The next day, Risa, who woke up to school as usual, ran to find a maple along the way.

"Good morning, Maple."

"Morning, Risa!

As she talks, she walks down the road to school, and the maple shakes her story.

"Did you try that game?

"Nh, no, not yet...."

After saying that I was busy with the task and there was no timing, Risa was completely distracted.

"... will you do it with me?

"Well, I thought so.Very well. When will you do it?

Risa decided to postpone it until today, thinking that she would never play the game again.

"Okay. I'll see you after school today!... you don't have to take anything, do you?

"Yeah, I have enough hardware for both of you to play with."

"So, look forward to it...?You're doing it!

Because the purpose of Risa is different from enjoying only this time, Maple replies with a feeling of discomfort as to whether it is okay to play alone or not.

"But this is my first horror game.It wasn't at Risa's house..... "

"Ahahah... I didn't even want to do it."

Maples basically don't buy games from themselves, so they don't have to be games recommended by Risa.Naturally, I've never played horror games.

"Are you scared?

"What do you think? That's all I don't know."

I can't tell Theory that this is the way it has always been because I have no experience with Risa.

Well then, it's like a pleasure to try it.

"I wish I could have fun..."

"Ah... yes."

So after school today, they made a promise, and they walked about half the way to school.

After school hours passed, Maple and Risa came to Risa's house as promised.

I'm home.


As soon as you enter the house, you will go to Risa's room.After many thoughts, Risa seems to have decided to go around and go up the stairs with a lot of motivation.

"I'll get ready. Just a minute."

Yes, yes.

After waiting behind Risa for a while, it looks like they're ready and the two VR devices are lined up.Once Maple has one of them, she will see again what kind of game Risa had.

"Well, you can definitely chase after ghosts, right?

"Yeah, the goal is to be thrown into a different space and get out of there while we solve everything."

"Hmm, looks like some kind of dungeon strategy."

Really?... well, that might make it a little easier. "

Behind the package were small pictures of several scenes, showing places that looked like hospitals.

"Perhaps it would be better to stage places that I don't usually go to..."

Even if something happens and you get scared of the place, if you hardly ever go there, there's no problem.It's a backward reason to try to overcome it, but it's what we've learned from our defeats.

Well, is it time to do it? Until the very first division, as always!

"Yeah... let's do it."

As we have done so far when we played our first game together, they entered virtual space with the goal of completing Chapter 1.

When I opened my eyes for a while, I saw several worn-out desks and chairs in front of me, blackboards in the same way.The outside of the window is as dark as it was filled, and the inside of the room remains dimly lit by lights that do not know the source.As far as Maple was concerned, it seemed like she was sitting in a chair in the school classroom.

"Wasn't it a hospital?

…… ……

Although Maple called out to Risa, who was sitting next to her, Risa just twisted her neck if she didn't understand.

"Let's explore!

"Uh-huh, that's right...."

It's like in-game space, which is highlighted if there are any items, so you can prevent them from being missed even in the dark.Maple quickly picks up the paper placed on the desk in front of her when she sees it highlighted as an item.

"Er... yeah, I'm here when I realize it, and I don't even know how to escape.It's creepy, but I have to look everywhere... Is there anyone else?

"Maybe so....."

Because Risa was not on stage as expected and the school was on stage, there was already an aura running away from the whole body.

"Then we'll have to look for a lot of things too!

"Yeah, don't let anything come out..."

No matter how many chapters it is, it is unlikely that nothing will come out because it is the first chapter of horror games, but Risa tries to leave the classroom while praying with Maple pulling her hand.

In the meantime, if you look around, open the classroom door slightly and show your face to check both sides.Although there is a dark corridor on the left and right, I can't hear sounds or anything in particular, but I can't be sure because it is quite dark and I can't see clearly as far away.

"For now, does it look safe?


"Maybe... there's no way to check it."

Usually with an armed deployment in [Mechanical God] or an indiscriminate attack by [Venomous Dragon], what can be said to be an enemy can blow up at the same time as checking, but there is no such trouble here.

"Which way do we go?

"Those who don't seem to be dangerous...."

"Hmm, then right!

You can't help but keep pulling it into the classroom, so go right as Maple decides.There are only schools and classrooms lined up, but there are many rooms where something catches and doesn't open even if Maple puts her hand to the door.

"Will it open?Is that it? "

Looking through the small glass part of the classroom door, Maple notices a girl sitting at a desk in the classroom.

"Hey, Risa!Someone's here!

Risa opened one of her fearful eyes and peered into the small glass window with the maple.

The girl who was lying down immediately looked up at the two of them.The next moment, I thought I'd disappeared, and my hand would hit the small window that I was peeking into with the sound of effects and screams.



