Having been helped by Alliance members, Maple has steadily gathered the missing items, leaving time for the event to get everything they were asking for.

Receive the last item from Sulley, and Maple places the item in the designated frame in the inventory.

"I hope this is the end..."

It's about time we didn't have time to spare anymore.

Battles with the Big Boss can be futile because of Mei and Yui, but if you collect items like this one, the next battle will be against time.

Maple-san, what do you think?

"Has anything... changed?"

"Wait, this is the last time!"

When Maple sets the last item, she displays the Quest Completion and displays the next Quest.

Mmm, it looks like it's still there.

Really? Hmm, looks like it's quite voluminous.

“What is it about?”

"Um... it feels like I'm heading to my destination!"

When the time comes, will it finally be over? Nh, it smells like a boss fight..... "

As Sally says, it's a common pattern that something is waiting for us before we get there. Of course, there were many cases where it was the boss.

"Are we going to be able to keep up?" I wish I was the only Maple in the world right now..... "

If you can't use your skills, you'll have to attack with items. Once that happens, if you have a little more defense or even a little healing, that's it.

How's Maple?

"Looks like it's okay to hang out with everyone!" I'll show you the map now! "

When Maple saw the map, she saw the route she needed to take.

"Hmm? What is this?"

"Well, I don't know what to say..."

It's so far away!

The map that Maple showed me had red dots all over it, and they were connected by lines. It can be seen that it is necessary to move the field a considerable distance between the point and the point. However, it seems that there are several routes, and there seems to be a difference in the time taken to select a route, from those that pass through all points to those that only pass through a few.

It seemed that it was slightly different from the movement that Chrome and Sally had expected before the boss.

“But if we can keep up, no matter what, we won't change.”

That's right.

The Seven are going to hang out until the end. I'm sure it would be much more efficient if we all worked together rather than letting Maple go alone.

If we're all free after this, why don't we just keep going?

Well, let's just get this over with.

Will you all help me a little bit?

Everyone nods when Maple asks. If so, the eight of them moved to the field, saying that they would leave soon.

"Haku, please."

As usual, Haku takes a longitudinal walk through the field, and Sully looks at the map and approaches the intended location.

Is it okay around here?

Yeah. Kasumi, stop it.

The eight people who came down from Haku do not have to look around, but pay attention to the characteristic terrain in front of them.

Is this it?

"It's a big hole..."

"I can't see the bottom. If we move along the cliffside, we'll be able to get down."

There was a large hole in front of me that was quite deep. When I conquered the longitudinal hole before, I was able to beat it in an instant with the power of Maple's Mercy for Myself as she unfolded and jumped, but I couldn't do the same this time.

"Kanade, maybe you have something?"

"I have it. There are a few ways... how do you want to get down?"

“In the safest way for everyone!”

"If Maple says so, I'll have what I found."

Maple nodded as she heard what Canadians offered the Seven as a way to get down without taking any damage.

Then you'll be fine!

"It's a maple criterion..."

"But it's also true that it's safe..."

Everyone seemed to be ready and hardened to stand in the abyss of the hole. The terrain of the [Maple Tree] had a difference in height and height.

C 'mon!

I threw myself into the air in response to the sound of Maple. The body, which accelerates rapidly due to gravity, falls straight down to the ground, shaking the flames and wind emitted from an unknown person on the wall.

[Guardian Barrier]!

In line with Kanade's declaration of skill, a light was emitted that covered the bodies of eight people, and immediately landed on the ground from their feet.

Then he made a noise and the light disappeared, taking all the damage he was supposed to take and nullifying it.

"Oh, it's a luxury."

I have a few damage nullities, and I usually don't use them because I have a maple.

Even in a dangerous situation for one person, Kanade thought it would be good to try again after death without using the magic book, but this hand's magic book has plenty of room. There is no problem even if only one book is used.

"I just don't think there was a boss here..."

That's right. I know you have some good picking points.

Sully and Izz are not mistaken, and the presence of ore near the wall shouldn't be the only thing the boss is waiting for.

"Let's all look for it!" Maybe there's something there! "

"Well, let Maple know if anything happens." Like when you get the [Remaining Light of Salvation] in eight layers, it may only be sensed by the Maple in the quest, so Maple should look for it more carefully. "

Got it!

Since it's a tricky place to come, while collecting materials, the eight of them look around the bottom of the wide hole. Just a little while later, Maple finds something and calls everyone.

