Itai no wa Iya nanode Bōgyo-Ryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu

Defense Specialization and Underwater Temple 3.

The waterfall kettle is deep vertically, and although you can't notice it when you look at it from the surface, you can certainly see something glowing when you dive into the water.

It's going straight down.


The Maple was unchanged and activated the Mercy of Sacrifice, so it was safe to do so.Withdrawing his hand, Sally swam to the bottom of the waterfall jug so that Maple wouldn't be delayed.

Not only were there no monsters, but the two of them safely dived deep enough to find a huge hole in four directions and a large pale glowing pearl scales about the same size as their height.

Was it glowing?

"Probably in a positional way. I haven't heard anything like that, and I may not have found it yet."

Bottom of a waterfall in the middle of an underwater temple.The pattern of being bounced off and still alive like the maples is basic. To reach here safely, you need to unlock the gimmick and jump into the waterfall pot at the time when the passage is opened in front of you.

Not many players have been able to come here, so it is undeniable that there are still places to be found.

This isn't a normal route, is it?

It's true. It's an underwater temple, but the dungeon doesn't need a wetsuit.

Let's take a look inside!

"Yeah, while you're breathing."I don't know what's going on. "

There is no difference in the large hole surrounding, so the two of them pick one for now and move on.

That was a big scales earlier, huh?

"There may be something quite big ahead."The back boss... it's not strange to wander around. "

The scales fell at the entrance, so it's not strange that something is swimming around in this large space, like a snail at the second event.

"Careful, but we have to go quickly!"

"Maple is fast approaching her limit."I'll be vigilant around you. "

Sally checks to see if something is swimming slightly ahead of her, and Maple unfolds only [Love for Himself] as before, and is as vigilant as she can be.

As it progressed for a while, I saw that there was something like an underwater temple, and the wreckage of a building that had already been shattered into rubble was rolling.

"Maybe this is the real underwater temple."

It's properly in the water!

Yeah. That sounds like it's been broken.

Rather than the building being naturally weathered and broken due to water erosion, etc., it was more correct to say that something large was destroyed as if it had been forced through a passage.

The surrounding walls seem to be hard, so I wonder if they're really strong?

I hope it's not as bad as Mai and Yui.

Someone who was still invisible was swimming through the underwater temple, and the seemingly unchanged passage where the wreckage was rolling continued from right to left.

”Hmm... I wonder which way to go is the right one”

"I think it's quite spacious and there's something that will be a landmark... as expected!"

A little ahead, Sally stops swimming and calls out to Maple.Then, there was a white scarf that glowed pale like the one at the entrance.

"Oh! Then it looks like it will fit!"

"It means we're passing through here." Let's keep looking. "

Yeah! It looks like no monsters are coming out.

As Maple said, I didn't see any fish monsters, not to mention golems like the ones I saw earlier.

The glowing scales are easy to understand, only the rubble is rolling in the dimmed water, and there is nothing moving, even a little creepy.

"If I can concentrate on exploring, I won't go beyond that... but there's nothing special about this."

The only special thing was the scales.If it's as long as the two of you and it's glowing in this dim light, you can't miss it.

What's going on at the bottom of the maple?

Not at all! I haven't even dropped the submersible material.

"For now, we'll have to move on... if anything happens, it'll change the atmosphere of the passage."Let's watch out for oxygen. "


I don't know if there will be a place on the water after this.And if there are no distractions along the way, it's no wonder that what awaits you the most is so powerful.

One of Maple's winning patterns, the Enduring War, is also difficult in this environment, so we need to hurry as much as possible, as Sally says.

"I'll check the details."I think we've gone a long way, and I think we'll notice something uncomfortable. "

Rock Sally!

There may be a hidden entrance in a place you didn't expect to see when you came in here.

While paying attention to such things, the two of them headed towards something that would be deepest.

Not only is there a special regularity, but when you are suddenly following the scales left in the form of sticking them to the wall or the ground, the dim water gradually becomes darker, and the outlook becomes worse.

The two of them had been wearing headlights for some time, and as I said, the search for detail was centered on Sally.

Ah! There's another scales!

"Even after dark, it's easy to see."I don't see anything, but I'm more concerned than usual that there might be something. "

Even though Maple was a little ahead, she had already caught up and checked if there were any special hints on the scales, as usual, and suddenly felt a sway like she was dragging something on the ground.

"... you're a little shaken up?"

Yeah, it's not my imagination.

Something moved down there.The destination didn't seem to be far away.

"It's getting hard to see around you, so be careful."If that's the case, it's okay to unlock Dedicated Charity .

"All right! Sally, if anything happens to you, call me anytime!"