Seeing the two of them staring at each other like that earlier, in contrast to the vibrant white color, Maple lifted up Risa's hand, sitting down, saying that she should leave.

"I think you should run away!


He pulled Risa's hand in the middle of nowhere and walked back the way he came.When I looked behind me as I ran, nothing spiritual followed me.

"Phew... safe.I was surprised. "

Though I was surprised, I ran out for the time being, and the maple was reassuring.

"My legs are really fast, so I think I can get away with it!

In response to Maple thinking positively about the next time we met, Risa's expression was an unenergized expression that was about to cry.

"Um, what do we do?

"Well, still... I'll do it!

If you're already burned and forced to cheer up, you'll stretch your legs and take a deep breath to calm down.

"I've decided to overcome it here!

Sometimes it's because there's a maple next to it that we're able to recover.Because I couldn't get back on my own in the first place, so I couldn't even start it.

"Okay! Let's go left, then!

"Uhh, yeah... Phew... okay"

As the maple pulls his hand to the left, he checks each classroom for anything.Maple and Risa discover useful things as they discover some tutorial manuals that give guiding principles, such as the notes earlier, and demonstrate how to use some of the items and things that must be aimed at getting out of here.

"Ah! Risa, look at that flashlight!

When the maple is lit up, see if Risa is lit up the same way.

"This will make it easier to explore."

"Yeah, it's better to be bright...."

As they lit the flashlight and lit the room, they felt something approaching from the hallway, and they quickly turned off the light.A mark like an ECG appears in the upper right corner of the field of view as if it were indicative of an abnormal condition, and as something approaches, the amplitude increases as if it were a sensor.


As they were quietly hiding behind the table, the ECG sway gradually subsided and eventually disappeared.

"Phew, looks like they didn't find out!But you have to be careful when you turn on the lights. "

The script says that the spirit they met earlier seems to be wandering around this school, and it is necessary to find a clue to escape while successfully avoiding it.Because it is a game that is as close to reality as it can be, it has a system that can be avoided completely.

Some items are easy to find when the lights are on, but you can't find them unless they're on.

"Let's take a look around this floor first!


"Ahahah, it's kind of the opposite of usual."

Usually Risa, who is familiar with the game, decides the course of action, but not in horror games.Still, Maple, who has seen Risa, has acquired some of these abilities.

"That's right... honestly, I can't afford it..."

"Hmm, don't leave it to me sometimes!

Yes, please.

Confirming on the ECG that there is no spirit outside, the two leave the classroom quietly.Looking for an escape route while walking around each room, the school itself is divided into three floors, which is quite large.Items and maps you've secured can always be pulled out of your inventory in New World Online, so you won't get in the way of exploration.

"Risa, over here!

After exploring for a while, Maple suddenly turned off her flashlight and hid behind the shade with Risa, realizing that the sensors were responding.

"Did they find out...?

"Don't be noticed... don't be noticed...!

No matter what happens, next to Risa, who has to close her eyes and do it, Maple is watching as much as possible.After a while, the maple exhales relieved to see the spirit passing by in front of the shade.

"Phew, you're nervous!Horror games are like this!

"...... uu"

Risa is not good at relaxing tensions and relaxing them repeatedly.

"When we get to the next classroom, shall we finish?I did a good job, and the school itself seems to be in charge..... "

The maples were generally on only the second floor, and the first and third floors were completely untouched.I was aiming to clear one stage, but I can't let Risa, who already suffers from the loss of his soul, do it.

"Yeah, let's do that.Shall we?

"Well, that's it!I didn't go to the art room!

They moved through the gap to avoid encountering spirits, and when they safely entered the art room, they lit up with a flashlight to see if there was anything.

"Awesome, full of canvas"

"What happened...?

"Statues, canvases, paint... hmm, ah!

"Nah, what!?

Every time something happened, Risa pulled her hand and walked to the place where the item was displayed, and there was a tagged key.

"Ah, it's easy to understand and looks like a clue!Uh... science department?

When a Maple gets a key, it is stored as an item on its own.For now, this is the only key found, so the next destination will be the Science Department.

"The science department wasn't upstairs, so it's just over."

Well then, let's save it and finish.

There are a few savepoints on the map that I had just saved before I came to the gallery, so I want to record my exploration so far again and stop today.

"Now, follow me."

Risa, who kept her eyes closed for a long time, grabbed the hand offered by Maple and felt relieved that she managed to cut it off.

When Risa takes a step forward about Maple walking out, one of her free hands is wrapped in something cool.


Risa looked back unexpectedly, and there was a woman in uniform.The cool things that Risa felt were her hands that seemed clear.

"Don't go... Ikanidae!

The spirit flushed black liquid from his eyes and grabbed Risa with both hands.All of a sudden, Risa was surprised and sat down so badly that she couldn't shake it away.

