It's a showdown. I'm really a Title Douluo

Chapter 323 Eighth-level Soul Instructor! (For subscription)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu by searching "I'm really a titled Douluo Novel (" in Baidu!He Caitou shook his head, and then asked with concern, "Qianyu, you have been imprisoned on Sea God Island for three years, you have forgotten all the basic knowledge about Soul Guidance Device, right?"

Qianyu said coldly, "No, most of them still remember"

Perhaps because of those broken memories, I have achieved an unforgettable ability...

He Caitou didn't feel impatient when he heard Qianyu's cold words!

After all, everyone knows that the evil spirit will affect the soul master himself, so it is a good result that Qianyu can maintain his sense!

He Caitou tried to ask, "Then Qianyu, would you try carving a soul guide core array?"

After speaking, he took out a metal block from his storage bag and put it on the table, along with carving knives and other tools...

Qianyu pressed her thin lips and did not refuse, "Yeah!"

Then I sat down slowly...

He once carved out the core formation of Level 3 Soul Guidance Device, but specifically it should be Level 1...

Seeing Caitou, I slowly sat down beside Qianyu, making no noise as much as possible...

Qianyu recalled the steps of carving in his mind, and then reached out and picked up the carving knife...

Slowly injecting divine power into it, I saw that the carving knife seemed to be sublimated, and the knife body emitted a golden light...

You can clearly feel that this carving knife has become sharper with the naked eye!

Immediately afterwards, Qianyu picked up the metal block in his left hand...

He slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his ink-colored pupils were already extremely focused...

Afterwards, the fingers holding the carving knives moved quickly like a phantom, and each knife made a crisp carving sound, which made He Caitou next to him feel an appreciation of art...

As Qianyu gets deeper and deeper, the fingers are like afterimages that cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye...

He Caitou next to him swallowed, and he was shocked, "Okay... so amazing! I am afraid that even the teacher can't reach this kind of carving speed! The most important thing is that there is no error in the carving process!"

Qianyu's soul guide talent is absolutely unique!Plus the sublimation mentioned by the teacher before!

Perhaps his existence can really peak the entire Soul Guidance Realm!

Fortunately, Qianyu is in Shrek Academy. If it is taken away by those evil spirit masters, I am afraid that it may destroy any country!

Fan Yu next to him had reached Qianyu's side at some point, and his eyes widened, "This...this is!"

Seeing ecstatically, He Caitou frowned when he saw Fanyu wanting to disturb him for a while, "Hush... Teacher, keep your voice down!"

Fanyu also suppressed the doubts in his heart, quietly watching Qianyu's visual feast...

After a long while, with the last handsome stroke of Qianyu, the carving was successfully completed...

He casually dropped the core formation of this level of soul guide on the table...

Fan Yu, who was next to him, held it in his hand as if he was a treasure, and observed it carefully, and then laughed loudly, "Extreme product!! It is such a superior product! The ultimate product without any flaws!!!"

There was no single mistake in the entire carving process, and it can be a model for the first-level soul masters across the continent!

Qianyu's ink-colored pupils flashed with surprise, "Fan Yu?"

He hadn't noticed how long Fan Yu had come before!

He Caitou said in astonishment, "Teacher, you just said the best, could it be said that this first-level core formation carved by Qianyu..."

Fanyu nodded, "Yes, it's the best! I dare to pack a ticket, even a ninth-level soul master can't carve so perfect!"

He handed the first-level core formation to Qianyu again, "Qianyu, can you use your soul power to sublimate it? I want to see how strong you are now?"

After Qianyu took over, he didn't say much, urging the golden divine power to rush into this core formation...

After a full ten seconds, the aura of the entire first-level core formation has completely changed!

That is a strong breath of terror!!

He Caitou beside him couldn't help but choked, "Ok... so terrifying, the aura is stronger than all the core formations I have ever seen!" Literature under the pen

Fan Yu took it with a trembling arm, and said in a shivering tone, "Eight...Eighth-level Soul Guidance Device Core Formation! is it possible!"

Qianyu can actually upgrade the first-level soul guide formation to the eighth-level soul guide core formation!!!

Know that there are not many eighth-level soul teachers in the entire continent!

He Fanyu is one of them!

And the core formation of Qianyu, which has been sublimated, turned out to be a complete continuation of the top quality!

What does this mean?

On behalf of Qianyu in the future, you only need to carve the first-class core formation, and then use spirit power for sublimation, you can create an eighth-level soul guide in the shortest time!!

Even if his carving ability has not reached the strength of an eighth-level soul master, as long as he can create an eighth-level core formation, no matter what the reason is, he is already a pseudo eighth-level soul master!

Hearing Fanyu's words, Qianyu raised his eyebrows, "The eighth-level soul guide core formation? Then I am now an eighth-level soul teacher?"

Although his method is different from others, he should barely be regarded as an eighth-level soul teacher, right?

He Caitou patted his chest and gasped, "Old... teacher, so Qianyu... is he really an eighth-level soul teacher?"

It was too scary. Qianyu instantly became an eighth-level soul teacher, who was at the same level as his own teacher!

Fanyu didn't answer, but shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Fortunately, I didn't accept Qianyu as a disciple. I don't have the qualification to accept it!"

He stared at Qianyu Dao, "Qianyu, you can now be said to be a pseudo-eighth-level soul teacher, but unfortunately, your soul power level must be at least the soul sage..."

As soon as Fanyu's words fell, seven golden spirit rings rose up under Qianyu's feet, and a terrifying might spread out...

"Soul.... Soul Sage powerhouse!!"

He Caitou feels that today is his most thrilling day...

Fanyu finally couldn't control his excitement, and shouted, "Hahaha...hahahahahaha!!!! Eighth-level soul instructor! Hahahahaha, our Shrek Academy has another eighth-level soul instructor!! "

Qianyu's mouth twitched a few times...

Eighth-level soul master, is this exciting?

The soul masters who were doing their own things next to them were all attracted by Fanyu's wild laugh...

One by one hurriedly asked, "Eighth-level Soul Master? Dean Fan, tell us who he is?"

"President Fan, when did our Soul Guidance Device Department add another eighth-level Soul Instructor?"

"President Fan, tell us!"

"It's this student, Qianyu! A new eighth-level soul instructor!" Fan Yu pointed to Qianyu Road.

"Soul...Soul Saint?? So young!"

"President Fan has always been very serious about the Soul Guidance Device. I didn't expect to recognize a student under twenty years old as an eighth-level Soul Instructor!!"

"Qianyu!!! Qianyu!!!"

"It seems that our mainland's Soul Guidance System finally has a young leader!! The Sun-Moon Empire group must be stunned!"

Fanyu said loudly "Stop!"

The scene quieted down...

Then he took a deep breath and took out a silver-shining eighth-level soul teacher medal from his storage soul guide!

After looking at all the soul masters, then staring at Qianyu with a serious face, "Today, a student from the Shrek Academy Outer Academy, Qianyu, has reached the eighth level under the witness of my Fanyu, the eighth-level soul master! The standards of the soul master! Now, on behalf of the soul master, I have awarded the Qianyu eighth level soul master badge!"

It is very strict on the mainland to award the Soul Master Medal!And there needs to be enough testimony of the soul teacher!

The head of Hecai next to him stared enviously at the eighth-level soul instructor medal in Fanyu's hand...

This was his lifelong dream, and he did not expect Qianyu to have achieved it!

Afterwards, Fanyu personally put on this silver-shining eighth-level soul instructor badge for Qianyu...

Qianyu, the eighth-level soul teacher!

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