Of course, I'll rely on you.

The two of them stepped up their vigilance on the enemy signals and understood that the tunnel-like passage had ended and they had entered a wide space, although the surrounding area was difficult to see.

”Wow... it's dark.”

"... but there's something there."


Maple looked down as Sally watched.In response, Maple could see that a large black shadow moved with the sound of the ground in the dark bottom of the water.

Now, the bottom of the water starts to glow pale in front of the two stood still, and the light gradually floats up what was a shadow.

It started to glow on the same scale that was on the road.That said, it's not something that has fallen off, and the mass of light moves slowly from the bottom of the water.

Covered in a pale, glowing scales, it was a giant mixed fish and dragon, tens of meters long.The arms and legs are small and degenerated, close to the fins, and many things that appear on the tentacles and beard are stretched and wobbly.While the glowing body illuminated the darkness, it lifted up its body as it rolled up the sand at the bottom of the water.


"I don't know what you're doing, be careful!"

When the two of them are in combat, the boss rises with the current.Seeing a speed that didn't resemble that giant, Sally kicked the water and accelerated at once.

Super Acceleration !

Huh, [Cover Move]!

Even though it would be avoided if it were forced to follow the accelerated Sulley, the flow caused by the boss moving would be pushed aside.

With the boss and the two positions inverted, I saw the big tail fins move and turn back toward the two.

"Faster than I thought!" Maple, can you avoid it? "

"It might be difficult to do like this..."

It's impossible to swim around and avoid the speed of the maple.You can't keep dodging without Sully next to you all the time.

"I'll try it once!"Until now, a lunge wasn't a piercing attack. "

"... oops. Let's split up."First, Maple attracts me, and in the meantime, I move around and attack. "


If the charge was a Piercing Attack, the roles of the two were reversed.Seeing them charge in again, Sully is sure to get into the blind spot, avoiding getting caught away from the maple.


Maple sees the boss rushing straight ahead with a big shield.But this is not the same as underwater or on the ground.

"Whoa, whoa!?"

Malicious Food gnawed at his head and did a lot of damage, but the lunge didn't stop there and blew out the maple that was in the water without support.

Maple strikes the bottom of the water, and sand and smoke dance at the point of impact.

For now, we have to do what we have to do!

Sally was worried about what happened to Maple, but if [Guardian of Tenacity] was still there, she wouldn't be killed.If so, we should use the gap that Maple made for us.Sally stood two daggers with her blue gear, swimming along the boss's long back and slashing at her momentum.This gear does more damage with every hit, no matter how small the stats drop.

If it's this big, it won't work!

The boss tried to spin his body and shake off Sally, but he couldn't get a good shot at Sally swimming around him at a proper distance.

[All Armored Deployment]! [Attack Start]!

In response to such a boss, a bullet and a laser fly from the ground blowing sand smoke.

"Sally! It's okay!"

The prodigious defense flashed back without any difficulty, and Maple's voice could be heard mingling with the shots.

"Yeah! I'm relieved!"... so I can concentrate on the attack. "

Attacking with the body is a normal party opponent. Because of the huge body, it is difficult to avoid, and you can attack the whole body at once. You can expect quite devastating damage, but there is nothing you can do to take it from the front.

Sulley can evade the charge.Maple can take the charge.

Rush, tail slaying, constant movement and attack, all of which do not cause damage.I couldn't defeat these two with my regular offensive and patterned moves.

The stats set so high didn't reach Maple, they didn't hit Sulley, so it didn't make sense.

The giant that sleeps in the water is cut off by Girijiri and HP without causing damage commensurate with the sense of intimidation.

Oozing Chaos !

The Summoned Nitride clashes from the front, scraping out its HP and stopping its rush.

I'll shoot you more and more!

While Maple keeps firing, Sally attacks again with a chance.However, the boss doesn't have to fight back, and if he swings away, it goes up all at once at a speed that even Sulley can't keep up with.

"Huh? He's gone."

No, I didn't just run away!

The rising boss turns his face upside down and brings a stretch of his beard to the front of his face.

At a distance that the two of them could not get close, the light wrapped around their tail fins disappeared and melted into the dim water.

As a result, the light that disappeared does not disappear somewhere, but gathered at the tip of the beard and grew larger.

If you give me this far, I can tell what will happen to Maple if I see something similar.

"They're shooting at me!?"

"They're shooting! Get ready!"

[Heavy Body]! [Pierce Guard]!

Activate a skill to bring a large shield to the front.When I took my defensive stance, a pillar of light came down from above.

"It's okay! Stay back!"

Yeah, I'll take care of it!

