As the month passed, Maple and Sally enjoyed the eight layers as they tested their newly acquired skills and gear.

We need to get Izzy to build a bomb so she can use Ancient Weapon anytime!

"I wonder if you can make an effect that doesn't make an explosion sound or if the effect is small?"Look, it's stronger to hide and prepare, right? "

"If you explode a lot, you'll be noticed."Oh, why don't you put the gun in the back?Mr. Izz, I was making cannons. "

If you stand in front of an auto-fired gun, you'll just have to shoot it and the gauge will build up.

"What if I don't care about the picture?"No, it's terrible at the moment of the bomb.... "

While talking like that, the two of them were leisurely on the water swaying in a small boat.I could say that I gathered the skills I wanted to use, and I did enough exploring in the eight layers.

It won't be that easy to find, as we'll be completely clueless from here.That's why instead of forcing yourself to explore, you should rest when you can.

Oh, by the way, I hear you have information on the next update today.

"Oh, is that so!?"

Yeah, I think it's about time.

When the topic was discussed, a notification sound was sounded indicating that a message had just arrived, and the management conveyed information about the next update.

Um, next time it's nine layers! It's early!

"It's been quite a while since you strengthened your wetsuit."There are some places we haven't been able to explore yet, but it's the same as before..... "

It would also be a good idea to look around again and go back to the other layers.The [Poisonous Dragon] and [Bad Food] I acquired in the beginning were still active, so there was probably something I could use if I went back to the previous layer.

Just relax and explore at the time you want to go.

"And one more thing." It's also a little bit about the events after the nine-layer implementation. "

"Um, a massive interpersonal war divided into two factions...?"

I still don't know the details, but isn't it useful to have new skills?

And Sally!

Yeah, I'm practicing to make you fool me.

To use Sally's new skills more effectively, you need to anticipate the situation and think about the movement beforehand.It's a difficult skill to activate.

"The dungeon that connects to the nine layers is around here too, so why don't you go take a closer look?"It's not connected to the update, so we'll have to deal with it later. "

Yeah! I wonder what it's like around here!

I don't know if it's just a place to dive and get there, just like the place I've been hijacking.If it takes longer to dive, Izzy might need to prepare some items.

In some cases, the distance is close, so you don't have to switch to jet skis to continue your leisurely journey.When he saw his destination, Maple nodded again and again, wondering if it was here.

In front of my eyes was a long, thick tower that stretched as far as the bottom of the water.The tip jumped from the surface of the water, and there are traces of repeated expansions so as to escape the water when checking underwater.Of course, the further down you go, the more worn out you are, and you can see that the erosion is severe.

I wonder if I'm going to get out of here?

That's right. We can't get in the way of the Rock, so we have to get in from the top.

Although the tower itself is run-down, there are no windows or large holes, so it will be difficult to shortcut it and get inside.

If we all go together, we'll be fine!

I don't think there are many people who can beat the eight of us.

We're all strong!

In fact, it would be difficult to find monsters that could beat the Maples.It is difficult to imagine that there is no way to weaken even if there is one.Otherwise, you can say that you can't defeat such a thing.

"I wonder if the strategy is another day?"

"What's wrong, Sally? Ah!"

When the two looked up at the sky, there were two great shadows.One is a white shining dragon in the sunlight.The other was a phoenix with flaming wings, just like the sun.

Me! Mr. Payne!

"Maple. Coincidence, isn't it?I read a lot of messages and came to inspect it, right? "

That's right! Me too?

"Well, that's it." I just wanted to use it on this side, so I thought it was just right. "

"Isn't Payne too?"Did you check the dungeon after all? "

"Oh, I didn't have time to spend in the water yet."This dungeon is conquered by everyone, and I think I can see a little bit of the strength of the players who crossed it if I keep an eye on the corners. ”

Rumors are spreading. The story of how you conquered at that time will be one of the topics soon after you enter the nine layers.If you have a good grasp of the dungeon, you may be able to predict your skills based on rumors.

