It's a showdown. I'm really a Title Douluo

Chapter 1267 I am the class teacher of the zero class (seeking subscription)

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This sentence is out, Wei Xiaofeng retired two steps, exclaimed "Xu Xiaosheng ... scam !!"

Although other zero students did not express such praise, they all showed a surprise color ...

Zhang Yangzi is so proudly "The staff just did not say that the teacher's consciousness could not return to the body? What is this?"

Wang Jin Xiao's mood before, "Cool and quiet, Xu teacher can wake up is a good thing !!"

Xu Xiaoyu is a wipes of the eyes, and the excitement is too good! I thought that Xu teacher really wants to be trapped in the virtual space. "

I even greenely swallowed, and I took the head "Hey, I was touched for a long time, I thought it was really an accident."

The ancient moon and Tang Dance did not say anything, but the hearts are relieved ...

Dragon Hengxu smashed the eyes, seeing that he saw it is not an illusion, looking for the staff to see the staff, puzzled "this ... What is this?"

The staff looks at the data displayed above the instrument, and the shock is shocked. "This is not ... it doesn't make sense, according to the above instrument, this teacher should not be out of the virtual space!"

What is the sacred teacher of this East China Sea Academy?

Not only can I connect to the virtual space in the Lingtai, but I can even think of it!

If you don't witness, you can't believe that there is such a strange thing!

After returning the god, I shook my head and went down, "Forget it, Xu Xu woke up, it is, I have trouble!

The staff smiled, "no ... no trouble"

For this teacher's awake, he didn't do anything, so he heard the words of Dragon Heng Xu, could not help but have a sense ...

Dragon Hengxu also didn't say much. When I walked to Xu's side, I was carefully got a closer, I'm concerned about Teacher, you are fine, you can worry about me. "

Somasing is not a hurry standing from the instrument, laughing, "Dragon Director, are you worried about the condemnation of the dean?"

Long Hengxu listened to this, the face suddenly black, hard scored "Hey, half half, I still care about our college teacher!"

After ignoring him, Xu Xiang looked at the zero class in front of him, in their eyes, faintly said, "You are in the performance of the Lingling Taiwan, tell the truth, I am very disappointed!"

Zhang Yangzi is "loss ... disappointment? Xu Xu, we have done the millennium-cultivated crystal bear"

Thank you, it's not bad. "Yes, how do you say that you can't disappoint this place? You are too strict!"

Tang Dan is also not to understand "Well! I think this time the cooperation is very good, Xu teacher is disappointed?"

The ancient month is also frowning "Xu teacher, use the word disappointment, is it too much"

This time, the Tour of the Lingtai, although each other's cooperation is not imagined, but it can also be a bit!

Who knows that after they sounded, Xu's ink scorpion becomes serious, and it is extremely serious to swept the cheek of each of them ...

Then, only the cold channel "is good? I taught you the actual experience, is it used? If you only have this level, you are so stupid!"

This is not that he does it, but it is really disappointed!

Because those special intentions spend a lot of time to teach, it is completely not seen from the battle!

Just as if everything you do is a waste of time, there is no meaning!

I heard this ice, the staff directly looked straight, secretly said ... this is the teacher of the Donghai Academy? "

He also looked at the battle. He couldn't help but wanted to praise the tacit cooperation between these students. You can get a cooperation of this teacher, and even feel anger!

I heard the words of Xu Xiang, there is no mix of mixed jokes, the smile on the face of the zero class is also gradually resolved ...

The mind began to recall the knowledge learned in the class ...

Then, silently buried the head, and the eyes are full of thickness ...

Indeed, if you use Xu teacher taught the actual experience, in the confrontation of the crystal bear, there will be no crises at all!

Dragon Hengxu felt this heart-hearted atmosphere, and smiled "" Xu teacher, you are not angry, they are only one year, you can do this level is very good! "

Suddenly angry, even he was scared ...

After all, in his impression, Xu Yan is a gentleness, a kind look, never sent such a big temper!

The color of the cold face gradually faded and restored the appearance of the week ...

Sirm whispers, I don't want to say more here, I've returned to the college. "

Seeing this scene, the induced atmosphere has eased a lot ...

Especially the students of the zero class, Qiqi gasped, I only felt it again ...



After a group of people returned to the East Sea Academy, the dance long-lost dance in the zero classroom, the ice blue scorpion came to each student's face, and the bottom is not free to rise.

So, the Dragon Hengxu asked the "Director of the Dragon, what happened to the class students?"

Dragon Heng Xiang sighed "Nothing, it may be that the performance in the Lingling Taiwan is too bad, making the teacher angry!"

When the dance is long, the eyes are filled with the color, the heart is secretly traveled. "The guy will be angry?"

At that time, it is a smile, a guy full of affinity, will it be angry?

He really can't imagine what is like!

After the eyes of Long Hengxu went to the rumor, the slight cough had two times "cough ..."

Dance long air is coming back from thinking, looking at the sudden appearance of the sudden appearance ...

I saw a little smile, open the mouth "Dance teacher, see that you have so hard this time, the course in these days will be dedicated to you."

I heard this sentence, the dance of the dance is suddenly black ...

I didn't expect him to be a day!

The face is a bit of a few people, "Xu teacher, you are only afraid of some no rules?"

Xu Yan did not be angry, the opening of the opening "Dance teacher, don't forget that I am the class teacher of the zero, so ... Thank you!"

After the finish, I took a long shoulder when I took a long shot, and I walked into the zero classroom ...

The dance is empty, and the teeth are jealous, angered "Xu Yan ..."

However, Long Hengxu, who is next to the arm, together "cough ... Dance teacher, I also think that you are tired during this time, it is better to take a break!"

The dance is empty, just after the smashing of Long Hengxi, there is no nostalgic turn to leave ...



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