The light surrounds the two of them, where Sully is hiding behind them.For a moment, I couldn't see anything.It was swallowed by the shield of the Maple, but before it could swallow everything, the light bounced and spread in all directions.


Maple, who suddenly followed the destination of the diffused light with her eyes, saw that the light was sucked out by the black scales that were stuck in the ground and the wall.

"I kind of... don't like it"

Sally's intuition was correct, and although the rays from the main body had stopped, a large number of scales became the launching device and the reflecting device, and the thin rays began to bounce around.


"Yes, it would be helpful if it stayed that way."I'll try to avoid it. "

After confirming the [Dedicated Love], the amount of light that was bouncing around finally became such that the two of them could not ignore it.

The boss remains a black scales that have lost light, and will not shoot that laser again while the energy is not accumulating.

"Just keep an eye out for the rush!"It's going to fly! "

Oops, I'm going to go around attacking!

Maple took a position where she could be struck even if she rushed from the front with her back against the wall, and stabilized herself so that she would not be moved within the range of [Love for Yourself].This makes it easier for Sulley to attack as a safety zone.I can take this position because it's a non-damaging maple.

Sulley levitated at once, closing the distance with the boss, but naturally the rays bouncing from the scales attacked from all directions.

"It's going to be a practice." This much... we have to avoid it! "

Since it was underwater, it must be different from what it was on the ground, but it didn't seem to matter to Sally anymore, so she used the rapid braking and acceleration to sew the gap and approach the boss.

Evading a barrage of attacks is a must for Sally.This is to fight against an opponent that is not compatible with nature. If you can't do that, you won't be able to rise to the ground.

Triple Slash !

Slash through the dim water, slashing and damaging effects.

The boss who lost the light melted into the darkness, and although it was difficult to measure the distance, Sally kept moving accurately in centimeters.

"I need to make more room...!"

While avoiding the rays from the surroundings, Sally was still hoping to improve as she passed by the boss trying to blow herself away.

However, it didn't matter what Sulley thought or whether the boss was going to hit him.

Even if there is still room for improvement, even if it is not perfect, it is all about not being able to touch Sally at all at the moment.

"Maple! I'm going!"

Leave it to me! Invite me to the bottom of the water !

Maple's left arm changes into a tentacle as it swells up from the underwater suit and overflows with darker black than dim water.

If there is no damage without a shield, then we must wait and devour everything with that arm.

Grasp the head of the boss as he gently opens the five tentacles.Depending on the characteristics of swallowing the touched object, regardless of the force, the tentacle sinks into the boss's head without resistance and sprays five large damage effects.

"Whoa!? I can't stop!"

The boss pushes his body to crush the maple close to the wall as the maple hits his head and the rush continues unstoppably.

This shattered the deployed weaponry, but the Maple will crush it and activate its skill if it can make another attack that is closer to us.

Predator ! Oozing Chaos !

When three monsters devour their bodies and inflict damage along with their tentacles, the bosses with a large amount of HP are drifting away.

"I can't do poison... [Cannon Deployment]!"

Poison cannot be used in the water because it indiscriminately involves everything but yourself.When Maple unfolds several barrages from her back, it blows fires at once, chasing the escaping boss.

"Sally! I went!"

It's okay!

Maple says we can't target Sally, but we already know we can't.While attacking Maple, a large amount of rays could not catch Sally.

Whether it's Sulley or Maple, there is no clear time limit to the duration of their Block Proficiency.Player skill, passive skill, if it doesn't hit, if it doesn't work, the relationship won't change no matter how long it takes.

[Cyclone Cutter] [Quintuple Slash]!

Attacks that are derived from a basic skill that is neither special nor superior.Still, they certainly reduce the Boss's HP.If you're dealing damage unilaterally, you don't have to do anything more.

Besides, Sally could use the help of Maple for just a second if she wanted to.

Quick Change ! Gun Body Deployment !

A yellow polygon converged on Sulley's back, and when several guns appeared, Maple burst into flames in the same way.

[False Inversion]

Attacks released from close range penetrate through the boss and penetrate the other side, mingling with damage effects and turning into yellow light along with the weapon on the back.

"If you can't keep shooting, you won't be able to show off your strengths...... Maple, I've asked you to do the rest!"


Seeing a lot of rays approaching, Sally turned her weapon into a big shield and stepped away from the boss while protecting her body.

Then an explosion occurs at the bottom of the water, swapping with Sally, and the maple is emitted like a bullet as the rain of light jumps.

Maple snaps to the boss's face and shoots a laser closer to the boss than Sulley.

Oh no!

When the red light pierced the boss, the boss's body glowed strongly at the end, illuminating the area, and the giant body was scattered with light as it fell.

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