"Hmm!? Don't you, what!?Risa!? "

As she was about to walk out, the maple suddenly looked back, and as she tried to help Risa, her vision became black, and a little game over letters appeared.

When visibility is restored, it can be seen that the item has returned to its original state before going to the art room and has automatically resumed from the savepoint.

As for Risa, she sat silently on the spot as her waist fell out, and it was clear that she had no energy to go to the art room again.

"Let's finish!

Maple decided to stop the game from the menu that was called, and they both returned to the real world.

Returning to the real world, Maple remembers her first horror game experience when she removes her VR device.Even though it was a VR game, you can play it with a sense of prolongation in the haunted mansion, and although surprised, you can say you enjoyed a nervous exploration.


When Maple took off the headgear, there was a tired expression of Risa and her gaze.



"To overcome... give up..."

To Risa, who spills weakly with tearful eyes, Maple even remembers some kind of convincing feeling that she knew.

"Mmm! I knew it would happen!It's been like that for a long time. "

"The game... if you want it, I'll give it to you."

Hmm, I don't know.It's hard to do things like Risa at the same time.It seemed to be a long way off. "

"Okay... sorry, let me hang out with you"

"Yeah, I tried it for the first time and it was fresh.But it's time to go home. "

Beware of the spirit, even though I was exploring with Risa, who was unusually heavy in footsteps under unfamiliar maple leadership, a considerable amount of time had passed and it was dark outside.Maple holds a bag to see if it's forgotten.

Yeah, see you later.

"See you later! Ah, yes... what time do I call you today?

"What? Ah..."

I heard that Maple would not be able to sleep properly tonight and called Risa.There has always been the same thing as when we were in the sixth tier, and this time it would be no exception to see the reaction during the game.

Risa felt that Maple didn't want to say anything, and she was embarrassed, but she couldn't say she didn't want it.

"From about ten o'clock...."


After saying goodbye to Risa, who answered to squeeze it out, Maple returns.The remaining Risa fell down on her desk and broke her hair with both hands.

"Embarrassing... ahh, stupid"

I regret doing it many times, but I still feel like I can do it somehow before I start, and I feel like I'm surrounded by a sense of omnipotence, so I feel bad.

"I won't do it again, I won't!

Risa told herself to look at the package of horror games and admonish her.

A few days after Maple and Risa played horror games.Event monsters were already close to reaching their cumulative goal of crusading back long periods of events.

"Oh, you're faster than I thought."

"I see. The materials weren't that hard to gather, so it's about time."

"In the end, I'm going to achieve my goals without much participation."

The three of Chrome, Iz, and Canade will be able to confirm the number of crusades, while leaving the rest to a large-scale Alliance that is somewhat active, hopefully accomplishing it over time if they are defeated little by little.

"Well, I guess I'll just have a look at the other guilds as usual."

"Oh, scout?

"As long as they're listening to [Rapidfire], it seems interesting.I'd like to take a look. "

"Those two are strong, too.If you have information, you won't survive the interpersonal battle. "

"That's what it is. I'll call you if anything happens."

"Yeah, just let me know whenever you need me."

"Yeah, well, I thought Sally was thinking about interpersonal fights before, but I couldn't get into the details, so it would be helpful if you asked me when you met her."

"Oh, okay."

I'll keep that in mind.

Kanade is also able to fight flexibly with Magic Books and Seo's [Pseudox], so although the level is not so high, it can be a key skill in battle.Canade relies heavily on the Divine Realm Library and its Magic Book, so if you are to fight seriously in seven layers, it is tough if you do not use the Magic Book.I want to share anything I need to make a decision about the magic books I want to keep.

When Canade leaves the Guild Home, she still goes to look for information about Lily and Wilbert today.A little after Canade left, Maple and Sally came to Alliance Home.

Oh, you just missed it.

I see. If I'd waited a little longer, I could have spoken directly. "

…… What are you talking about?

"No, because Canade said Sally was thinking a lot about interpersonal fights, so he asked me to listen to that."

"Sally, do you have any idea?

"That's the day I talked to Kanade... ahh!?

Suddenly, Sally hides her mouth, coughs up and cheats.

"So, are you okay?

"No, it's nothing.I was worried about something else and it was confusing.I'm sorry. "

"Ah... hmm"

Maple nodded to herself as if she had seen what was going on, but an eye contact from Sally said nothing and didn't talk about what she had noticed.

"Then it's fine.If it's not, it's like stepping in. "

"Yeah, I'm sorry.I'll tell Canade. "

"Yes, thank you."

Maple talks quietly to Sally as she sees Chrome and Iz talking back to each other.

"You were worried about horror games?

"No more!... you don't have to guess."

That's what Maple told Sally to hide her face and pull the muffler up to her mouth.

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