It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 213: Did you keep up?

Chu Heng laughed.

What do you mean if you have a drink, please?

What's the matter, you have gold bars mixed in your dishes!

Is it true that a meal of wine can give the operation a leadership position?

No wonder Liu old man is still an ordinary worker at such an old age, his consciousness is very low.

Naturally, Chu Heng couldn't admit it. It was all a py transaction, so how could he put it on the bright side, so he pretended to be listening to the Arabian Nights, and said to Liu Guangtian angrily, "Are you also Do you look down on your brother and me? That's the deputy section chief, how good can I be to get such an official?"

"That's it, I told my dad that when I went back." Liu Guangtian didn't doubt it, he picked up the front door on the table with a smile and stuck a stick in his mouth, and left in a daze.

"This old man is really successful. He is so old. He can wait for retirement. What are you messing about?" Chu Heng smiled for a while, shook his head and went to the kitchen bucket to take out a bottle of Arctic Ocean soda, and drank it. While reading the idle book, he was at ease and at ease.

After a while, Ni Yinghong, who had had enough of playing with the child, finally came back. She waited on the man to wash her feet, then closed the doors and windows and drew the curtains. The two wiped each other's bodies, and hugged each other and climbed into bed.

That night, the girl learned how to live a long life.

the next day.

The shattered bangs became unhappy, especially when he saw the high-spirited Xu Damao, his heart was even more uncomfortable, as if he had been stabbed hundreds of times.

I think he worked hard and worked hard for most of his life as a worker, but in the end he was no better than a second-rate! What's the point of this?

Is Director Li blind?

Instead of promoting him, a steadfast and hardworking old worker, he gave that kind of thing a promotion instead!

"God has no eyes!"

Liu Haizhong came out of the house with a sigh, rode his beloved bicycle, and hurried to the rolling mill. He met many acquaintances on the road, and he didn't bother to say hello when he was in a bad mood.

In a short time, he left the street of Dazayuan and came to the T-junction that he must pass through every day.

Just as he was about to turn, a group of young men in army green shirts and cuffs wrapped around their arms suddenly ran in front of him.

Liu Haizhong was startled, he quickly squeezed the brakes, and stopped honestly, preparing to wait for them to pass by before leaving.

He looked at a group of people who were swaggering across the city in front of him, and inadvertently saw a few neighbors in the large courtyard among the crowd.

There are a few brothers and sisters of the Yan family, as well as the second child of the Zhao family. In the end, he even saw the second and third child of his own family.

After thinking about it, he shouted: "Guangtian, come here!"

When Liu Guangtian asked someone to call him, he looked back and saw that he was summoned by his own father, so he had no choice but to run over and hurriedly asked, "Dad, what's the matter? I'm in a hurry, please tell me quickly."

"What are you doing here?" the old man asked curiously.

"There is a person in the front alley who did business in the early years. We are going to invite him to drink tea and ask about the business history." Liu Guangtian pointed to an alley not far away, and when he saw that someone had passed by, he immediately became anxious: "Dad, I I won't tell you any more, our director is still waiting for a reply."

"Oh, go, let's go." Liu Haizhong said quickly.

"Then I'm leaving Dad."

Liu Guangtian ran away as soon as he said that.

If this work is done well, maybe he will be appreciated by their director. Do you think he can be in a hurry?

Liu Haizhong squinted his small eyes and looked at his son who ran far away, thinking in his heart.

He suddenly remembered what he said when he held a meeting in the courtyard. He has to keep up with the format. Did he really keep up?

The old man got back on his bike with a lot of thought and continued to drive towards the unit.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the workshop.

Instead of working as usual, Liu Haizhong ran to the locker room, smoking cigarettes one by one, pondering and brewing.

At the same time, the second-generation head of the Sanliang Store, Director Chu, who is called Da Daheng by the Jianghu people, was riding a swearing bicycle to the Grain Management Office.

"Damn it, there are meetings and meetings, you know that there are meetings every day, but you don't know what to do next?"

Today is still a sunny day, and the sun is already warm in the early morning.

He really didn't want to be bored in that shabby conference room like a sauna, but he couldn't do anything about it, he could only bear it.

Not long after, Chu Heng arrived at the Grain Management Office.

There are not many people coming, only a dozen people sparsely gather at the door of the conference room to smoke and fart.

Chu Heng locked the car and walked over to chat with some acquaintances before running to the office building to get some tea and water to prepare.

After Chu Jianshe was promoted, the former deputy director Bai Yuan took over his position, and he was also a regular customer of the patient circle.

, and Chu Heng are old acquaintances.

Therefore, he was not polite. He slipped out of the office door, and the first sentence after knocking on the door was to complain.

"I said Baisuo, can we stop for two days? Just after the meeting yesterday, Du Te Niang almost dehydrated me, can you let me slow down?"

"Are you the only one who knows about the heat?" Bai Yuan was also helpless, he threw a cigarette over with a wry smile: "Last night, last night, the meeting was held in the bureau overnight, shouldn't I hurry up and convey the spirit of the meeting?"

"Are those people at the top idle? New instructions come every three days or so, and I can't understand it!" Chu Heng and his hands were not idle.

He dug out the large enamel jug he had prepared earlier from his bag, poured some tea leaves on Bai Yuan's table, and then filled a jug full of boiling water, and set it aside to drink during the meeting.

The two chatted for a while, and when it was almost nine o'clock, they took the conference room together.

At this time, the temperature outside was already very high. Although the doors and windows of the conference room were open, it was still hot like a big stuffy pot.

As soon as Chu Heng entered the room, he felt that the pores on his body opened up, and a layer of fine sweat dripped out.

This is not kidney failure!

Just hot, pure hot!

He grinned and tugged at the collar, looked around, reached a position by the window, hurried over, sat down happily, then held the tea in one hand and the sweat towel in the other, waiting for the meeting.

After sitting for a while, several leaders of the institute have arrived, and a long meeting slowly kicked off.

Chu Heng sat upright and listened to the content of the very wanton meeting, but he was thinking about his own house.

Aunt Sun told him this morning that she helped him find out about a small courtyard, and the owner said that if he only gave him 100 yuan, he would be willing to change residences with him.

Cheap is cheap, but the yard is not a serious courtyard, or an ordinary three-room bungalow with a yard, and the house is still a bit broken.

He is very entangled now, hesitating whether to change to live here first, and then replace it with a new one when there is a better one in the future.

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