Isn't this it?

A small black whirlpool is painted on the wall that Maple points to, spinning slowly.

“Nothing happens?”

I'll touch it.

Maple gently reaches out and touches the vortex, as nothing changes as she watches. Then, the black vortex grew in an instant and spread across the wall. In addition, the vortex-shaped object filled the gap and turned into a shimmering black wall.

"It feels like a gate..."

That's right.

When Maple puts her hand in front of the wall, it starts to emit black light as if it's activated, but you don't know if there's anything further ahead without taking a step.

Well then, let's get ready to do whatever it takes before we step in.

Yeah! Let's get some items ready!

It's better to be prepared and it's useless than to lose because you didn't prepare.

Maple touches the wall as she prepares to destroy any monster.

Then the black light overflowed and enveloped the eight people. At the same time, each of them feels the omens of metastasis that vanishes from their feet.

It's coming after all!

Prepare for battle!


After a while, all of the vision was blacked out, and the eight of them moved into a dark space. As the eight people stood, the torches installed on the walls on both sides were set on fire, and the room was lit up.

At the deepest point were the giants with three faces in six arms. Everyone had a weapon in their hand, and they were going to attack. At a glance, I was under the impression that it was attacked by numbers and attack power.

"Six arms... but..."

Sally looks behind her. This is two people with eight arms. Now that I have a buff on my items, I don't have to lose any of my Attack Rating.

"I'll protect you and take you there!" It would be great if you could get as much attention as you can! ”

Chrome stands in front of Mai and Yui, and Kasumi and Sally jump out at once. The enemy has six arms, and the fewer they aim at Mei and Yui, the better their chances of winning.


Blood Blade !

Each ranged attack strikes the boss with a pre-emptive attack, and in response, the boss swings down the weapon in his hand with his huge leash.

When the two of them leaned over the wall and prevented Mai and Yui from attacking, they used their speed to dodge the weapons that had been swung down and took on the attack.


Chrome takes the attack from the rest of his arm and advances steadily. No damage was done except by Kasumi and Sally, so the aim gradually shifted to the other two. Of course, [Maple Tree] was waiting for it.

"Now! Run!"


While Chrome stood on her shield, Kanade ran Mei and Yui as she prepared her defensive magic.

As long as you can get close, you can't stand up to anything as long as it's a boss made to have HP and be able to destroy.

A total of four arms are drawn to Sally and Kasumi, and the remaining two intercept Mai and Yui as they jump in.

"If it's this much...!"

It's okay!

Together with the weapon being swung down, the two of them put up their hammer and hit each other at the right time.

Giant's Business !

The Str surpasses everything. It bounces back at the opponent's attacks, far beyond their size, and bounces back to the boss the damage they were supposed to take.

Close the distance further to the frightened gap, where the two swing all the hammers, including the six floating hammers.

Come on, onee-chan!


Weapon Throw !

Along with a declaration of skill, the two equipped weapons glowed at the same time, spinning toward the boss and flying at high speed.

A skill that throws a weapon that is equipped. Of course, Mai and Yu, with eight such weapons, are projected away from their hands.

It's a skill that has the major disadvantage of throwing out a weapon on its own instead of being able to attack from a distance, but it's not the same for two people.

With the dull sound of gushing, the boss's body was staggered one by one by a giant hammer, causing the boss's body to stagger with incredible damage.

It didn't matter if I threw all my weapons away. I just need to make sure we can take their lives with that single blow.

Among the last three hammers, I poked them into the face of the boss facing the front. I scratched my head and smashed the back wall. The black flame enveloped my whole body and collapsed. Finally, it became a light and disappeared.

"You don't have to go underfoot..."

If you have a spare weapon, I'll have it ready for you.

If Iz is around, you won't have to worry about it after you throw it.

The unused weapons in Izz's inventory may also be in sight.

"Wow! I had that kind of skill!"

Yes! I learned it when I defeated monsters with Fly Strike and Throw !

"I can't throw one or make any adjustments..."

Having eight weapons in the first place is a special skill in itself, not a skill based on that situation, so no matter how many weapons you have, it won't change your disadvantage. Rather, the damage increases, the range of attack increases, and the chance of the opponent surviving drops, so it's better to just be thrown.

Especially for two people, destroying it like this will clear the gap.

"I don't think it's a skill that looks so strong..."

"Anyway, this will give us more scope for strategy."

