I wanted to see you somewhere, so I'm glad."

"It was a coincidence we met."

Now I suppose the thunder Maple saw was caused by velvet. That thunder was bigger than what I saw in the dungeon, so maybe it's just like I said there's still a trump card.

"Oh, so you don't even know it was velvet that had a different tone or something?

Turns out the weapon was a fist equipped with a gauntlet, but the outfit remained the same during the fight. Maybe the main gear is something else, just like Maple was.

"This is my number one piece of equipment!

"I got it from my boss... and Velvet is practicing to keep up with it."

"I see..."

There seemed to be no deep reason, especially as a strategy for the Alliance, to talk about the velvet individual.

"Mmm, that sounds difficult. They say you're usually too well."

Though I've tried changing my hairstyle and so on to suit my outfit, my original personality quickly wears off because the style of combat in the first place is the opposite of it and the expert in fleshbullet warfare and indiscriminate annihilation. I just don't feel like I care about that as far as I'm concerned, and I'm still laughing at Wallace and laughing funny.

"Well, that's how it is. I don't know when my next match will be, but I'll do everything I can to fight it."

"Yeah! Oh, be gentle..."

"Haha, I can't do that. I'll talk to you."

"Mmm, then I'll work hard with all the [maple trees], too!

"Then we'll work hard with all the guilds!

"Before I do... you know, I need to tell you what I showed you about my skills..."

"Mmm, that's what I'm gonna do"

"Ho, were you sure you were okay?

"It's okay. Plus, I'm the guild master, so everybody knows what I'm talking about!

Surprised that Velvet was the guild master, Velvet tells the maple that rounds his eyes his guild name. Large Alliance [thunder storm] An Alliance that grew rapidly and came within 10th place before the fourth event, the two were its two top.

"We'll play together again! I still have the skills I want to show you then!

That's what I say, I look at the velvet that makes my eyes shine, and Hinata sneaks ears at Maple.

"The truth is... let's not just be square, I think you want to see some cool skills"

"Maybe I can tell a little"

Velvet has a simple, pure idea of sharing what I thought was fun and good. Because Maple has something close to it, too, Maple makes Hinata snort, yeah.

Maple is suggested by Velvet, and when he signs up for friends with the two of them, he goes back to town on his horseback, just like he went.

"Competitors ah..."

While I don't think Maple ever showed up like that until he started this game, I imagined Sally would have been like this for a long time.

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