The situation will change dramatically if we are prepared that there may be something completely unknown.

Is it for interpersonal warfare?

“Of course. It means we split up, but if we become enemies, we want to be a part of the Revenge.”

Since the fourth event, there has been no frontal bump in the fight.Maple and Sulley had grown much stronger since then.But that would be the same thing as payne.

"Yes, I'll do my best!"

"Let's do our best whether it's an enemy or an ally."If we're going to fight on top of that, we're going to win this time. "

"So are we." I was badly hit at the time, but I'll declare that it won't work the same way. "

"I... can't lose either!" We'll do our best! "

When Maple gave it back, Me and Paine laughed a little like that.

"Then I'll go." I'm looking forward to my next event. ”

Well then, Maple, when I see you on the battlefield, I'll do my best.

That said, Paine was in the dungeon, and Mi disappeared to the end of the field.

I see, maybe we'll fight again.

"It's strong. I saw it at the eighth event, and it was clearly up."

It's been a long time since we last faced each other as enemies.My level was higher than it was then, and of course I had more skills.It would make a big difference that we also have Tame Monsters.In particular, the two Tame Monsters are quite powerful.

It won't work the same way as before.

"We need to think about the operation again."Maple's skills had also increased.If you use all of them well, you can turn the situation around. "

“Let's think together!”

Oh, think about it? Okay, the best thing to do is to actually use Maple, and Maple is the easiest place to do it.

As the game continued, Maple gradually learned how to get used to the movement and how to take action that would lead to better results.And that makes room for Maple to think.

"Even in the [Lost Legacy] dungeon, Maple's plan worked... let me hear a lot about it."That's good, and that's what I wanted to talk about. ”

Ahahah, that just so happens to be it.

The part where I was lucky enough to be perfectly aligned with a laser that didn't know exactly when to fire the [Ark] when I used my first skill.

I saw that Sally was Hidden and was avoiding attack, so I thought I might be able to do this.

“If I practice, I'll be able to match it up, not by chance, I'm sure.”

I see? Shall I try?

"... it would be helpful if I could." Easy to incorporate into strategy "

Ehehe, I'll give it a try!

"Yeah, I think so."

Seeing Maple declare herself positively, Sally replies with a small nod of joy.

Then, as you get on the boat in front of the tower and talk a bit, there are other players coming in besides Paine and Me.When it comes to the dungeons that you need to conquer in order to move forward, it's not strange that some players come to see you.In fact, both of them are here for that.

Will it get in the way?

“I think it's okay, but it might not be a good time to talk about things.”

I'm having an important operation meeting in a place like this, and I'm telling you to listen.

I was about to move, and I noticed another familiar shadow approaching me on the boat.

Ah, I'm really here!

"That would be true. Will can't be mistaken."

The top players were [Thunder Storm] and [Rapid Fire].It appears that Wilbert's ability of some kind has seen us from a distance far beyond their sight.

"I'm sorry." I was just around the corner from the story. ”

"I'm going to go to an interpersonal fight!" Interpersonal battles! "

"I see. I wonder if I've waited for you?"

When Sally heard that, Velvet nodded loudly.

I see! My allies are fine, but I want to be an enemy this time!

Maple and Sally rolled their eyes in a straightforward manner.

"... that's how I feel this time."

I didn't know why, but if Hinata had said that, it would be.

"The event is only held for that period of time!"I'll be your enemy when I have the chance to fight! "

You can use systems such as dueling to play interpersonal games anywhere, but the tension in a one-off event and the fun of winning is completely different.Maple, anyway, Sally understood the difference clearly.

Enemy, then. We need to think about countermeasures.

If we had a choice in our faction's decision, we would definitely be on the other side.If you don't want to be an ally, you'll need a firmer countermeasure than Paine and Mee, who have yet to decide where to go.