Kasumi and Sally were attacking the arm in front of them, and when they suddenly looked at it, they could say that the sixteen hammers were crushed into the boss, which was quite a shocking attack.

If I and Yui are around, it won't take long to go around all of them

"If you have time for everyone, why don't you take the longest route?" The quest itself is quite long, so it would be more refreshing if you didn't do anything anyway. "

“We're fine!”

"Yes, I can still fight...!"

If everyone's okay!

It would normally be pretty tough if the boss fight continued, but [Maple Tree] would be fine.

If I decided to do that, my next destination would be immediately, and I would go out in the magic circle that appeared.

"... Maple?"

"What's the matter, Sally?"

"Nh, it looks like the black stain on my face has spread a little..."

Really? I don't see it, so I don't know.

"No, it's probably because of my imagination." There may have been a change in the quest, there may be a time limit, and sometimes you can show me. ”


Thus, both of them followed after the six of them and went back out.

What started with that was what we could rightly call a ravage. From the special terrain like the hole, to the dungeon, I stepped into a place that could be called a monster's nest and knocked down everything that was moving in it.

If you don't take special measures, you can't stop Mai and Yui from attacking by extrajudicial force. But it's hard for one of the bosses on the field.

Defeat everything you can, pass all the points on the map, and continue your journey with Huck to the last point you reach through any route.

"Even so, it has spread a lot..."

The black stain spread on Maple's face also spread to her back, shoulders, thighs, etc. Since no status abnormality or status change has occurred to confirm the status, it is unclear whether this is a good or even a bad thing.

Maple, have you changed so far?

"Yeah! Looks like nothing but appearance."

"I'm sure it spreads every time I defeat the boss... but it seems like it's getting worse."

“I don't have any clues, and I don't think we can make a decision.”

Because it passed through the most indicated points, the result would be either the best or the worst.

No matter what, we can't turn back now, so we have no choice but to complete this quest. However, there was nothing wrong with a monster that didn't have the ability to nullify all of Mai's and Yu's attacks, so I didn't think [Maple Tree] was that heavy.

"If it's on the map, it's time to get there..."

"In the middle of the flatland?" Do you have anything? "

I guess I'll just have to go down and look for it.

If it's the same as before, there should be a black whirlpool mark somewhere that reacts to the maple. Kasumi once put Haku back in the ring and looked around to see if everyone had any marks.

It's hard to find something that hides well because it's flat. As I continued to explore carefully, I was able to find a mark that floated on the ground.

"Oh, there it is, Maple!" Over here, over here! "

Maple rushes over to hear Sally's call. You'll then be able to complete quests and switch to new quests.

”It's like I'm fighting my boss inside... but... mmm”

How's your skill?

"Looks like it's still not working."

"When the quest is over again, boss... is it finally the last time?"

I'll do my best!

"I'll... defeat any boss!"

Mai and Yui, who supported the Maple Tree 's fast advance, were once again enthusiastic. Even if the monsters were stronger than this, they wouldn't be able to withstand many shots.

"Well, I guess I'll have to go alone."

"Whoa? I don't think we can go."

”It says solo only... does it fit, Sally?”

Sally also checks out Maple's quest, which says it's solo only, as Maple said.

I'll ask you again, but haven't your skills returned?

Yeah. Passive? I can only use my skills.

Abilities that are effective without declaring remain active, so there is no change in Defense, but only that. Having been stripped of almost all of its means of attack, the Maple arrived and walked with nothing to do along the way. Therefore, although all [bad food] remained, it was quite doubtful that I could defeat it alone.

"In that case, I'll have to defeat it with an item....."

"I don't know what the boss is like. There is no other way to prepare more widely."

The eight of you work together wisely and devise a strategy to increase your chances of winning a little, and then receive a large number of items from Izz that may be useful. There's nothing else I can do but believe in Maple.

"I think it's going to be such a long battle... the result will be another day!"

When you defeat the boss with an item, you can expect an anomalous protracted battle in which Maple used to say something about her defenses and cut her into tunnels.

Meanwhile, Maple decides to be prepared to touch the whirlpool alone, as it's bad enough to have her wait here.

I'm looking forward to a good report!

"I'm praying I can win."

Good luck, Mr. Maple!

I don't care if you use the items sparingly.

"Fufu, come back with some interesting skills."

"Maple! Good luck... come and win"

Maple nodded loudly after being cheered by seven people and disappeared into the darkness.

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