"It's nice to be left alone."Yeah, we haven't decided where we're going yet. "

Apparently, Lily and the others hadn't finalized the situation yet.

"... I think that's normal.I don't need to declare it as velvet..... "

Hinata nibbles on the velvet flank when the guild members tell her that she's talking too much.

"But we're not going to lose so easily, no matter who we're dealing with."

Wilbert also looked confident.They have the strength to prove their self-confidence.

"I don't think so."If you become an enemy, I'll give you my best wishes. "

It's been a serious interpersonal fight for a long time.I understand that everyone is growing, and we will explore each other more than we have time from the implementation of the nine layers to the event.

Well then, let's fight!

"Yes! This time, unlike the previous duel, Hinata will be with you!"I won't lose! "

The synergy between the two of you makes it even stronger.That's something that the Maples are familiar with.Sally won the duel, but I know that's not all.

"It's just for now."Until then, I'll have to raise my bow's arm. "

We don't know who's going to be the enemy or our allies from the event announcement.All you can do is improve your abilities and get information from around you.

"Are the velvets going to come in here after this?"

That's right! I'm going in with you two!

"If you can see a battle up close, there's no reason to say no."

From Hinata's complicated face, I know that Velvet doesn't have the will to seek information, but it's normal, and it doesn't seem to stop.

"Are you two coming too?"You're very welcome! "

Maple, what do we do?

Maple responds after she thinks for a moment about what to do.

”Hmm, I'm thinking of going with all the guilds... so I'm sorry this time.”

Alright! Then I'll play if I get the chance!

Yeah! Thank you!

I waved away the four of them who were disappearing into the dungeon, just like Paine, and then I rowed out of the board to leave again.

Everyone felt like they were going to the next event.

It's interesting to fight and explore monsters after all, but there's also a demand for fighting people.

Sally's good at it, too.

"... yes, I'm good at it and I think I like it."

As Velvet said, only an event can fight with a big difference between winning and losing.It is also compelling to have players who are motivated.

Explore again in nine layers, and it's an event!


"Sally? What's wrong?"

"Nh, oh, I was just... thinking about strategy.That said, if you don't know the details of the battle format, you can't help it.

I just found out there's still a massive interpersonal event.Like the Fourth Event, it could be a battle royale as well as a spoiler of items placed around it.

Depending on the content, the optimal method of fighting will also greatly change.

"There's nothing I can do about it right now, so let's start by going to the nine layers."It doesn't necessarily mean that the Maple will be stronger again before the event. "

The addition of a new layer means that the number of events and dungeons will increase all at once.If so, it may also be strengthened in a different dimension.Of course, it's unlikely.But even so, the monsters created as a result of the coincidence and the discovery are already here.That's why I can't say that Sally doesn't have it.

Alright, I'll do my best!

“Yeah, I'll make sure I can use my skills, too.”

Sulley has a certain deadline in Sulley, so you need to get used to the fight with the new unique series.It wasn't the monsters they were dealing with, it was the top players.Right now, I was only using my ability to copy Maple's skills and change the shape of my weapon in [False Flip].You must be able to use all your skills to the full.

Well then, let's go back.

"Yeah! I was surprised to see so many people come."

The purpose of this time is not to conquer, but to confirm the atmosphere, spaciousness and position of the dungeon from the exterior, Sally rows the boat again.

Unlike jet skis, maples take out fishing rods and hang threads on their lazy journeys.

”Fufufu, can you catch it until we get back to town?”

When, I can catch just one!

There hasn't been a single change in fishing since the game began, so the time it takes to catch them hasn't been any shorter.

When one catches, Sally sneaks a little slower and rows a boat into town.

It's a relaxing time, but Sally has something to think about.

"... when I have the opportunity, I guess"

I repeat the words of the velvet.The words were not released to anyone, but were sucked into the sky and disappeared by the sound of water made by the rowing oars themselves.

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